1.The Effects of Enclosure on Species Diversity in Degraded Alpine Meadow of "Black Soil Type";围栏封育对“黑土型”退化高寒草甸物种多样性的影响
2.Effect of enclosure and shelter belt on soil physicochemical properties of desertified meadow;防护林带和封育对沙化草场土壤理化性质的影响
3.Niche dynamics of main populations of plant communities in restoring succession process in enclosure region:A case study of Yanchi county,Ningxia;人工封育区植物群落恢复演替系列种群生态位动态特征——以宁夏盐池为例

1.The Studies on Effects of Artificial Fencing on Rehabilitation of Vegetation in the Ecotone of Agriculture-animal Husbandry;北方农牧交错带封育区植被恢复研究
2.The Effect of the Cutting Using on Soil Water of Fencing Sandy Land刈割利用对封育沙地土壤水分的影响
3.Studies on Regenerationt of Grassland with Sparsed Elm in Keerqin Sandy Land科尔沁沙地榆树疏林草原及其封育更新研究
4.Study on Construction Dynamic Traits of Hill-closed and Afforested Pinus Tabulaeformis Community in Huanglong Moutains;黄龙山林区封育油松群落结构特征动态研究
5.The Studies on Effects of Atificial Fencing Restoration of Vegetation and Plants Diversity in Duolun County;多伦县封育区植被恢复与植物多样性研究
6.Recovery Effects of Closed Fencing on Forages and Soil Nutrients in Typical Steppe;封育对典型草原牧草及土壤养分的恢复效应
7.The high education resource of Kaifeng City is abundant, there are more than10 universities such as Henan University, Kaifeng University, the Yellow River Water Conservation Institute, and Kaifeng Education Institute.开封市高等教育资源丰富,有河南大学、封大学、河水利学院、封教育学院等10多所高校。
8.A heated enclosure in which fowls are raised.育雏暖房饲养家禽的温暖封闭空间
9.The student write an open letter to the minister of education.学生们给教育部长写了一封公开信。
10.The students wrote an open letter to the Minister of Education.学生们给教育部长写了一封公开信.
11.The newly increased area fenced off for afforestation is 6.059 million hectares.新增封山育林面积605.9万公顷。
12.He was very earnest about giving his son a good education.他十分重视封儿子进行良好的教育。
13.On the Formation Requirements and the Manners of Becoming Kaifeng Emperor s Street to City RBD;开封御街培育为城市RBD的条件及路径
14.Modes of education in ethics: from the restrained to the open-and- student-centered;德育模式:从"控制封闭型"到"自主开放型
15.A Study on the Correlation between the Higher Education Enrollment Expansion and the Social Stratum Closure高等教育扩招与阶层间的封闭性研究
16.The compare between the open education of Nell s and traditional education;英国尼尔的“开放教育”与传统的“封闭教育”之比较
17.A Study of quality-oriented education of english subject at the primary stage in kaifeng;开封市基础教育英语学科素质教育现状调查
18.With regard to of newly planted seedling forests and other places that need to be sealed off for cultivation purposes, the local people's government shall organize the effort to seal off the mountain for forest cultivation.新造幼林地和其他必须封山育林的地方,由当地人民政府组织封山育林

1.Effect of Fencing on Lightly and Heavily Grazing Potentilla Fruticosa Shrublands;围栏封育对轻牧与重牧金露梅灌丛的影响
2.The Influence of Fencing on Degraded Kobresia Humilis Meadows and Non-degraded.;封育措施对退化与未退化矮嵩草草甸的影响
3.Effect of fencing on reproduction strategies of Imperata cylindrical;封育条件下白茅繁殖对策研究
3)closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation封山育林
1.Luliangshan Forests Area in Houma prefecture, located in Shanxi, based on close to nature forestry, restoration ecology theory, the closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation projects have changed the past unreasonable fencing target, unscientific design, etc.山西吕梁林区,以近自然林业、恢复生态学理论为支撑,开展封山育林工程,改变了以往封育对象不合理、设计不科学、目标不明确、措施不到位等弊病。
2.The life form spectrum,leaf size spectrum,light and water ecology spectrum,predominance plant of before and after closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation community in rock desertification area of southeast Yunnan were studied by using plot method(quadrat investigation method).通过样地法比较了滇东南石漠化地区封山育林前后植被的群落学特征,从生活型谱、叶型谱、光照生态类型谱、水分生态类型谱和优势植物等群落特征看,封山育林后群落的水湿条件有所改善,群落正向地带性植被—半湿性亚热带常绿阔叶林演替;从物种多样性来看,封山育林后群落的物种丰富度、物种多样性指数、生态优势度和群落均匀度均有很大的提高,物种多样性增加,群落稳定性增强,且破坏后修复能力增强。
3.This paper studies the control effects of Dendrolimus punctatus by closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation in Chongren and Yugan Counties in Jiangxi based on the principals of the sustainable pest management in forestry and ecology.根据林业有害生物可持续控制理论及生态学观点,对祟仁、余干两地封山育林控制马尾松毛虫作用效果进行了研究。
4)closing the desert for forest荒漠封育
5)closing hillside for afforestation封育治理
6)enclosure of the hillside for regeneration封山育林
1.The concept of enclosure of the hillside for regeneration is elaborated to know the concept better.从重新认识封山育林的理念出发,阐述了封山育林的概念。
2.To improve the level of integrated national afforestation inspection technology,the authors of this paper chose Hangjinqi as a study area and analyzed the effect of using remote sensing technology for checking the achievement and results of artificial afforestation,enclosure of the hillside for regeneration and aerial seeding.为提高当前全国营造林综合核查技术和水平,以杭锦旗为研究范围,探索了遥感技术在人工造林更新实绩、人工造林更新保存状况、封山育林实绩和成效以及飞播造林实绩和成效检查中的应用效果,总结了在营造林综合核查中应用遥感技术的可行性,为今后遥感技术在全国营造林综合核查中的推广应用打下了基础。
