1.Effect of planting date and topping numbers on flowering of potted chrysanthemum with small inflorescences blooming in summer;定植期和摘心次数对小花型盆栽夏菊开花的影响
2.Effects of different urea dosage on Gerbera jamesonii in seedling and flowering stage;不同尿素施用量对非洲菊苗期生长和开花的影响
3.Effect of Temperature on Flower Bud Differentiation and Flowering of Summer Chrysanthemum with Small Inflorescences;温度对小花型夏菊花芽分化及开花的影响

1.Flowering in Chusquea riosaltensis (Poaceae:Bambusoideae:Bambuseae:ChuqueinaeChusquea riosaltensis开花
2.This kind of flower dies down soon after blooming此类花开花后就枯死了。
3.Any of various plants that bloom in May.五月花五月开花的植物
4.A state or time of flowering;anthesis.花期开花的状态或时期
5.flowering plant能开花的植物,显花植物
6.Blooming throughout the growing season.连续开花的,常开花的四季开花的,在生长季节里不断开花
7.The cherry-trees began to put forth their blossoms.樱桃树开始开花了。
8.Single pale-medium blue, one per peduncle, difficult to bloom.单瓣花,浅到中蓝色,每个花梗有1朵花,很难开花
9.To begin to grow or blossom.抽条,长出花蕾开始生长或开花
10.Flowering throughout the growing season.四季开花的整个生长季节都开花
11.a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms.开花或因其开花而养殖的植物。
12.A condition, time, or period of flowering.花期一种开花的状态、一段开花的时间或时期
13.Single small dark purple, 5-8 per peduncle, very floriferous.单瓣暗深紫色小花,每支花梗开5-8朵花,非常会开花
14.Single dark purple, 2-6 per peduncle. Variable floriferousness.单瓣深紫色花,每支花梗开2-6朵花,变异时会少开花
15.There is a profusion of flowers in the garden in summer.夏天花园里开满了鲜花。
16.but what goes up must eventually come down.但是花开总有花落时。
17.The flowers in the garden are now in full bloom.花园里现在鲜花盛开。
18.Masses of flowers were Blazing in all parts of the garden.花园四处簇簇鲜花盛开。

1.Influence of Different Micro-fertilizers on Florists Cineraria Blossom and Fruiting;不同微肥对瓜叶菊开花和结果的影响
2.The Influence of Fertilizer on the Growth and Blossom of Dendranthema×grandiflor Tzrel;施肥对地被菊生长发育及开花的影响
1.A Preliminary Study on Blooming Characteristics of Simmondsia chinensis Plantations;希蒙得木开花特性初步研究
2.Application of Inducement Technique for Beet Bolting and Bloomingthe First Year into Sugarbeet Breeding;甜菜当年抽薹开花诱导技术在育种上的应用
3.Influences of High Temperature Stress on Blooming and Seed Setting of Rice during Heading Stage抽穗期高温胁迫对水稻开花结实的影响
1.Effects of lanthanum on photosynthetic characteristics of Shibataea chinensis Nakai after bloom;镧对鹅毛竹开花后光合特性的影响
2.Analyses and Countermeasures of Abloom Reasons of Sinocalamus oldhamii;绿竹开花原因分析与对策
1.The Effect of Cane Flowering to the Cane Agronomic Characters;甘蔗品种开花对工农艺性状的影响
2.A Basic Study on Physiology of Phyllostachys Praecox Aging and Flowering;早竹衰老开花生理学基础研究
3.The diameter of flower,diameter of stalk and height of stalk of the treatment were higher than that o.L-1)的精胺(Spm)对菊花品种兼六香菊绿蕾期叶片生理生化、开花时期和花期形态的影响。
1.Effects of polyamines on fruit tree blossoming and fruit setting;多胺在果树开花坐果中的作用
2.Studies on the Characteristics of Blossoming and Seed Bearing of Qiongzhuea tumidinoda;筇竹开花结实特性的研究
3.By using of parameter transformation and blossoming of polynomial,each subpatch\'s Bézier control points are evaluated.运用多项式曲线细分矩形和三角形Bzier曲面,并以参数变换和多项式开花为工具,计算出细分后每个子曲面片的Bzier控制顶点。
