1.Three high efficiency aryloxyphenoxypropionic acids herbicides,fluazifop,cyhalofop-butyl and diclofop,were successfully enantioseparated by using CDMPC column as chiral stationary phase.在纤维素三(3,5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)(CDMPC)手性柱上成功分离了3种高效芳氧苯氧丙酸类除草剂——稳杀得、千金和禾草灵。
2.Cyhalofop-butyl is one of recently developed herbicide that gave excellent control of Leptochloa in direct-seeding rice.千金是近年在我国登记的适用于直播稻田防治禾本科杂草的新除草剂,为了确定环境条件温度对千金防除稗草效果的影响,进行了本项试验。

1.Good words are worth much and cost little.好话不花钱,一句值千金
2.Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.我祝贺你喜获千金
3.Mr. Wang has two daughters.王先生有两位千金小姐。
4."THAT'S got the hall-mark on it!""这话才是字字千金哪!
5.invaluaBle paintings千金难买的绘画作品
6.In study concentration is required for every character understood is worth a thousand pieces of gold.读书须用意,一字值千金
7.Hearty congratulations arrival of new daughter.喜得千金,谨此祝贺。
8.Trampling on the precious child of a ducal mansion."作践的,公府千金似下流."
9.This notorious incident is the origin of the Chinese idiom yi'xiao' zhi' qian' jin or qian' jin' mai' yi' xiao which means respectively "a smile is worth a thousand ounces of gold" and "paying one thousand ounces of gold for a smile."所谓“一笑值千金”、“千金买一笑”,即指此荒唐事。
10.RP-HPLC determination of three diterpenoids in seeds of Euphorbia lathyris L.RP-HPLC法测定千金子中3种千金二萜醇酯的含量
11.Every cut of ancient epigraph of this kind is precious.这种古代金石铭文,一刻千金
12.Johnny has views upon a rich man's daughter.强尼打算和一个富家千金结婚。
13.Let me congratulate you on your marriage/on the birth of your daughter.让我祝贺你新婚幸福/幸得千金
14.This is the longest-running and extremely popular series from the Four Little Golden Princesses.这是四千金最长和最受欢迎的专辑。
15.It seems that His Honor's daughter had been sweet and intelligent.听说府台大人的千金又可爱又聪明。
16.Emma was the youngest of the two daughters.爱玛是一对千金小姐中那个小的。
17.I want you to bet me the hand of your daughter in marriage.我要你以令千金嫁给我做赌注。
18.To understand the classics clearly, is a far Better achievement than the amassing of wealth积金千两,不如明解经书

Semen euphorbiae千金子
1.Studies on Cleansing Mechanism of Semen Euphorbiae;千金子净制去皮机理研究
2.Experimental Studies on Standardized Processing Condition of Semen Euphorbiae;千金子饮片炮制规范化实验研究
3.Objective:To determine the contents of the Semen Euphorbiae from different habitats.目的:对不同地区千金子药材中秦皮乙素的含量进行测定。
1.Absorption kinetics of Cepharanthine in the intestines of rats;千金藤素在大鼠肠道内的吸收动力学
2.The Preparation of Cepharanthine Dropping Pills by Orthogonal Design;正交设计研制千金藤素滴丸
3.Study on the Inhibitory Effect of Cepharanthine on Herpes Simplex Type-1 Virus(HSV-1) in Vitro;千金藤素抗单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(HSV-1)初探
1.Objective:To investigate the effect of Qianjin Fubao(QJFB)on behavior and estradiol level in femal chronic stress model rats.目的:探讨千金妇宝对慢性应激雌性大鼠行为学和血清雌二醇水平的影响。
1.The Effect of QJD and Auto-transplantation of MSC on MnCl2-induced Rat PD;千金丹及MSC自体移植对氯化锰致大鼠帕金森病模型的作用机制
6)Qian Jin bao yao千金宝要
1.GuoSi choosed some alchemy from Qian Jin Yao Fang and named it Qian Jin bao yao.为普及与传播《千金要方》的内容,郭思作《千金宝要》,并刻于巨石之上,其撰集特色为:临床各科均有涉及,但重点撰集了《备急千金要方》中各科的急症,重视妇人、小儿的健康护理,用药简、便、廉,目的是使老百姓遇急病、常见病,仓卒之下,翻检此书,便于施行。
