1.Research on preparation of compound beverage of chrysanthemum and green tea;菊花绿茶复合饮料的研制
2.Study on the health drink with dandelion couchgrass root and chrysanthemum;蒲公英茅根菊花保健饮料的研制

1.The flower head of any of these plants.菊花头这种花的花头
2.camomile, mint, herb tea菊花、 薄荷、 药草茶.
3.marigold window【建】车轮窗, 菊花
4.pot up chrysanthemum cuttings把菊花插枝种到花盆里.
5.Comparing Herselp to Chrysanthemum to Express her Grief --on the Chrysanthemum Poems by LI Qingzhao;以菊自况,寄托哀怨——说李清照的菊花
6.brace countersink钝角菊花形尖头板钻
7.enjoying chrysanthemum wine [on Mountain Climbing Festival]喝菊花酒[登高节喝
8.Autumn brings with it the sweet scent of osmanthus flowers along with chrysanthemums in fullbloom.秋天桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳;
9.They raised five thousand chrysanthemums last year.去年他们种5000株菊花
10.When the Festival of Double Ninth comes round, I'll come for your chrysanthemums again.待到重阳日 还来就菊花
11.chrysanthemum flower disc console typewriter菊花盘型控制台打字机
12.The chrysanthemums are in bloom; some are red andsome yellow.菊花开了,有红的有黄的。
13.A small buttonlike flower of some chrysanthemums and dahlias.绒球菊花(大丽花)某些菊花和大丽花中纽扣状的小花
14.Chrysanthemun White Rust Integrated Control and Resistance Genes Cloning from Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat;菊花白锈病综合防治及菊花抗病相关基因研究
15.The Story of Chrysanthemums;菊花记——看劳伦斯在《菊花香》中的工业文明
16.I grow orchids,chrysanthemums, lilies and cactuses.我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。
17.Cloning of Relative Gene about the Regulation and Control of Florescence Mechanism in the Petal of Chrysanthemum菊花花瓣中花期调控相关基因的克隆
18.Effect of Salicylic Acid+CaCl_2 on Petal's Physiology and Florescence of ChrysanthemumSA+CaCl_2对菊花花瓣生理和花期的影响

Chrysanthemum morifolium菊花
1.Research Advance in Chemical Composition and Pharmacological Action of Chrysanthemum morifolium;菊花化学成分及药理作用的研究进展
2.RAPD analysis for genetic diversity of Chrysanthemum morifolium;药用菊花遗传多样性的RAPD分析
3)Dendranthema morifolium菊花
1.Determination of Volatile Oil and Total Flavone from Various Species of Dendranthema morifolium in Hubei;湖北产不同品种菊花中挥发油和总黄酮测定
2.Self-incompatibility in Dendranthema morifolium;菊花自交不亲和性初步研究
3.Studies on the Plant Regeneration and Induction and Differentiation of Explant of Dendranthema morifolium;菊花外植体分化诱导及植株再生研究初报
4)Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat菊花
1.Extraction of polysaccharide in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat;菊花多糖最佳提取工艺研究
2.Components of flower pigments in the petals of different color Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.cultivars.;不同花色菊花品种花色素成分的初步分析
5)Flos Chrysanthemi菊花
1.The Determination of Pb and As in Flos Chrysanthemi;菊花中铅与砷的含量测定
2.The Improvement in Assaying of the Chlorogenic Acid in Flos Chrysanthemi by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定菊花中绿原酸含量的方法改进
3.Study on the quality of flos Chrysanthemi growing in Hubei Futianhe region Ⅱ;湖北福田河白菊花质量的影响因素
6)cut chrysanthemum菊花切花
1.Advances of postharvest physiology and technology on cut chrysanthemum were reviewed in this paper,and the directions for researches in the future were provided.从水分、营养物质和乙烯的生物合成3个方面综述了国内外菊花切花采后衰老的原因及采后生理与技术的研究进展,并提出了以后的研究方向。
