1.Analysis of Industrial Structure Performance and the Trend of Change in Ulanchap;乌兰察布市产业结构效益及变动趋势分析
2.Along with the implement of developing western region greatly,the structure adjustment of Ulanchap just pushes forward progressively.随着西部大开发的实施,乌兰察布市结构调整正积极地推进。

1.A Study on the Ulanchap City Regional Agricuitural Sustainable Development;乌兰察布市区域农业可持续发展研究
2.Performance Analysis of Convering Cropland for Forest and Grassland in WuLanChaBu;乌兰察布市退耕还林工程的绩效分析
4.Forecast of Population Development and Urbanization Level--A Case Study in Ulanchap City;人口发展与城市化水平预测——以乌兰察布市为例
5.Studies on Wulanchabu City Potato Specialized Cooperative Economic Organizations;乌兰察布市马铃薯专业合作经济组织研究
6.A Study of Being Independent in Setting Questions in Chinese Discipline of Entrance Examination of Senior Middle Schools in Ulanqab City from 2001 to 2006;2001-2006年乌兰察布市中考语文自主命题研究
7.On the prospects of developing the highway transportation logistics service in Ulanqab City;乌兰察布市公路运输物流业的发展前景
8.Analysis of Industrial Structure Performance and the Trend of Change in Ulanchap;乌兰察布市产业结构效益及变动趋势分析
9.Study on the Buckwheat Cultivating Profit and Prospect in Wulanchabu City乌兰察布市荞麦种植业效益及前景研究
10.The Folklore Explanation of East Popular Inner Mongolia Song-and-dance Duet Spreading in the Wulanchabu City of Inner Mongolia内蒙古乌兰察布市东路二人台的民俗学阐释
11.Ecological Condition and Ecological Construction in JIning District of Ulanchapu City乌兰察布市集宁区生态状况及生态建设
12.Present situation of highway transportation industry in Ulanqab City and prospect for development乌兰察布市道路运输业发展现状及展望
13.The Comprehensive Estimation of Urbanization Level and Quantitative Research on the Development of Wulanchabu City;乌兰察布市城市化水平综合测度及经济发展的相关性定量研究
14.The Present Problems and Analysis in the Child Care Books--Hohhot, Wulanchabu city as an example;当前幼儿读物存在的问题及原因分析——以呼和浩特、乌兰察布市为例
15.Analysis on Nutrition State of Primary and High School Students in Jining District of Wulanbucha City in 2004;2004年乌兰察布市集宁区部分中小学生营养状况分析
16.Research on Professional Development for Wulanchabu Secondary EFL Teachers in the Context of New Curriculum Reform新课改背景下乌兰察布市中学英语教师专业发展调查研究
17.The Fuzzy comprehensive Evaluation of Tourism Resources of Ulanchap in Inner Monglia模糊综合评价法在内蒙古乌兰察布市旅游资源评价中的应用
18.Analysis of Forestation and Management Measures in Rainy Season in Spring in Mountainous Area in Xinghe County of Ulanchapu City乌兰察布市兴和县山区春季雨季造林与管理措施的浅析

1.Application of Time-of-use Power Price in High Energy Consumption User of Wulanchabu Area;分时电价在乌兰察布地区高载能用户中的应用研究
2.This article gives some statements on the state of ecology about Wulanchabu in the respect of weather temperature, rainfall.对乌兰察布的生态状况进行了分析,发现乌盟地区气温有逐渐升高的趋势,而降水则呈现下降趋势,由此导致了乌盟地区生态环境日趋干旱化,对乌盟的农业生产产生了很大的影响。
3)Ulanchap in Inner Monglia内蒙古乌兰察布市
4)Wulanchabu league乌兰察布盟
1.Analysis on water requirement of vegetations of woodland and meadow in the Wulanchabu league under ecological environment;水约束下乌兰察布盟林草植被的需水量分析
2.The natural environment in Wulanchabu League is getting worse with dry climate, less precipitation, strong wind, frequent sandstorm, serious soil erosion, wind erosion and desertization, low forest coverage.内蒙古乌兰察布盟自然条件恶劣 ,干旱少雨 ,风大沙多 ,水土流失和土壤风蚀沙化现象十分严重 ,森林覆盖率低。
3.The research chose Wulanchabu league, a typical region of agro-pasture zigzag, as studying area, summarized the water resource background and recent research on water requirement of ecological environment, analyzed the natural condition, problems during water resource’s exploitation and utilization, and the reason for environment’s continuous deterioration, th.水是人类赖以生存和发展的重要自然资源,也是自然生态环境重要的制约因素,本文选择我国北方农牧交错区的典型区域乌兰察布盟为研究区,总结了当地的水资源背景与生态环境需水量研究进展,详细分析了乌兰察布盟自然环境情况、水资源开发利用过程中存在的问题以及生态环境持续恶化的原因,分析结果表明该地区生态环境问题严重,水资源供需矛盾十分突出。
5)forestry in Wulanchabu League乌兰察布盟林业
6)the Wulanchabu Plateau乌兰察布高原
1.The paper deals with geographical distribution pattern of humus of the zonal soils on the Wulanchabu Plateau,the results show that:①extractable alkali-soluble humus,80-87% for black soil in the south of the plateau,about 20% for chesthut soil and brown calcic soil in the north;②HA/FA,the highest is also black soil,more than 2 on middle layer,1-1.本文研究了乌兰察布高原的地带性土壤府殖质的地理分布规律:(碱溶性腐殖质可提取的部分)以深厚黑色土为最高:80-87%;向北过渡至栗钙土、棕钙土明显降低在20%左右,HA/FA亦是以深厚黑色土最高:土层中部达2以上;栗钙土1-1。

乌兰察布高原乌兰察布为蒙古语,红色崖口之意。位于内蒙古高原中部,阴山以北,集二(集宁至二连浩特)铁路线以西,北至中蒙边境,西与巴彦淖尔一阿拉善高原相连。地势南高北低,从海拔1500米降至900米,多低山丘陵。高原南部是阴山北麓丘陵;丘陵以北是地势平缓的凹陷地带,是旱作农业比较集中的地方;凹陷带以北,又有一条横贯东西伪石质缓丘隆起带。因深居内陆。加之阴山阻挡,气候干旱少雨,风大沙多。现代河流稀 少,流程也短,多为时令河,汇集于邻近的湖盆洼地中, 其中较大的有希日穆仁河、艾不盖河、塔布河。植被类型 以荒漠草原为主,牧草生长低矮,以丛生小禾草为多。矿产资源丰富。