1.Influences of Rapid Volume Expansion of Gelofusine on Hemodynamics during Induction of General Anesthesia for the Shock Patient;佳乐施急性扩容对休克患者全麻诱导期血流动力学的影响
2.Determination and Analysis of Hemorheology Index before and after the Injection of Gelofusine to the Patients in Operation;手术患者输入佳乐施注射液前后血液流变学指标检测及其分析
3.Perioperative use of Gelofusine and Voluven in Patients with High-Level Spinal Cord Injury;佳乐施与万汶在高位脊髓损伤患者手术中的应用

1.Effects of Hemodynamics on Pre-enlarging Volume with Gelofusine in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section with CSEA佳乐施预扩容对腰硬联合麻醉下剖宫产患者血流动力学的影响
2.Effects of Hes or Gelofusine or Voluven Pretreatment on Differentiation of Human Helper T Cells in Vitro;体外研究贺斯、佳乐施、万汶对成人静脉血辅助性T淋巴细胞分化的影响
3.The advanced modern facility of Yu Yang Recreation City provides you greatest enjoy for leisure and amusement.渔阳康乐城现代化的设施,是休闲娱乐的最佳选择。
4.Strauss's orchestra, one of the finest in Europe, played not only his own music but Concert music, too.施特劳斯的乐队是欧洲最佳乐队之一,不但演奏他自己所作的曲子,也演奏音乐会乐曲。
5.Best Special Effects, Best Sound, Best Musical Score. etc.最佳特殊效果奖,最佳音效奖,最佳配乐奖,等等。
6.Best Entertainment Brand License Of The Year年度最佳娱乐授权奖
7.Comfortable rooms and best services from all the staff, fully equipped with bealth centre, beauty salon and all kinds of delicious food served by original JILIN cuisine.设施完备的康体娱乐、容美发及各式精致的佳肴,尽享正宗吉林本邦菜。
8.Furthermore, the question of how to get sustainable competitive advantage under the support of capability development cycle is analyzed taking Canon and Xerox as examples.最后以佳能和施乐两家公司为例对能力发展循环支撑下的企业持续竞争优势进行阐述。
9.High-yield crop clubs are effective in the transfer of MYR and BMP technology to small groups of innovative and dedicated farmers.作物高产俱乐部有效地把高产研究和最佳管理措施传播给具有革新奉献精神的农民小组。
10.Wishing you all the joys of New year and a year of happiness!祝佳节欢乐乐陶陶,新年幸福无边!
11.It won five 68-second Oscar awards for best picture, best director, best cinematography, best music, best make up .这部电影荣获第68届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳音乐、最佳化装五项大奖。
12.In Indonesia, gamelan orchestras play music on gongs, drums, and xylophones.印度尼西亚,佳美兰乐队用锣、和木琴演奏音乐。
13.Sumptuous food and patriotic music created an atmosphere of elegant conviviality.佳肴盛馔和爱国乐曲,使气氛十分优雅而欢乐。
14.The Value of Jia Xian Baiyun Guan Taoist Music in Modern Music陕北佳县白云观道教音乐的现代音乐价值
15.The big clubs siphon off all the best players.大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了.
16.At times Squeak would hover around my head, just looking at me for no apparent reason.“佳乐”时常在我头上盘旋,看着我。
17.Music (best for audio files and playlists)音乐(对音频文件和播放列表最佳)
18.Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。

1.Influences of Rapid Volume Expansion of Gelofusine on Hemodynamics during Induction of General Anesthesia for the Shock Patient;佳乐施急性扩容对休克患者全麻诱导期血流动力学的影响
2.Determination and Analysis of Hemorheology Index before and after the Injection of Gelofusine to the Patients in Operation;手术患者输入佳乐施注射液前后血液流变学指标检测及其分析
3.Perioperative use of Gelofusine and Voluven in Patients with High-Level Spinal Cord Injury;佳乐施与万汶在高位脊髓损伤患者手术中的应用
1.Picanol:new rapier weaving machine OptiMax;必佳乐:新型OptiMax剑杆织机
1.Repair progynova consociation vitamin B_6 at application that return to milk under medical treatment;补佳乐联合维生素B_6在回奶治疗中的应用
2.Clinical application of clomiphene citrate combined with progynova in intrauterine insemination(IUI);克罗米芬+补佳乐在IUI中的临床应用探讨
3.The effect of progynova and clomiphene citrate on endometrium;小剂量补佳乐在诱导排卵中对子宫内膜发育的影响
1.Fluid Therapeutical Effect of Gelofusine in Patients with Hemorrhagic Shock during Surgery;失血性休克手术中用佳乐斯行容量治疗的临床观察

施佳乐分子式:C12H13N3分子量:199.3CAS号:密度:1.15(20℃)熔点:96.3℃蒸气压:2.2E-3(25℃)毒性LD50(mg/kg):急性经口LD50:大鼠4159~5971,小鼠4665~5359,野鸭大于200。大鼠急性经皮LD50大于5000。对兔眼睛和皮肤无刺激作用。鱼毒LC50(mg/L):虹鳟10.6,鲤鱼35.5。Ames试验呈阴性,微核基细胞体外试验呈阴性。性状:无色结晶。溶解情况:水中溶解度为0.121g/L(25℃)用途:具有保护、叶片穿透及根部内吸活性,在田间药效试验中,对葡萄、草莓、番茄、洋葱、菜豆、碗豆、黄爪、茄子等作物以及观赏植物的灰霉病、苹果黑腥病有优异的防效,使用剂量为20O~800g(a.i.)/ha。制备或来源:(1)以脲、乙酰丙酮为起始原料,经两步反应即得目的物. (2)以硫脲为起始原料,经甲基化、氧化、取代、水解制得目的物. (3)以硫脲为起始原料,经甲基儿、取代、合环制即得目的饥备注:作用机理:抑制病原菌蛋白质分泌,包括降低一些水解酶水平据推测这些酶与病原菌进入寄主植物并引起寄主组织的坏死有关.甲基嘧菌胺同三唑类、二硫代氨基甲酸酯类、苯并咪唑类及乙霉威等无交互抗性,因此其对敏感或抗性病原菌均有优异的活性。 该品种不存在专利问题。类别:杀菌剂