1.Research on aero-engine turnover number and controlling method;航空发动机周转量计算与控制
2.Effect of long-term fertilization on the content and turnover of soil microbial biomass P;长期不同施肥对棕壤微生物量磷及其周转的影响
3.A Review of Researches and Methods for Fine-root Production and Turnover of Trees;树木细根生产与周转研究及方法评述

1.capital turnover资金周转,资本周转
2.turnover rate [of funds, commodities]周转率[资金、商品
3.(mechanics) the rate of change of velocity.(机械学)周转变化的速率。
4.differential bevel epicyclic train差动伞齿轮周转轮系
5.of or relating to an epicycle.属于或关于周转圆的。
6.epicyclic reduction gear star type定星式周转减速齿轮
7.epicyclic reduction gear solar type恒星式周转减速齿轮
8.(physics) a rate of change of velocity.(物理)周转变化速率。
9.retain the foreign exchange income as working capital.保留现汇,周转使用。
10.schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund流动资金周转率计算表
11.turnover rate of merchandise current capital商品流动资金周转
12.planned days of turnover of current capital流动资金计划周转天数
13.turnover of total operating assets营运资产总额周转
14.vehicle currency交易通货,周转货币
15.The crankshaft makes three rotations for each rotation of the rotor.转子每转一周,曲轴转3周。
16.I'll send someone to show you around.我派人带你到周围转转.
17.He's been moping around all day.他整天都在周围瞎转悠.
18.period of cycle of steady motion稳定运转循环的周期

4)velocity of turnover周转率;周转速度
5)retrograde period返转周期
6)reusable container周转箱
1.The strengths and weaknesses of a mould for reusable container with sliding block at movable and fixed half were discussed.论述了传统的周转箱模具滑块设在动模及定模的优缺点,介绍了周转箱模具滑块设在定模的关键技术要求和设计要点以及滑块位置动作分解和分析,实践证明,模具滑块设在定模可以使产品取出方便,提高了生产效率,减轻了劳动强度。

本金定额周转方式本金定额周转方式 【本金定额周转方式】周转式偿还方式的一种。确定最低偿还额(Minim琢卿ent)的方式是:“每月偿还一定数额本金的一个月的利