2)ISSR (inter simple sequence repeat)简单序列重复间区域(ISSR)
3)inter simple sequence repeat(ISSR)简单系列重复区间(ISSR)
1.Optimization for ISSR-PCR Reaction System in Notopterygium incisum Ting and N.forbesii Boiss Using Orthogonal Design;羌活和宽叶羌活简单重复序列区间扩增反应体系的正交优化

1.Optimal Choice for Compositions in Inter-simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Analysis of Mangrove Plant Sonneratia caseolaris;红树植物海桑简单重复序列区间(ISSR)条件的优化
2.Study of Inter-simple Sequence Repeat and Application简单重复序列间扩增分子标记技术及其应用
3.Mapping Unequal Crossing over Hotspot Region of Simple Sequence Repeat in Maize玉米简单重复序列不对等交换的热点区域定位
4.Application of SSR Markers to Variety Identification of Chinese Winter Wheat Cultivars (Lines);利用简单重复序列(SSR)鉴定小麦品种的研究
5.Primary Study of the Relationship Between the SSR of Gastrodia Elata Blume and the Gastrodin Content天麻简单重复序列与天麻素相关性初探
6.Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats in Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae Genome水稻白叶枯病菌基因组简单重复序列分析
7.Genetic Diversity of Dendrobium Species (Orchidaceae) Plants in China by ISSR石斛属植物遗传多样性的简单重复间系列分析
8.Different Tandem Segments from L1-ORF2 and Simple Repeat Sequences Modulate GFP Gene Expression;L1-ORF2不同位置串联片段及简单重复序列调节GFP报告基因表达
9.DNA extraction method of pathogenic fungi and the optimization of simple sequence repeat PCR system病原真菌DNA提取方法及简单重复序列聚合酶链反应体系的优化
10.A Simple & Effective Video Sequence Super-Resolution Algorithm一种简单有效的视频序列超分辨率复原算法
11.Genetic and Comparative Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats on Rice Chromosome 4;水稻基因组第4号染色体简单重复序列的遗传分析及比较基因组学研究
12.Timing Synchronization Algorithm of NC-OFDM Based on PN Repeated Sequences基于重复PN序列的NC-OFDM时间同步算法
13.Simple disconformities between adjacent sedimentary strata (4) record time breaks in the succession.相邻沿积间的简单的假整合(4)记录着时间序列上的间断。
14.compound [complex; simple; elliptical] sentence并列 [复合, 简单, 省略]句
15.A New Kind of Time Serial Characteristic Index:SLC(Simple Linear Regression Coefficient);一种新的时间序列特征指标:简单线性回归系数SLC
16.Recognition of Maximal Tandem Repeats in Non-Coding Region Based on DC3 Algorithm基于DC3算法的非编码区序列最大串联重复识别
17.repeat sequence length polymorphism重复序列长度多态性
18.The Hyperspace of the Regions Below of Continuous Maps from the Converging Sequence;从收敛序列到单位区间连续函数下方图形超空间

ISSR (inter simple sequence repeat)简单序列重复间区域(ISSR)
3)inter simple sequence repeat(ISSR)简单系列重复区间(ISSR)
1.Optimization for ISSR-PCR Reaction System in Notopterygium incisum Ting and N.forbesii Boiss Using Orthogonal Design;羌活和宽叶羌活简单重复序列区间扩增反应体系的正交优化
6)inter-simple sequence repeat marker简单重复序列区间标记

简单①结构单纯;头绪少;容易理解、使用或处理:情节~ㄧ~扼要 ㄧ这种机器比较~ㄧ他简简单单说了几句话。②(经历、能力等)平凡(多用于否定式):李队长主意多,有魄力,可真不~。③草率;不细致:~从事。