火炬松,Pinus taeda
1)Pinus taeda火炬松
1.Monitoring of Carbon Sequestration of CDM-ARP Pinus taeda Forest;CDM-ARP火炬松林碳汇监测方法学研究
2.Study on Silvicultural Technique of Pinus taeda in Lushan;鲁山县火炬松造林技术探讨

1.any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine.任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松。
2.Studies on Technology about Tissue Culture Propagation of Pinus Elliottii, P. Taeda and P. Thunbergii;湿地松、火炬松和黑松的组培繁殖技术研究
3.EST-SSR Prediction of Heat Induced cDNA Library of Pinus teada火炬松热胁迫cDNA文库的EST-SSR预测
4.In Vitro Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Slash Pine and Loblolly Pine;湿地松、火炬松离体培养植株再生技术的研究
5.Preliminary reports on Pinus taeda L.infected by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in natural environment火炬松自然条件下感染松材线虫病初报
6.A Preliminary Report on the Early Growth and Genetic Analysis of Pinus elliottii Families火炬松家系的早期生长及遗传分析初报
7.The Soil Available Carbon in a Quercus Variabilis Forest and Pinus Taeda Plantation in Xiashu Forest Experimental Site, Southeastern China;次生栎林与火炬松人工林土壤有效碳研究
8.Variation of Wood Properties in Pulp Wood for Loblolly Pine Planting in Henan Province of China;河南引种火炬松人工林纸浆材木材性质的变异
9.Studies on Genetic Test and Early Selection for Introduced Pinus Taeda Families;火炬松引种家系遗传测定和早期选择的研究
10.Study on Impact of Altitude on Growth Amount of Pinus taeda Stand海拔对引种火炬松林分生长量的影响研究
11.Effects of thinning Intensity on Growth of Pinus taeda Plantation不同间伐强度对火炬松林分生长的影响
12.Study on the Introduction Experiment of Pinus taeda Family on Low Massif in Middle of Fujian闽中低山丘陵火炬松家系引种试验研究
13.The dynamic change of genetic parameters for growth traits of the first generation hybrids of Pinus taeda×P. caribaea in six years火炬松×加勒比松F_1代生长性状遗传参数的动态变化
14.Studies on Antifungal Activities of Extracts from Pinus sp. Needles赤松和火炬松针叶提取物抗霉菌活性的比较研究
15.Main associated tree species are listed for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province.为皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林提出可供选择的主要伴生树种。
16.There is conflicting evidence regarding the amount of north-south differentiation in loblolly pine.关于火炬松南北分化的数量存在着相抵触的证据。
17.The Difference Analyses of Tree Growth Characteristics Among Provenance of Exotic Loblolly Pine Planted in South of Henan Province of China河南火炬松种源中龄林生长量、干形特征的差异分析
18.Variation of Wood Density Among Provenance of Exotic Loblolly Pine Grown in South of Henan Province河南引种火炬松种源中龄林木材基本密度的变异

Loblolly Pine火炬松
1.Variation in Wood Bending Properties of Exotic Loblolly Pine Provenances for Building Lumber and Their Relationships to Tree Age, Tree Growth and Wood Density;火炬松种源建筑材抗弯性质的变异及与树龄、晚材率、木材密度的关系
2.Genetic Differences and Stability of Wood Properties of Exotic Loblolly Pine Provenances for Pulpwood in Different Environments;不同环境下火炬松种源造纸材材性遗传差异与遗传稳定性分析
3.Selection of Excellent Seed Source / Family of Loblolly pine;火炬松优良种源/家系的选择
3)Pinus taeda L火炬松
1.Genetic Test and Character Evaluation of the Half-sib Families of Pinus taeda L.;火炬松半同胞家系遗传测定与早期性状评定
2.Effect of Pruning on Superior Family in Pinus taeda L. for pulpwood;火炬松纸浆材优良家系人工林修枝效应
3.Influences of antibiotics on plantlet regeneration via organogenesis in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.);抗生素对火炬松的器官发生植株再生的影响(英文)
4)Pinus teada火炬松
1.Analysis of Volatile Components of Pinus teada L.by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Solid-phase Microextraction;火炬松挥发物的固相微萃取-气相色谱/质谱法分析
2.EST-SSR Prediction of Heat Induced cDNA Library of Pinus teada火炬松热胁迫cDNA文库的EST-SSR预测
5)The loblolly pine.火炬松木
6)torch pine seeds火炬松种子

火炬松火炬松介绍 火炬松 (Pinus taeda Linn.)科属: 松科 别名: 形态特征: 乔木,高达30米,下部枝条开展下垂;树皮桔褐色,深裂;一年生枝黄褐色,有时有白粉,无毛;冬芽椭圆状卵形,淡褐色,无树脂,芽鳞分离,有反曲的尖头。针叶3针一束,长15—25厘米,宿存3—4年,刚硬,微扭转,蓝绿色,短急尖,叶缘有细锯齿;树脂道2个,中生;叶鞘宿存。球果腋生,无柄,对称,卵状圆锥形,长6—10厘米,无光泽,淡褐色;鳞盾呈压缩的尖塔形,有尖锐的横脊;鳞脐延伸成肥壮三角状外曲刺。种子菱形,长6—7毫米,红褐色;种翅长2,5—2.8厘米,宽4—10毫米。花期4月上旬,球果10月中成熟。分布与习性:原产英国东南部。我国长江流域以南各省先后引种栽培。本种约于1930年引入南京,现宜兴等地均有栽培,生长迅速,可在苏南丘陵山区大力推广造林。能耐干燥瘠薄,适应性较强对松毛虫有一定的抗性繁殖与栽培:用种子繁殖,但需注意种源。应用:造林图片: