1.Field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of Jinlishi adding Roushuitong(BOISOFT) against pepper powdery mildew.对金力士加柔水通对辣椒白粉病进行了防治试验。

1.Effects of Jinlishi Adding Roushuitong Against Pepper Powdery Mildew金力士加柔水通对辣椒白粉病的防治效果
2.decalcifier unit自动脱钙单元(柔水装置)
3.The crystal pendant lamp looks soft and Bright.水晶吊灯,柔和明亮。
4.High-quality perfume and Lily scarf, with tender feelings, let the men of insight fall in love with them at first sight.高级香水,“丽丽”丝巾,柔柔感觉,有识之士,一见钟情。
5.a light sharp contact (usually with something flexible).快速敏捷的轻打(通常用柔韧物)。
6.a soft lightweight fabric (usually printed).柔软的纤维织品(通常印刷的)。
7.softened by the addition of cushions or padding.通过加软垫、衬垫的方法变柔软。
8.not softened by the addition of padding.不能通过加衬垫之类的方法变柔软。
9.(of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushing.(指织物)通过拉毛而具有柔软的绒毛。
10.Lubricants, soaps and waxes are commonly used as softeners.润滑剂、肥皂、蜡通常被用作柔软剂。
11.Overall Design of Flexible Communication Command Management Information System柔性通信指挥管理信息系统总体设计
12.The Flexible Pavement Typical Structure Research of Low-volume Highway低交通量公路柔性路面典型结构探讨
13.dabble:To splash liquid gently and playfully.嬉水:轻柔嬉耍地泼溅液体.
14.In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant!在康河的柔波里,我甘心做一条水草
15.Technical specification for soft felt roof waterproof engineering柔毡屋面防水工程技术规程
16.large heart-shaped tropical fruit with soft acid pulp.大的心形的热带水果,果肉柔软,味酸。
17.The soft, moist part of fruit.果肉水果柔软而潮湿的部分
18.Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing-Flexibility of asphaltGB/T328.7-1989沥青防水卷材试验方法柔度

flexible slurry柔性水泥
1.The flexible slurry was developed abroad to prevent the integrity of cement mantle from destru.高温深井中,经常遇到高压油气层,需要用高密度水泥浆体系来平衡地层压力,同时为了防止高压地层油气水窜,需要在体系中加入防气窜剂;为防止高温油气井、气采井、地热井中温度压力的变化引起的应力破坏水泥环的整体性,国外开发了柔性水泥浆技术;另外对于含有CO2腐蚀的高温油气井,国内外常采用特种水泥体系。
3)Flexible water tank柔性水池
4)flexible waterproof柔性防水
1.Taking the roof waterproof treatment of the Xinxinyuan residential distinct as an example,this paper analyzes on the advantages and disadvantages of the rigid waterproof and flexible waterproof,and probes into the quality control and concrete measures in the design and construction of the roof waterproof.以新欣苑小区工程屋面防水处理为例,分析了刚性防水和柔性防水的优缺点,探讨了屋面防水层设计、施工过程中的质量控制及具体措施。
2.Based on design and construction of underground waterproof project,compound waterproof construction scheme that two layers of rigid waterproof made of micro-expansion concrete and a layer of flexible waterproof made of EPDM rolled sheets is proposed.结合青岛某酒店工程,针对桩、筏板基础地下防水工程的设计与施工,提出采用2道微膨胀防水混凝土刚性防水、1道三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材柔性防水的复合防水施工方案,同时对重点桩基部位采用多道刚性防水、柔性封边,桩基竖向钢筋采用2道止水环的措施。
3.The waterproof mechanism and current development situation are discribed on the flexible waterproof material, such as polymer modified asphalt waterproof materials, polymer waterproof materials, polyurethane waterproof coating etc, and the cement-based capillary crystalline rigid waterproof materials.简述了高聚物改性沥青防水卷材、高分子防水卷材、聚氨酯防水涂料等柔性防水材料、与水泥基渗透结晶型刚性防水材料的防水机理及发展现状;分析了目前在铁路隧道防水工程中防水材料的发展现状;将柔性防水材料与刚性防水材料的防水层施工做了对比分析,探讨了水泥基渗透结晶型防水材料在铁路隧道防水工程中的应用设想。
5)soft waterproof柔性防水
6)flexible waterproofing柔性防水
1.In order to ensure the quality of roof waterproof engineering, based upon several years experiences practical construction techniques and quality control measures are proposed from rigid waterproofing, flexible waterproofing, joints treatment and other aspects.为保证屋面防水工程质量 ,结合多年的实际工作经验 ,从屋面刚性防水、柔性防水和节点的处理方法等方面 ,提出了屋面防水的施工技术和质量控制措
2.As to how to improve the quality of roof waterproofing,the author put forward several quality control measures from the two aspects as rigid waterproofing and flexible waterproofing with years of practice experience,and then further analyzed how to efficiently prevent roof leakage and ensure the waterproofing quality.本文就如何提高屋面防水工程质量这一问题,结合多年的工程实践经验,主要从屋面的刚性防水和柔性防水等方面,提出屋面防水的质量控制措施,并在此基础上阐述如何更有效地防治屋面渗漏和保证屋面防水工程质量。

硅酸盐水泥(见通用水泥)硅酸盐水泥(见通用水泥)portland cement  硅酸盐水泥portland Cement以硅酸盐为主要成分的水泥(见通用水泥)。