1.The Effects of Winter Grazing and Spring Burning on Plant Growth and Seed Yield in Russian Wildrye;冬季放牧和春季火烧对新麦草生长与种子产量的影响
2.Effects of Burning and Nitrogen Application on Seed Production and Seed Quality of Zoysia grass;火烧、施氮肥对结缕草种子产量和质量的影响

1."He can't have got the fire to light ....“一定是火烧不燃。… …
2."Before them fire sends destruction, and after them flame is burning: the land is like the garden of Eden before them, and after them an unpeopled waste; truly, nothing has been kept safe from them."他们前面如火烧灭,后面如火焰烧
3.The houses were scorched out by a large fire.房子被一场大火烧焦了。
4.The forest fire burnt away for days.森林大火烧了好几天。
5.a person with a mania for setting things on fire.癖好放火烧东西的人。
6.It's not easy to set a fire going and draw it upon oneself.放火烧身可不容易。
7.After the fire,very little remained of my house.火烧后,寒舍所剩无几。
8.It was scorching hot.(天气)热得火烧似的。
9.It's scorching hot.天气热得火烧似的。
10.Today is a real scorcher.今天真像火烧的一样热。
11.The invaders set fire to the Winter Palace.侵略者放火烧了圆明园。
12.flare point【化】燃烧点, 着火点
13.burn maliciously, as by arson.有敌意地烧火,比如纵火。
14.an incendiary bomb, device, attack燃烧弹、 喷火器、 火攻.
15."as fire burning a wood, and as a flame causing fire on the mountains,"火怎样焚烧树林,火焰怎样烧着山岭。
16.The discarded match was still alight.丢弃的火柴仍在燃烧
17.catch fire ;begin to burn,esp accidentally烧着,着火(尤指意外地)
18.flashback performance耐烧性能耐受表面火

1.Experimental study of loaded reinforced concrete beams exposed to high heat due to a fire;加载火烧后的钢筋混凝土梁受力性能的试验研究
2.Effect of fire on the control of weeds in Zoysia japonica grassland;火烧对结缕草草地杂草的防控研究
3.Impacts of fire on the nest site selection of Embreriza jankowskii Taczanovski;火烧对栗斑腹鵐巢址选择的影响
3)burning of fire prevention belt火烧防火线
4)ammonia burner烧氨火嘴
5)fire flooding火烧油层
1.Field test of fire flooding in Caonan 95-2 well group of Le'an Oilfield;草南95-2井组火烧油层矿场试验
2.By analyzing the effect of fire flooding on heavy oil reservoir and using laboratorial result,a thin inter-bed model is built and used for seismic forward modeling of fire flooding reservoir.通过分析火烧油层对储层的影响,结合已有的岩石物理测量结果,建立了薄互层油藏火烧油层模型,开展了地震正演模拟研究,并给出了应用实例。
6)in-situ combustion火烧油层
1.Effect prediction of in-situ combustion based on Support Vector Machine;基于支持向量机的火烧油层效果预测
2.Theoretical model of well test analysis for gas injection wells of in-situ combustion;火烧油层注气井试井分析理论模型
3.Design and application of a new laboratory system for in-situ combustion simulation;新型火烧油层物理模型的研制与应用

白肉罩火烧白肉罩火烧翻开中国旅游出版社的《中华小吃》,白肉罩火烧赫然醒目。提起这道名吃,人们不禁就会想起保定的名楼义春楼,它是清末民初保定的五楼之首,其经营的名吃之一就是白肉罩火烧。 白肉罩火烧,做起来十分讲究,要选用一定部位的猪肉,活水洗净,放入沸水中煮熟,其火候很要劲儿,肥肉要脆而不生,瘦肉得烂而不柴,煮制时要去沫去油,加入十几种调料,文火炖熟。吃起来香而不腻,清而不淡。 而今义春楼以不复存在,保定人还能享受到这口福吗?在建设路上的一块“正宗白肉罩火烧”牌匾下的小吃店里,食客找到了满意的答案:能。 老根酒家的老板李领根,是当年人称宋一刀的名师宋德山的高足,现在50岁李领根已是特二极厨师,高级烹调师,是正宗的白肉罩火烧的继承者。在店里,我与几位同行首先问起这块牌匾是否原作,李领根肯定地回答:“一点没错!”接着他又讲起了这几字的来历。 义春楼1906年开业,末代皇帝爱新觉罗溥仪的叔父爱新觉罗溥新宇亲笔为名吃提了匾。因当时义春楼的熟肉制品不仅在民间享有盛誉,而且还是向清廷进贡的物品,溥新宇品尝后颇为得意,于是就提了此匾。 除了民间、朝廷外,当年的爱国将领冯玉祥在保定时,也不断进城吃白肉罩火烧,有时还用大车拉上运到四里营营盘,让官兵们一起品尝。后来,梅兰芳、侯宝林等艺术大师都曾往义春楼吃过白肉罩火烧。 1966年,义春楼在破“四旧”中被砸,白肉罩火烧为保定争得过的荣誉,加上他得过名师宋一刀的真传,继承保定的名吃,不但恢复了这道名吃,而且在过去的基础上不断改进,推陈出新,形成了系列食品。 在我们品尝的时候,李领根献出了绝活,又上了精瘦肉、猪肚、肥肠、猪踢、豆腐泡、素丸子罩火烧,并配以泡蒜、黄瓜条、大葱等小料和保定三宝之一的面酱,吃起来清香适口,最大的特点是一饭三吃,有肉有汤有主食,最妙的感觉是一物五味,就不同的料有不同的口味。