1.Storage pests in the exportable down-filled clothing products;出口羽绒服装及制品仓储害虫调查
2.Response of "Crop-Pest-Natural Enemy" Tri-trophic System to Elevate Ozone;作物-害虫-天敌三级营养系统对臭氧增加的响应
3.Biodiversity in Different Planting Structure in Paddy Field and Its Effect on the Population of Pest and Natural Enemy;稻田种植结构的生物多样性及对害虫和天敌种群的影响

1.To rid of vermin.驱除害虫,消灭害虫
2.An insecticide designed to kill larval pests.杀幼虫剂用于杀死害虫幼虫的杀虫剂
3.Insects which eat crops are pests.吃庄稼的昆虫是害虫
4.Infestation by vermin, especially parasitic vermin.害虫孳生;寄生虫孳生害虫,尤指寄生虫的侵扰
5.Are extic pests more easily controlled than indigenous pests?外杂害虫比本地害虫更容易防治吗?
6.The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫
7.Poor: No organized program for insect control. Insects or evidence of their presence found throughout plant.差:未建立害虫控制的程序,或在厂房内有害虫害虫的痕迹。
8.The control effect of a new type of insecticide against stored grain pests and crop pests一种新杀虫剂对储粮害虫和作物害虫的杀虫效果
9.The severe frost killed off most of the insect pests.严霜杀死了大多数害虫
10.Chemicals are used for keeping insects down.化学剂用来控制害虫
11.The severe frost kill off most of the insect pest严霜杀死了大多数害虫
12.They had killed off the pests by wholesale.他们大规模消灭害虫
13.control of crop insect pests in ancient China中国古代作物害虫防治
14.The insecticide will kill off the insect pests.这情形剂可消灭害虫
15.It's difficult to get rid of such insects.要除去这种害虫很困难。
16.use chemicals to keep pests down用化学药品消灭害虫.
17.Worms attacked the cabbage plants.害虫侵袭了卷心菜。
18.Away with all pests...扫除一切害人虫…。

1.Studies on Population Dynamics of Natural Enemies and Insect Pests in Jujube Yard Ecosystems;枣园生态系统中主要害虫、天敌种群动态的研究
2.Investigation on Occurrence of Lycium barbarum Pests and Its Natrual Enemies at Ningxia;宁夏枸杞害虫及天敌种类的发生规律调查
3.Pests on Zingiberaceous Plants and Their Control in South China;华南地区姜科植物主要害虫及其防治
3)Insect pest害虫
1.Spatial distribution of three major insect pests in the cabbage fields;甘蓝地主要害虫的空间分布研究
2.Dynamics of insect pest and natural enemy communities in early paddy fields in the Yangtze-Huaihe area;江淮地区早稻田害虫和天敌群落动态研究
3.An expert system of the insect pest of sugar beet;甜菜害虫专家系统的建立
4)insect pests害虫
1.Current situation and prospects of research on lawn insect pests in China;我国草坪害虫研究现状与展望
2.Effects of cutting on the population dynamics of main insect pests on alfalfa;刈割对苜蓿主要害虫种群数量动态的影响
3.The occurrence and control technology of insect pests of Eriobotrya japonica;枇杷害虫发生与防治技术研究
1.Studying frequency characteristic of insect activity sound in grain;仓储粮食中害虫活动声功率谱特征研究
2.Design and realization of Internetbased decision support system for the management of vegetable insect pests in Jiangsu Province;基于互联网的江苏省蔬菜害虫管理决策支持系统的设计与实现
3.A Study on the Relationship between the Occurrence of the Main Agricul- tural Insects and Environmental Conditions in Kazuo County;喀左县农作物主要害虫发生与气象条件关系
6)harmful insect害虫
1.Mothed used count up and analyse of harmful insects kind and amount in Shangluo on random sampling.目的为了综合控制白牡丹害虫危害,对商洛白牡丹苗期害虫区系及发生动态进行了研究。

茶园害虫致病微生物茶园害虫致病微生物pathogenic microbes of pests in tea plantation 茶圈,虫致脚徽生物比5 of(pathogeniein tea Plantation)nllCro- 侵染业科学院茶叶研究所等单位还发现有:圆抱虫霉寄生小绿叶蝉,虫草菌寄生扁刺蛾、茶刺蛾,球赤壳菌寄生茶牡蜘蚊,稼祥寄生茶毛虫、云尺续等,红霉菌寄生娜圆幼,拟青祥寄生肾纹毒蛾、茶细蛾、褐刺蛾等。 不少病原真菌都可进行人工生产,国内则以白僵菌生产较多。在生产中重要的是选取优良的菌种和培养基,控制培养条件和防止污染。其土法生产的工艺流程:从自然似虫分离选取优良菌种一、试管斜面培养一、转入瓶、堆进行二级培养一*转入大床进行三级固体扩大培养一一,出料在40一45℃条件下干燥一、粉碎过筛100筛目一一侧定活抱子含量一、包装密封一一阴凉干燥处贮存备用。白僵菌除菌种培养外,一般对营养条件要求不高,菌种培养基可用马铃薯20%,蔗籍2%,琼脂2%加水配制;二级培养则可用淘米水(5oo克水淘500克米);三级扩大培养可用米糠40%麦轶30%,谷壳30%,加水适量(不超料重)。为了进一步提高产量和产品质量,宜进行液体深层发醉的工业生产。 细菌病大多由芽抱杆菌科(B acillaceae)芽抱杆菌属才肠ct’llus)的细菌感染所致。苏芸金杆菌(B.th“万伙卯召嘴司已经工厂化生产,广泛用于防治蛾蝶类及其它农业害虫。苏芸金杆菌的营养体呈直形较粗杆状,两端钝圆,有厚膜,长宽为1.2一1.8X3.0一5.0徽米。周生鞭毛微动或不动。营养体单个存在或几个结成链状,在适宜条件下经过不断裂殖,老熟形成长卵口形抱子炭,抱子囊最后破裂放出一个芽泡和一个伴抱晶体。芽抱卵圆形,有光泽,长宽为0.8一0.9x2.0徽米,在适宜条件下再萌发裂殖。伴抱晶体多呈菱形或近方形,长宽为o.6x2.0微米,含有毒素,在碱性溶液中释放出来,对害虫具有很强的毒力。害虫吞食经消化道侵入体腔。峨搽类幼虫肠液呈碱性,正利于毒素析出毒杀害虫。病死虫体变软,变形,色暗,组织解体脓化,并有奥味,故亦称脓病或软化病。苏芸金杆菌有很多变种,如青虫菌、松毛虫杆菌、杀螟杆菌、“7216”、“HD一l”等。在茶树害虫中也常有自然感染和人工应用。例如福建茶科所用0.2亿饱子/毫升菌液防治茶毛虫,5天后死亡75一90%。安徽祁门茶科所用同样剂量防治茶蚕,5天后死亡100%:0.5亿/毫升菌液防治茶蓑蛾.10天后死亡78一100%。