1.Verification of Several Questions on Which Oak(Quercus) Belonged to Family,Genus and Species in the Taxonomic Category of Botany;关于柞树在植物分类阶元“”、“种”、“属”的几个问题考证
2.Relationship Between Species and Family or Genus in Number of Aves in China;物种与属的数量关系——以中国鸟类为例
3.Analysis of the flora of the family of the seed plants in Kongtong Mountain of Gansu Province;甘肃崆峒山种子植物区系的分析

1.Malvaceae; Bombacaceae; Elaeocarpaceae; Sterculiaceae; Tiliaceae.金葵;木棉;杜英;梧桐;椴树
2.a children's, maternity, surgical ward儿、 产、 外病房
3.a science teacher, textbook, subject理教师、 教书、 目.
4.a dental, diabetic, fracture, etc clinic牙、 糖尿病、 骨
5.These subjects include the arts, science and business.包括文、理以及商
6.I would like to transfer you to the gynecology (surgery, dermatology, urology department).我要将你转到妇(外、皮、泌尿)去。
7.They are Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Pediatrics and so on.有内、外、妇产、小儿等。
8.and Acipenseridae, Esocidae, Gadidae, Serranidae, Eleotridae, Channidae, Cottidae are all include 1 species, taking 0.017% respectively.鲟、狗鱼、鳕、鱼旨、塘鳢、鳢、杜父鱼各1种,共占0.017%。
9.Ericaceae; Clethraceae; Diapensiaceae; Epacridaceae; Lennoaceae; Pyrolaceae; Monotropaceae.杜鹃花;山柳;岩梅;顶花;雷纳;鹿蹄草;水晶兰
10.Gentianaceae; Apocyanaceae; Asclepiadaceae; Loganiaceae; Oleaceae; Salvadoraceae.龙胆;夹竹桃;马钱;木犀;刺茉莉
11.a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher学发现、 学仪器、 理书、 学研究人员.
12.Of these species the majority belong to the families of Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae, Rosaceae, Rutaceae, Oleaceae, and Leguminosae.种类较多的有术兰、樟、蔷薇、芸香料,木犀,豆等。
13.the pinnacle of science学尖端, 尖端
14.Any of various fishes of the family Cyprinidae.鲤鱼鲤鱼的一种
15.a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales.属于伞菌的真菌一
16.oral-maxillofacial surgery and dental unit口腔颌面外及牙
17.A physician or surgeon.内医生或外医生
18.internal medicine内〔专医生名册〕

1.The comparison of vertebral column and appendicular skeleton for bagrid catfishes from Jialing River reveals that in the family Bagridae the compound vertebra is formed by the anterior 6 vertebrae.对嘉陵江鱼类脊柱及附肢骨骼的比较表明,复台椎骨由前6权脊椎骨愈合而成。
2.In the family Bagridae,the Weberian apparatus consists of the claustrum,the scaphium,the inter-calarium and the tripus.鱼类的韦伯氏器的形态与鲤鱼类的不同,闩骨扁平或长针状,略呈孤形,舟骨“V”形,由匙状部、上行支、髁状突和舟骨沟构成;间插骨“V”或钧状,分为间插骨体、水平支、髁状突和上行支四部分;三角骨最发达,含前突、关节突和转换突等部分,韦伯氏器的形态表现出明显的属间差异,可以作为属间分类的重要依据之一。
1.An analysis of the angiospermous families in Guangxi shows that the flora has a diverse geographical elements, with an overwhelming number of tropical and tropical-to-subtropical families accounting for 53 7%; cosmopolitan and subcosmopolitan, tropical-to-temperate,temperate and those endemic to Asia account for 19 4%,12 0%,9 7% and 5 1% of the total family number respectively.对广西被子植物区系的组成和地理成分进行了分析。
1.The diterpenoids of three species of Teucrium in Guizhou province;贵州香属3种植物中的二萜成分
6)Popular science and science research科普科研
