莲藕,lotus root
1)lotus root莲藕
1.Processing of lotus root yoghurt;莲藕风味酸乳饮料的研制
2.Study on the processing of bleaching and preventing of discoloration for boiled lotus root. .;水煮莲藕漂白护色工艺研究
3.The development of the compound drink mixed with lotus root and water chestnut;莲藕马蹄复合饮料的研制

1.Study on Hemostatic Effect of Rhizoma Nelumbinis,Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis and Their Charcoal Decoction Pieces莲藕、藕节及其炭制品止血作用的比较
2.The Characters of Polyphenol Oxidase in Lotus Root and Prevention of Discoloration of Lotus Root莲藕中多酚氧化酶的特性及莲藕的护色
3.Effects of Circumstance on the Growth and Physiological of Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn) Tissue Culture and Physiological and Biochemical Study during Rhizome Swelling;莲藕组培苗生理变化及膨大藕体生化物质研究
4.Studies on the Technique of Extract and Purification and Its Anti-oxidant Ability of Tannin from Nodes of Lotus Root莲藕藕节鞣质提取纯化及其抗氧化活性研究
5.Jade lotus plant: It's made of high quality jade, craving very detail. Lotus plant has the meaning of never part away always together.岫玉莲藕:此岫玉莲藕用上等岫玉为材料精雕细刻而成,莲藕有着细脉相连永不分开的寓意。
6.The edible seed, leaf, or rhizome of this plant.莲子,莲藕这种植物的可食性种子、叶子或根茎
7.Oh, just peeling a skin of… a lotus smuggled from Shanghai!不,他只去皮洗净走私的上海莲藕
8.Alwin: You are my little lotus root, I love you.阿尔文:你是我的小糖莲藕,我爱你。
9.Considerations and Suggestions for Lotus Industry Developing in Hubei湖北莲藕产业发展的若干设想及建议
10.After 7 months of operation, all the Acorus calamus was replaced by Alternanthera philoxeroides.7个月后,莲藕完全而被水花生所替代。
11.Study on the Production of Dietary Fiber from Lotus Root by Biodegradation and Bioconversion;微生物降解转化莲藕型膳食纤维研究
12.Studies on Physiological and Biochemical Changes during the Formation of Swollen Lotus Rhizome;莲藕膨大过程中生理生化变化的研究
13.Study on the Enzymatic Browning Mechanism of Fresh-cut Lotus Roots;鲜切莲藕酶促褐变机理与控制的研究
14.Patent Strategy of Agricultural Products Based Lotus Industry;基于莲藕产业的农产品专利战略探析
15.Industry analysis and development strategy on double-season Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn in Liujiang County;柳江县双季莲藕产业分析及开发对策
16.Experimental and Theory Study on Fresh-keeping Packaging of Lotus Roots Slices切片莲藕保鲜包装的试验与理论研究
17.Effect Research of Potassium Application Amount on Lotus Yield and Quality莲藕施钾量对产量和品质的效应试验
18.Soil test based recommendation of "3414" fertilizer in lotus farming莲藕测土配方施肥“3414”肥效试验研究

1.The characteristics of polyphenol oxidase and control of browning in pear and lotus。;梨(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)和莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera Gearte)组织中多酚氧化酶特性及褐变控制
2.Genetic Diversity in Lotus (Nelumbo) Accessions Revealed by AFLP Technique;应用AFLP技术检测莲藕遗传多样性的初步研究
3.Preliminary Analysis of DNA Polymorphism in Lotus (Nelumbd) Accessions;莲藕品种DNA多态性的初步研究
3)Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn莲藕
1.Studies on Starch RVA Profile and Starch Granule Shape in Rhizome of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn;莲藕淀粉RVA谱特征和淀粉粒形态的研究
2.Progress in the Research on Post - harvest Physiology and Storage Techniques of Nelumbo nucifera gaertn;莲藕采后生理及保鲜技术研究进展
3.Advances in Studies on Chemical Components and Biological Activities of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn;莲藕的化学成分与生物活性研究进展
4)lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)藕莲
5)fresh-cut lotus root鲜切莲藕
1.Enzyme browning is one of the most reactions impacting quality of fresh-cut lotus root.酶促褐变是影响鲜切莲藕加工贮藏的主要问题,多酚氧化酶(PPO)是引起酶促褐变的重要酶类。
2.The change of polyphenoxidase(PPO),browning degree and sensory quality of fresh-cut lotus root treated with chlorine dioxide(ClO2) were investigated.以莲藕为试材,研究了二氧化氯(ClO2)对鲜切莲藕在低温贮藏期间多酚氧化酶(PPO)、褐变及感官品质影响的动态变化。
6)minimally processed lotus root莲藕切片
