1.Occurrence and control measures of important pests in protective coast-forests in Rizhao;沿海防护林主要病虫害发生原因及防治对策
2.This paper studied planting soil, pests, fertilization rule and harvest of lily and discussed main cultivation techniques of edible lily in mountainous areas in the north of Guangdong.本研究运用田间调查、取样、样本在实验室观察、田间试验的方法,从百合的病虫害、种植百合的土壤、百合的施肥规律及百合的收获期等方面进行研究,探讨粤北山区食用百合关键栽培技术。

1.Affect on Natural Enemy Insect during Control Insect Pest in Forest天敌昆虫在林木病虫害防治中的作用
2.Infestation with echinococci.包虫病棘球绦虫感染
3.Infestation with or disease caused by a parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides.蛔虫病蛔虫寄生或由寄生蛔虫引起的疾病蛔虫
4.Study on Insecticidal Activity of Symbiotic Bacteria from Entomopathogenic Nematodes;昆虫病原线虫共生菌杀虫活性的研究
5.Infestation of the large intestine with whipworms of the genus Trichuris.鞭虫病由鞭虫属蠕虫引起的大肠感染疾病
6.The condition of being infested with cysticerci.囊虫病被囊尾幼虫传染的病
7.A disease or an infection caused by a trypanosome.锥体虫病由锥体虫引起的疾病或炎症
8.Survey on the Prevalence of Coccidiosis in Ostriches and Species Identification鸵鸟球虫病流行病学调查及虫种鉴定
9.Dengue, filariasis, leishmaniasis, onchocerciasis, and American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) are other diseases carried by insects.登革热病、丝虫病、黑热病、盘尾丝虫病及美洲锥虫病(查格斯病)也是由昆虫传播的疾病。
10.Schistosomiasis (or Bilharziasis):Group of chronic disorders caused by parasitic flatworms of the genus Schistosoma (Blood flukes).血吸虫病:由血吸虫属寄生的扁虫引起的慢性疾
11.Studies on insecticidal activity of metabolites of symbiotic bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes2株昆虫病原线虫共生菌发酵物杀虫活性研究
12.Research Progress of Toxic Protein from Entomopathogenic Nematodes Symbiotic Bacteria昆虫病原线虫共生菌杀虫蛋白的研究进展
13.Cysticercosis is a pig swallowed hook discharge of1,457 people infected with eggs, mistakenly intake hook tapeworm eggs have also occurred cysticercosis.猪囊虫病主要是猪吞食有钩绦虫病人排出的虫卵而感染,人误摄入有钩绦虫卵也发生囊虫病。
14.a morbid fear of small insects and mites and worms.对小虫子或蠕虫产生病态恐惧。
15.Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志
16.Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects.某些传染病只通过害虫和昆虫来传播。
17.Studies on Aphelenchida from Pine Wood Infested with Pine Wood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus;感染松材线虫病松树滑刃目线虫研究
18.Studies on the Bioactivity and Culture of Bacterial Symbiont of Entomopathogenic Nematodes;昆虫病原线虫共生菌培养与活性研究

disease and pest病虫害
1.The design of a system for prevention and cure of disease and pest of jujube tree based on IDSS;基于IDSS的枣树病虫害防治系统设计
2.The paper analyses the characteristics and some control problems of the disease and pest of city s ornamental plants and suggests the integrated control measures of disease and pest in urban landscape.本文分析了城市园林植物病虫害的发生特点和目前城市园林植物病虫害防治存在的问题 ,提出了城市园林植物病虫害的综合防治对
3.The paper puts forward main agricultural,physical and biological measures to reduce and control the occurrence and damage of disease and pest effectively on the basis of analyzing the occurrence and damage regulation of main disease and pest in sorghum and to provide organic sorghum materials with high yield,quality and safety for Maotai wine.通过观察和分析高粱主要病虫害的发生危害时期等规律,提出了用农业、物理、生物等主要防治措施和对策,有效地减轻和防止高粱病虫害的发生和危害,对指导茅台酒用有机高粱生产达到高产、优质、高效、低耗、安全的目的有着十分重要的作用。
1.Advance in Immunodiagnostic Technology of Toxoplasmosis;弓形虫病免疫学诊断方法研究进展
2.Study Progress of Congenital Toxoplasmosis;先天性弓形虫病的研究进展
3.Epidemiological Investigation of Swine Toxoplasmosis in Fu Jian Province;福建省猪弓形虫病流行病学调查
4)plant diseases and insect pests病虫害
1.The garden designing and prevention of plant diseases and insect pests;浅谈城市园林绿化设计与病虫害预防的关系
2.A study on growth of artificial mangrove forest and plant diseases and insect pests;人工红树林的生长与病虫害防治的研究
3.Use perfect ecosystem to cure plant diseases and insect pests of paddyfield;用完善的生态系统防治稻田病虫
5)snail fever血吸虫病
1.Situation of snail fever infection in Guichi of Chizhou and its preventive methods;池州市贵池区血吸虫病流行状况及防治策略(研究报告)
2.Research on Demonstrating Experimental Technology of Raising Killing Snail to Prevent Japanese Snail Fever in Xichang;西昌市养殖灭螺防治日本血吸虫病试点示范技术研究
3.An Epidemic Study of Snail Fever in Animals of Xichang City;西昌市家畜血吸虫病流行病学调查
