1.Study on plant species diversity of green space in Foshan urban district(Ⅱ)——Bamboo,woody climber,shrub and herb species diversity;佛山市区城市绿地植物物种多样性研究(Ⅱ)——竹类、灌木、藤本与草本植物多样性
2.Effect of shrub species during vegetation secondary succession on soil nutrient on the hilly-gullied loess region;黄土丘陵区植被次生演替灌木种群的土壤养分效应
3.Characteristics of gas release during combustion of main arbor and shrub species in Xiaoxing an Mountain;小兴安岭主要乔、灌木燃烧过程的烟气释放特征

1.Relating to, resembling, or assuming the form of a shrub; shrubby.灌木状的具有灌木外貌的、象灌木的与灌木有关的;灌木
2.The durable wood of any of these trees or shrubs.栎木,橡木这些树木或灌木的耐用木材
3.A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes.树丛,灌木丛树木或灌木的密集的一丛
4.Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation.灌木林修耕地,灌木林闲地:灌木丛生的劣质土地。
5.raked away some brush behind the rotten log,拨开朽木后面的灌木丛,
6.A tree, as opposed to a shrub.乔木与灌木相对的树
7.cut lumber, as in woods and forests.在灌木林或森林里伐木。
8.chiefly tropical trees and shrubs.主要是热带乔木和灌木
9.chiefly tropical trees or shrubs.主要是热带乔木或灌木
10.genus of East Indian trees or shrubs: dhak.东印度乔木或灌木的属。
11.a family of tropical trees and shrubs of the order Myrtales.热带乔木和灌木科包括。
12.Australasian shrubs or small trees.澳大利亚灌木或小乔木。
13.monoecious trees and shrubs (including the genera Betula and Alnus and Carpinus and Corylus and Ostrya and Ostryopsis).雌雄同株乔木和灌木
14.She went from one bush to the next.她从一个灌木丛走到另一个灌木丛。
15.the bushes, the cut brush and all the grass,灌木,修剪过的灌木,全部草地,
16.A very low-growing shrub.小灌木生长得非常慢的灌木
17.Shrubs and small trees growing beneath taller trees; underbrush.林下灌丛生长在高树下面的灌木和小树;灌木
18.deciduous shrub of North America: leatherwood.北美的每年落叶的灌木;瑞香科乔木或灌木

1.Discussion about the Resource of Trees and Shrubs in Wetland;浅谈湿地景观中乔灌木资源
2.Caloric Values and Carbon Contents of Twelve Species of Shrubs in Northeast China;东北12种灌木热值与碳含量分析
3.The character of phosphorus concentrations in rhizosphere soil of super-xerophytic shrubs;超旱生灌木根际土壤磷的含量特征
1.The Elementary Research on the Morphology and Germination Trait of the Seeds or Fruits of Five American Bush Species;美国五种灌木种实形态特征及其萌发特性的初步研究
2.Study on Soil and Water Conservation Capacity of the Major Bushes in Limestone Mountainous Area;石灰岩山区主要灌木树种水土保持功能的研究
3.Primary Study on Introduction Experiment of Six Kinds of Bush Coming from American Desert;六种美国沙生灌木引种试验的初步研究
6)tree and shruBs乔木和灌木
