樟树,Cinnamomum camphora
1)Cinnamomum camphora樟树
1.The Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on the Diurnal Changes of Cinnamomum camphora Photosynthesis;模拟酸雨对樟树光合日变化的影响
2.Studies on the Peroxidase Enzyme Activity of Oncomelania hupensis by Cinnamomum camphora;樟树叶水浸液对钉螺过氧化物酶等的影响
3.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Panallergen Genes from Pollen of Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl;樟树花粉泛变应原基因的克隆与序列分析

1.Influence of Yellows on Physiology and Growth of Camphor Tree樟树黄化病对樟树生长生理方面的影响研究
2.Poplar, elm, walnut, camphor, fir, rosewood, bamboo, etc.白杨,榆木,胡桃,樟树,枞树,紫檀,竹子等。
3.RAPD Analysis of the Several Bio-chemical Types of the Cinnamomum Caphora and Related Species;樟树几种生化类型及近缘种的RAPD分析
4.Study on Dessication Tolerance and Storage Behavior of Cinnamomum Camphora (Linn.) Presl Seed樟树种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性研究
5.The Investigation and Analysis of the Rare Native Cinnamomum camphora Community in Zhanjiang,Guangdong湛江市珍稀天然樟树群落调查与分析
6.Determination of Macro-elements and Trace Elements in Pollens of Cinnamomum camphora樟树花粉中常量元素和痕量元素测定
7.Dynamic Analysis of Four Cultivars of Cinnamomum camphora4个芳樟醇型樟树无性系组培苗年生长动态分析
8.oil distilled from camphor resin.从樟树树脂中通过蒸馏的方法获得的油。
9.Purification of Red Pigment from Camphor Tree Fruits by Macroporous Resin Adsorption大孔树脂纯化樟树果实红色素的吸附性能研究
10.The camphor tree yellow is a common disease in Anqing city and the value of these tree landscapes were decreased seriously.樟树黄化病是安庆市樟树的一种常见病害,严重影响了城市景观和绿化效果。
11.A Preliminary Studies on the Bionomics and Prevention of Samia Cynthia Walker er Felder Infesting Camphor Tree in Shanghai上海地区危害樟树的樗蚕生物学特性及其防治
12.The Ecophysiological and Productivity of Cinnamomum Camphora;樟树生理生态特性及其林分生物产量的研究
13.Studies on the Mechanism, Ill Influence and Correcting Technique of Camphor Tree Yellow;樟树黄化病致病机理、危害性及复绿技术研究
14.Studies on Genetic Diversity of Several Chemistries Types of the Cinnamomum Caphora and Related Species;樟树几种化学类型及近缘种遗传多样性研究
15.The Research of the Biochemical Type and Selecting Excellent Trees of the Essential Oil of Cinnamomum Camphora (L.) in Fujian Province, China;福建樟树精油生化类型与优良单株选择的研究
16.Studies on the Causal Factors and Mechanism of Camphor Tree Yellows;樟树黄化病发生原因及其致病机理的研究
17.RAPD Analysis of Population Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Cinnamomum Camphora (L.) Presl;樟树居群遗传多样性及遗传结构的RAPD分析
18.Energy Characteristics of Five Eucalyptus Species in Zhangmutou Forest Farm,Guangdong Province广东樟木头5种桉树的能量特征研究

Cinnamomum camphora(L.) Presl樟树
1.Microwave assisted hydro-distillation extraction of essential oil from leaves of Cinnamomum camphora(L.) presl;微波辅助水蒸汽蒸馏樟树叶挥发油的研究
2.Leaf Transpiration Characteristics of Cinnamomum camphora(L.) Presl And Its Physio-ecological Factors樟树叶片蒸腾特性及其与生理生态因子关系分析
3.Genetic relationships among thirty samples of different chemotypes of Cinnamomum camphora(L.用RAPD标记技术分析了30个不同化学型樟树〔Cinnamomum camphora(L。
3)camphor tree樟树
1.Effects of spraying iron fertilizer on leaf nutrients content of chlorosis camphor tree喷施铁肥对黄化樟树叶片营养状况的影响
2.The differences of chlorophyll, total sugar, revivification sugar, protein content and water content in the injured - leaf slide of camphor tree due to Aulacaspis rosarum were measured and presented in this paper.比较樟树林受黑蜕白轮蚧不同程度危害后叶片中叶绿素、总糖、还原糖、蛋白质含量及含水量的差异,结果表明,樟树受黑蜕白轮蚧危害后樟树叶片生理生化指标与正常叶片存在显著差异。
3.The percentage of the infested camphor tree was 90% in the investigated area.2001—2003年研究了上海地区为害樟树的栗叶瘤丛螟的生物学特性。
1.Preparation of β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compound of Volatile Oil of Camphor;樟树叶挥发油β-环糊精包合物的制备研究
2.Study on Year-cycle of Soil Factors from the Chlorosis of Camphor Tree樟树黄化土壤因子年周期变化规律的研究
3.Stephanitis (Stephanitis) laudata Drake et Poor is a major pest on the camphor trees in the suburb green belt, which damaged the leave of the trees, resulted in spotted leave and fallen ahead.华南冠网蝽是城市绿地香樟树上的重要害虫,为害香樟树叶,造成叶片变色、早落,影响香樟树的绿化效果。
5)Cinamomum camphor leaves香樟树叶
6)camphor seed oil樟树子油
1.This paper is on the conditions of abstraction of camphor seed oil and the production technology in making the traditional Chinese medicine troche,the sieving of the suitable abstraction conditions of camphor seed oil,the mass ratio of raw material and water is 1∶4.筛选出樟树子挥发油提取的较佳条件是原料与水的质量比为1∶4;应用3因素6水平的均匀设计方法,选用研磨法筛选出樟树子油-β-环糊精包合较佳条件是:温度为55℃,研磨时间为1。

【药物名称】樟树 【别名】樟角,香樟,乌樟,香蕊,豫章,樟公,油樟。 【科属】樟科 【植物形态】植物形态:常绿大乔木,高达30余米。树皮灰褐色或黄褐色,纵裂;小枝圆柱形,光滑,淡褐色。叶互生,叶柄长2~3厘米,叶片卵形或卵状椭圆形,长4~12厘米,宽2.5~6厘米,基部广楔形或略呈圆形,常偏斜,先端渐尖或短尖,全缘或呈波状,表面绿色,有光泽,背面灰绿色或粉白色,光滑无毛,幼叶淡红色,脉在基部以上3出,脉腋具明显的腺点。花黄绿色,腋生,花被6裂,雄蕊12枚,4轮,花药4室,排成两层,瓣裂,最内1轮雄花药4室,瓣裂。子房卵形,上位,1室。核果球形或卵圆形,基部具宿存花托。 生态分布:产我国长江中下游至南部各省;野生于山坡林中、溪边,或栽培于村落城镇中。 药用部分:枝、干、根、叶都可蒸制樟脑,幼嫩枝叶含樟脑较少。根、树皮、木材、叶、果实入药,夏秋采用。 用途:性味气香、辛,温。能开窍除湿,杀虫利滞。主治霍乱,风湿性关节炎,跌打损伤,胃痛腹痛,胃肠炎,寒湿脚气,疥癣瘙疮,龋齿。用量:樟脑3~8分;果3~5钱;根皮4~6钱。