1.Study on Effects of Fertilizer on Onion Output by "3414" Design in Gaoqiao Area;高桥地区圆葱“3414”肥效试验研究
2.Studies on the Biological Characteristics and High Production Cultivation Techniques of Onion;圆葱生物学特性及高产栽培技术
2)onion ring洋葱圆环
3)Onion oligosaccharides圆葱寡糖
1.Studies on Regulation of Metabolic Function by Added Onion oligosaccharides to the Feed of Broiler;添加圆葱寡糖对肉鸡代谢功能调控的研究
4)Meatballs with scallion香葱肉圆
5)imperial dome葱头形圆顶
1.HPLC analysis of avermectin residue levels in shallot;高效液相色谱法检测葱中阿维菌素的残留量
2.Control Effects of Shallot on Root-knot Nematode of Pepper Seedling;葱对辣椒根结线虫病的防治效果
3.The trace elements in garlic,onion and shallot sold in the area of Shaoxing were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry.采用火焰原子吸收光谱法对绍兴地区市售葱属类植物——大蒜、洋葱、葱中9种微量元素进行了测定分析。

1.purple blotch of onion(头干腐病) 紫斑病
2.Green and luxuriant are the pines and cypresses.苍松翠柏郁郁
3.No, they aren't onions.不,它们不是洋
4.RP-HPLC simultaneous determination of isoeleutherin,eleutherin and eleutherol in Eleutherine americana Merr.et HeyneRP-HPLC法同时测定红中异红乙素、红乙素、红甲素含量
5.The mountain slopes are clothed with rich and varied vegetation .山坡上草木茂盛,郁郁
6.A blooming tree absorbs the sun's rays.郁郁的树木沐浴着阳光。
7.New Zealand has a very beautiful natural landscape with green hills and mountains.该国山清水秀,风景如画,群山郁郁
8.the old oak tree is covered with green leaves.老橡树布满了郁郁的树叶。
9.European leek cultivated and used like leeks.欧洲一种,常象冬一样栽培和应用。
10.young onion before the bulb has enlarged.球茎增大前的嫩洋
11.The hills are covered with verdure.山上覆盖着茏的草木。
12.The region is be spread with lush vegetation该地区遍地草木翠。
13.European onion with white flowers.欧洲的一种,花白色。
14.How about onions or mustard ?要加洋或芥末吗?
15.soybean paste and sliced leek.豆酱和片一起吃的。
16.When you plant onions,你如果种的是洋
17.Chicken Noodle, Tomato and Onion.鸡汤面、蕃茄和洋
18.How much are the onions?@ he asked the sales clerk.“洋多少钱?”他问售货员。

onion ring洋葱圆环
3)Onion oligosaccharides圆葱寡糖
1.Studies on Regulation of Metabolic Function by Added Onion oligosaccharides to the Feed of Broiler;添加圆葱寡糖对肉鸡代谢功能调控的研究
4)Meatballs with scallion香葱肉圆
5)imperial dome葱头形圆顶
1.HPLC analysis of avermectin residue levels in shallot;高效液相色谱法检测葱中阿维菌素的残留量
2.Control Effects of Shallot on Root-knot Nematode of Pepper Seedling;葱对辣椒根结线虫病的防治效果
3.The trace elements in garlic,onion and shallot sold in the area of Shaoxing were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry.采用火焰原子吸收光谱法对绍兴地区市售葱属类植物——大蒜、洋葱、葱中9种微量元素进行了测定分析。

爽口圆葱原料:黄皮圆葱[注]500克 大青红辣椒各50克 香菜梗20克 精盐、白糖、白醋、味精、香油、花椒油、芥末油各适量制法:1黄皮圆葱撕去外皮,切去两头后洗净,再从中间切开,顺纹切成0.3厘米宽的条;大青红椒去蒂去籽洗净,切成相同大小的条;香菜梗切成节。2盆中放入白糖、白醋、精盐、味精、香油、花椒油、芥末油调匀成味汁,再放入圆葱条、青红辣椒条和香菜梗拌匀,装入盘中即成。特点:酸甜爽脆,芥末味浓。[注]黄皮圆葱为洋葱的一个品种,辣味较小。