信阳市,Xinyang city
1)Xinyang city信阳市
1.The cause and countermeasures of financial difficulties in Xinyang city;信阳市财政困难的成因及对策
2.Study on distribution of vegetation establishment in project of reusing farmland for forest in Xinyang City;信阳市退耕还林工程植被建设布局的探讨
3.Current Situation and Controlling Countermeasures of Geological Hazard in Xinyang City,Henan Province;河南省信阳市地质灾害现状及防治对策

1.A Study on Exploiting Tourist Market of Colleges in Xinyang City;信阳市开发高校旅游客源市场的思考
2.Study on the Establish and Quality Evaluation on Mixed Seeding of Greenbelt Lawn in Xinyang City;信阳市绿地草坪混播建植与质量评估
3.Analysis of Xinyang s Industry Structure & Research of Adjustment Policy;信阳市产业结构分析与调整策略研究
4.The Research on Sustainable Development Strategy of Tea Industry in Xinyang City;信阳市茶叶产业可持续发展战略研究
5.The Present Situation and Forecast of Comprehensive Utilization of the Straw Resources of Xinyang City;信阳市秸秆资源综合利用现状及展望
6.Analytic Hierachical Process of Tourism Resource Development in Xinyang City;信阳市旅游资源开发的层次分析研究
7.On the Labor Economic Brand in Xinyang and its Improvement;信阳市劳务经济品牌及其提升研究(二)
8.Problems in and countermeasures for tree seedling industry in Xinyang;信阳市苗木生产中存在的问题与对策
9.Research on the sustainable development indexes system of agriculture in Xinyang city;信阳市农业可持续发展指标体系研究
10.Investigate Reports of Domestic Violence Problem in Xinyang City of Henan Province河南省信阳市家庭暴力问题调查报告
11.The IPM Against Diseases and Pests of Landscape Plants in Xinyang City信阳市园林绿地病虫害综合防治技术
12.The Current Situation and Countermeasure Analysis of the Middle School Information Technology Education in the City of Xinyang;信阳市中学信息技术教育的现状及对策研究
13.Studies on Introduction and Non-pollution Cultivation of Chinese Gooseberry in Xinyang信阳市猕猴桃引种及无公害栽培技术研究
14.Current Situation of Potassium in Soil in Main Flue-cured Tobacco Area of Xinyang City信阳市烤烟主产区土壤钾素资源现状分析
15.Study on amount of application of potassium fertilizer of Xinyang City "Liangyoupeite" hybrid rice信阳市“两优培特”杂交水稻钾肥施用量研究初报
16.The Studies of Produce Present Situation and Technology Approach for High Yields of Rice in Xinyang City;信阳市水稻生产现状及增产技术途径研究
17.On Development Trend of Cropping System under New Situation Based on Sample Analysis of Xin Yang City He nan Province .PRC;新形势下耕作制度发展动向及信阳市实证分析
18.Approaches to Rational Exploitation and Utilization of Soil Resources in Xinyang City;信阳市土壤资源状况及开发利用途径研究

1.Distribution of Organic Matter and Available N-P-K in the Tea Garden Soil of Xinyang;信阳市茶园土壤有机质和速效氮磷钾的分布
2.On the Labor Economic Brand in Xinyang and its Improvement;信阳市劳务经济品牌及其提升研究(二)
3.A survey on tea germplams of Xinyang including 8 counties and 2 districts was carried out.对信阳市茶树品种资源进行了一次全方位的调查。
3)the source of Huaihe River in Xinyang信阳市淮河源
4)Shaoyang City Credit Cooperative邵阳市城市信用社
1.Shaoyang City Credit Cooperative will be more difficult to survive in intense competition.邵阳市城市信用社是湖南省金融体系的重要组成部分,为地方经济建设、中小企业发展、城市居民生活质量改善等方面做出了重要贡献。
5)The water-body of Shihe River in xinyang city浉河信阳市段水体
1.Analytic Hierachical Process of Tourism Resource Development in Xinyang City;信阳市旅游资源开发的层次分析研究
2.Study on soil nutrient of tea garden in main producing areas of Xinyangmaojian tea;信阳毛尖茶主产区坡地茶园土壤养分研究
