1.Study on the Physiological Effects of Jasmonates on Crops;茉莉酸类物质对农作物的生理效应研究
2.Effects of Two Kinds of Jasmonates on Two-line Hybrid Rice Seed Production2种茉莉酸类物质对杂交水稻两系不育系的调花效果

1.Effect of Jasmonic Acid and Methyl Jasmonate on the Plant Development and Resistance茉莉酸类物质对植物生长发育及抗性的影响
2.Effects of Two Kinds of Jasmonates on Two-line Hybrid Rice Seed Production2种茉莉酸类物质对杂交水稻两系不育系的调花效果
3.Progress of Jasmonates and Its Signal Transduction Pathway茉莉酸类化合物及其信号通路研究进展
4.Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on the Hydrolase and the Degradation of Storage Reserve in Deembryonated Rice Seed;茉莉酸甲酯对去胚水稻种子水解酶活性和贮藏物质降解的影响
5.Study on Determination of Jasmonic Acid in Plants by Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定植物茉莉酸含量的研究
6.Study on the Synthesis and Biological Activity of Methyl Jasmonate and Its Derivatives;茉莉酸甲酯及其衍生物的合成和生物活性研究
7.Induced Plant Resistance to Insects by Jasmonic Acid and Its Application in Tobacco茉莉酸诱导植物抗虫性及其在烟草上的应用
8.Effects of jasmonic acid and hydrogen peroxide on production of phenolic compounds in a melanin-deficient mutant of Phaeoporus obliquus茉莉酸和双氧水对斜生褐孔菌一株黑色素缺失突变体产生酚类化合物的影响(英文)
9.Effects of 5 kinds of exogenous substances on cuttage rooting of Taiwanese cultivar of Arabian Jasmine5种外源物质对台湾种茉莉扦插生根的效应
10.Interactions between Jasmonates and Ethylene in the Regulation of Root Hair Development in Arabidopsis;茉莉酸类和乙烯在拟南芥根毛发育过程中的相互作用
11.Induction Effect of Jasmonates on Floret Opening in Oryza sativa L., Sorghum bicolar(L.) Moench and Dactylis glomerata L.;茉莉酸类对稻、高梁和果园草颖花开放的诱导效应
12.Effects of low temperature, packaging and methyl jasmonate on storability and quality of Chinese flowering cabbage低温、包装和茉莉酸甲酯处理对菜心贮藏及品质的影响
13.Screen of nicotine-associated protein induced by JA simulated flue-cured tobacco topping茉莉酸处理烤烟打顶诱导烟碱合成调控相关蛋白质的筛选
14.Cloning and Studies of Jasmonate Biosynthetic Pathway Key Genes from Medicinal Plants;药用植物茉莉酸合成途径关键酶基因的克隆与研究
15.Molecular Regulation Progresses of Jasmonic Acid on Plant Flower Organs Development and Leaves Senescence茉莉酸对植物花器官发育和叶片衰老的分子调控研究进展
16.Effects of Jasmonic Acid Treatment on Resistance to Rhizomania in Sugarbeet茉莉酸处理对甜菜抗丛根病性的作用
17.Effects of application of methyl jasmonate on storability of harvested Brassica chinensis var.Tsai-tai茉莉酸甲酯处理对菜心耐贮性的影响
18.Effects of Methyl Jasmonate on Cold Resistance of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Seedlings茉莉酸甲酯对水稻幼苗抗冷性的影响

1.QSPR studies on the physicochemical properties of jasmonates and related derivatives;茉莉酸类化合物的QSPR研究
2.The jasmonates is a new plant hormone,acted as a key factor in the plant growth and development ,when applied exogenously,can induce the chemical defense in the plants.茉莉酸类化合物(Jasmonates,JAs)是一种新型的植物激素,外源应用能够诱导植物的化学防御,具有高活性的抗病诱导作用。
1.Response of Endogenous Salicylic Acid and Jasmonates to Mechanical Injury in Pea Leaves;豌豆叶片内源水杨酸和茉莉酸类物质对机械伤害的响应
2.To understand the possible influence of jasmonates on pollen germination,the effects of dihydrojasmonic acid(DHJA) and methyl jasmonate(MeJA) on sponge gourd and rape pollen germination were investigated.为进一步探查茉莉酸类植物激素对花粉萌发的影响,研究二氢茉莉酸(DHJA)和茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)对丝瓜和油菜花粉萌发的效应。
3.A study on the relationship between jasmonates and rice fertility was conducted in photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterility(PSGMS) rice N5088S.以光敏核不育水稻N5088S为试验材料,研究了茉莉酸类与水稻育性的关系。
4)Jasmonates (JAs)茉莉酸类(JAs)
5)jasmonic acid茉莉酸
1.Effects of Exogenous Jasmonic Acid on Concentrations of Direct Defense Chemicals and Expression of Related Genes in Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) Corn (Zea mays);外源茉莉酸处理对Bt玉米直接防御物质含量及其相关基因表达的影响
2.Effect of jasmonic acid on induced resistance of rice seedlings to Magnaporthe grisea;茉莉酸诱导水稻幼苗对稻瘟病抗性作用研究
3.A preliminary study on the resistance of wheat to insect pests and diseases,induced by jasmonic acid;茉莉酸诱导小麦抗病虫性初步研究
1.Relationship between Nitric Oxide and JA Accumulation in Maize Seedling under NaCl Stress;NaCl胁迫下玉米幼苗中一氧化氮与茉莉酸积累的关系
2.Relationship between Lipoxygenase and ABA and JA in Wounded Signal Transduction of Heathy Populus Seedlings;脂氧合酶、脱落酸与茉莉酸在合作杨损伤信号传递中的相互关系
3.Relationship Between LOX Activity and SA and JA Accumulations in Tobacco Leave Under Water Stress;水分胁迫下离体烟叶中脂氧合酶活性、水杨酸与茉莉酸积累的关系

茉莉  木犀科(Oleaceae)茉莉花属常绿蔓性或直立灌木(见彩图)。花有香气,为芳香及观赏植物。枝条稍有棱,被短柔毛。叶椭圆形或广卵圆形,嫩绿色,密生黄色细毛。花白色,每花序常有花3朵,有单瓣、双瓣和多瓣型,以双瓣型为主。6~11月开花,着生在新梢上,夜间开放。染色体数2n=26,39。原产印度、斯里兰卡等国。宋代引入中国。现在广州、漳州、福州等地盛行露地栽培;南京、苏州和杭州等地多用盆栽,在温室内越冬。埃及、意大利、阿尔及利亚、法国、苏联、摩洛哥、西班牙等国以生产大花茉莉(J.grandiflorum)为主。      茉莉要求长日照和炎热、潮湿的气候条件,适栽于肥沃、微酸性的砂质壤土或轻粘土。一般在生长旺盛季节用扦插法繁殖,插条宜选用有2~4个节的当年生半木质化枝条。也可用压条法繁殖。盆栽茉莉在清明节后移出温室,立冬节时移入温室,出温室前必须换土。生长期间适当修剪可促使多生花朵。茉莉喜肥,盆栽培养土中应多加堆肥、厩肥,生长期间可追施尿素、硫酸铵、过磷酸钙等;叶片失绿时可施 0.3%硫酸亚铁。注意防治白绢病、大青虫及卷叶虫等病虫害。采花时间宜在下午,选采当天成熟、含苞欲放、开始转白的花蕾。采后将花朵放置洁净、阴凉通风处,制浸膏用的花朵应随采随运。每1000千克鲜花可得浸膏约25千克。      茉莉花含乙酸苄酯、α-芳樟醇、乙酸芳樟酯、苄醇和茉莉酮等成分。主要用花提取茉莉浸膏,调制茉莉香精,用于香皂、香水等化妆工业。茉莉鲜花可用以熏制花茶,也用于妇女装饰。中医学上以花入药,可治外感发热、腹痛、疮毒等症。