1.Verification of Several Questions on Which Oak(Quercus) Belonged to Family,Genus and Species in the Taxonomic Category of Botany;关于柞树在植物分类阶元“科”、“”、“属”的几个问题考证
2.On Variation of Drought Tolerance in Species and Provenances of Lespedeza Michx;不同源胡枝子的耐旱性差异研究
3.Study on character variation among species and provenances during seedling stage of spruce;云杉间和源间苗期性状的遗传变异研究

1.39 species are the birds of the Oriental region, 25 species of Palaearctic region, and 14 species cosmopolitan.东洋39,古北25,广布14;
2.There were five cosmopolitan species, a Palaeoarctic realm species and19 Oriental realm species.广布5,古北界1,东洋界19
3.The seed coat is marked with a hilum or seed scar.皮上留有脐或痕。
4.vegetable (seed) drill蔬菜(籽)播
5.Inoculation with a vaccine in order to protect against a particular disease.痘,接为预防某病的
6.6 species belong to Palaearctic realm, 3 species belong to Oriental, and 7 species belong to widespread between two realm.在这些类中古北界6,东洋界3,广布类7
7.This gas gives out a bad smell.这气体发生一臭味。
8.any of numerous cultivated plants of the genus Delphinium.任何一植的飞燕草。
9.To cultivate or produce a crop on.耕植或生产谷物
10.Words floated in the air.的话在空气里回响。
11.Certainly. What kind of currency have you got?当然可以。您有那
12.To sow(seeds)in rows.条播(子)成排播
13.the dangers that threaten us威胁着我们的危险
14.43 As we sow, so shall we reap.43瓜得瓜,豆得豆。
15.As you sow you shall mow瓜得瓜,豆得豆
16.You must reap what you have sown.瓜得瓜豆得豆。
17.If a man plants melons, he will reap melons; if he sows beans, he will reap beans.“瓜得瓜,豆得豆。”
18.As a man sows,so he shall reap.瓜得瓜,豆得豆。

3)species introduction物种引种
4)producer breeding菌种育种
1.So seed&seedling standardization project of Chinese Medicinal Materials is suggested and its content is discussed.本文比较分析了我国中药材苗工作现状,指出其核心问题一是没有优良品,二是管理真空。
6)interspecific hybrid种间杂种
1.Morphological and cytological observations on interspecific hybridization F_1 from Cucumis sativus × C. hystrix;Cucumis sativus×C.hystrix间杂的形态学和细胞学观察
2.The tests of the traits in yield,fibre quality and disease resistance in Jute interspecific hybrid F_4;黄麻间杂F_4的产量和纤维品质及抗病性测定

种分子式:CAS号:性质:又称种。是生物分类系统中最基本的阶元,为生物发展的连续性与间断性统一的基本间断形式。在有性生物中,物种呈现为统一的繁殖群体,由占有一定空间、具有实际或潜在繁殖能力的种群组成,而且与其他这样的群体在生殖上是隔离的。它与其他分类阶元不同,它是有自己相对稳定的明确界限,可以与别的物种相区别。当前地球上生存的物种是通过长期变异、遗传和自然选择的结果。种与种间在历史上是连续的,但种又是生物连续进化中一个间断的单元,是一个繁殖的群体,能生殖出与自身基本相似的后代。物种是变的,又是不变的,是连续的又是间断的。变是绝对的,是物种发展的根据,不变是相对的,是物种存在的根据。形态相似和生殖隔离(杂交不育)是其不变的一方面,也是鉴定物种的主要依据之一。同一物种内又有亚种、变种等的划分。对种的命名法统一采用瑞典植物学家林奈(Carl von Linnaeus,1707~1778)所提出的双名法。