1.Feasibility Studies on Development of Green Food in Fuling City;涪陵区发展榨菜绿色食品的可行性研究
2.Study on Rail Joint of Fuli Railway in Fuling Station;涪陵至利川铁路涪陵接轨方案研究
3.Harmonization between Mankind, Nature and City: a Case Study of Constructing Eco-city in Fuling;人、自然、城市的和谐共融——探索重庆涪陵区生态城市建设之路

1.arrived in the town of Fuling on the Yangtze River.来到长江之滨的涪陵
2.Promoting Fuling's Cultural Reputation with the Help of Baihe -liang Effect白鹤梁效应打造涪陵文化名片的思考
3.I came to Fuling on the slow boat downstream from Chongqing.我从重庆乘慢船沿河而下来到涪陵
4.Research on the Selection of the Partners of Supply Chain of Fuling Pharmaceutical;涪陵制药厂供应链合作伙伴选择研究
5.Study and Plan on Computer Networking Design of Fuling Chemical Industry Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.;涪陵化工计算机网络规划设计与研究
6.Regional Economy Study of Baitao-Jianfeng Economic Area, Fuling, Chongqing;重庆涪陵白涛建峰区域经济发展研究
7.Improving Humanities of Citizens, Building Harmonious Fuling District;构建和谐涪陵需要全面提升人文素养
8.A Supplement about the Vicissitude of Fuling County During the Liang-Jin and Northern-Southern Dynasties;两晋南北朝涪陵郡置废、州属、领县杂考
9.An Analysis of the New Student Population’s Physical Conditions of Year 2004 of Fuling Teachers College;涪陵师范学院2004级新生体质状况分析
10.On the Generating Market in Fuling;涪陵旅游客源市场分析、预测与定位
11.About FENG Zhen-luan s Birth-place and His Criticism on THE GHOST STORIES;冯镇峦的“涪陵”籍贯与《聊斋》评点
12.In fact, Fuling Prefecture still existed in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was subordinate to Yizhou from the late Western Jin Dynasty to the Qi Dynasty.实际情况是东晋、南宋仍设置涪陵郡,西晋后期到齐朝,涪陵郡均属于益州
13.Exploiting Baih e -liang culture and developing Fuling's cultural industry is an importa nt measure to increase Fuling's cultural reputation.开发白鹤梁文化,努力发展涪陵文化产业,是打造涪陵特色文化名片的重要举措。
14.Zhacai is a highly characteristic tourist resource of Fuling.榨菜是涪陵最为鲜明、最具特色的旅游资源。
15.The Positivist Research of Check-up System of the Civil Servants in Fuling District in Chongqing重庆市涪陵区公务员考核制度实证研究
16.Study on Nonlinear Prediction for Reservoir Bank Collapse in Fuling Area of the Three Gorges Project;三峡工程涪陵区水库塌岸非线性预测研究
17.A Study on City Expanding of Fuling in Chongqing Based on Remote Sense and GIS;基于遥感和GIS的重庆市涪陵区城市扩展分析
18.Social Assessment of Migration and Anti-flood Project in Fuling City;涪陵城区移民迁建防护工程社会评价分析

3)Fuling Uplift涪陵凸起
4)Fuling Prefecture涪陵地区
1.Three-N Concentrations of Farmland Runoff Waterbody in Fuling Prefecture and Their Distribution Features;涪陵地区农田径流水体中三氮含量及分布特征
5)Fuling dock涪陵港
1.Influences of Fuling dock in the Three Gorges Reservoir area on flood control of Fuling reach;三峡库区涪陵港区码头对长江涪陵段防洪的影响分析
6)Fuling reach涪陵河段
1.During the initial filling of Three Gorges project Fuling reach located at the varying backwater region, has earlier influences on its water level rise and navigation facilities than that of the Chongqing reach.三峡工程初期蓄水运用阶段,涪陵河段处于回水变动区,该河段较之重庆河段,受水库壅水影响早,水位抬升高,泥沙淤积对航运设施的影响早。

涪陵石鱼  古代长江中游枯水位的石刻标志。位于四川涪陵县北长江江心的白鹤梁上,由西向东长1600m以上,与长江流向平行,南北宽10~15m,常年淹没在水下,只在某些年份冬春水位最低时,才露出江心。在梁的倾斜面上是鱼形图案与文字题记纵横交错的石刻群(见彩图)。已发现的鱼图中有三条是康熙二十四年(1685)刻的清代双鱼,以及根据宋代题记上溯唐广德二年(764)以前所刻鱼图,具有相当于现代水尺的作用,是历代记录不同年代不同枯水位的固定标志。在已发现的宋元明清约160余条题记中,除记年月外,往往记有双鱼已见,水至此鱼下五尺,水去鱼下七尺等字样,留下一批长达千年以上可供分析研究的枯水位宝贵记录。