1.Effects of Different Application Method of Boron Fertilizer on Growth and Production of French Bean;硼肥不同施用方式对法国青刀豆生长与产量的影响

1.green shell bean去荚(食用)青刀豆
2.Canned green beansGB/T13209-1991青刀豆罐头
3.canned asparagus-style bean切去两头的青刀豆罐头
4.Canned France Beans Sterilization Research in Safety Produce;法国种特细青刀豆罐头安全生产中杀菌条件研究
5.The protective effect of DQHS on ConA-induced liver injury in mice and its mechanism双氢青蒿素保护刀豆蛋白A诱导的小鼠肝损伤及机制探讨
6.Green vegetables, cabbage, beancurd, bean paste.青菜,白菜,豆腐,豆花
7.I'll have eggplants,mashed potatoes and green beans.我要茄子、土豆泥和青豆。
8.I'll have mashed potatoes and green beans.我要土豆泥和青豆。
9.Bean curd cut with a sharp knife/smooth on Both sides快刀打豆腐,二面都光生
10.cylinder-type silage cutter滚刀式青贮料切碎机
11.The children ate two tins of beans.孩子们吃了两听青豆。
12.I'll start with green pea soup.我开始要喝青碗豆汤。
13.Rice, fried noodles, meat with eggs, and green beans.米饭、炸面、肉炒蛋和青豆。
14.green beans, spinach and tomatoes.青豆、菠菜和西红柿。
15.Yes. And the other dish is shrimp and green pea .对,另一个菜是青豆虾仁。
16.carries scars from acne.带有青春豆留下的疤痕.
17.potage St Germain圣日耳曼青豆蓉汤[法
18.String beans, peas and carrots or cauliflower?女招待: 要豆角、青豆、胡萝卜还是花椰菜。

salted green string bean咸青刀豆
3)frozen stringless green bea冻青刀豆
4)French stringless green beans法国青刀豆
5)frozen kidney bean速冻青刀豆
1.To improve the safety level of export frozen kidney bean,and validate the effect of HACCP on microbial control, the potential hazard and the critical control point (CCP) during the processing of frozen kidney bean were analyzed by the HACCP principle in this paper,and then HACCP system was established.为了提高出口速冻青刀豆产品的安全卫生质量,验证HACPP体系对产品微生物的控制效果,在青刀豆产品生产过程中运用HACCP原理,确定关键控制点及其控制措施,建立了完整的HACCP体系;并对执行该体系后的产品进行菌落总数、大肠菌群和大肠杆菌的检测,数据用数学建模方式分析。
6)cut green bean段装青刀豆
