1.Advanced Research on Terpenoids in Michelia and Their Biological Activity;木兰科含笑属萜类成分及其生物活性研究进展
2.On application of Michelia from ecological gardens;从生态园林谈含笑属树种的应用前景

1.Study on Anatomical Characters and Landscape Application of Several Species in Michelia L.;含笑属(Michelia L.)一些植物形态解剖与园林应用探讨
2.The Reproduction Technology & the Application Research Progress for Michelia Linn Plant in China;中国含笑属植物繁殖技术及其应用的研究进展
3.Tree species resources of Michelia in China and its landscaping prospect我国含笑属乔木树种资源及其园林应用前景
4.Genetic Diversity Analysis and Optimization of RAPD Reaction System of Michelia含笑属RAPD反应条件优化及遗传多态性分析
5.The Forming and Releasing and Chemical Components of Fragrance of Three Species in Mickelia Linn.含笑属3个种花香形成和释放及化学成分的研究
6.An evergreen timber tree(Michelia champaca)native to India and having fragrant orange - yellow flowers that yield an oil used in perfumery.黄兰原产于印度的一种常绿木材乔木(黄兰含笑属),芳香的橙黄色花朵可产生用于制造香水的油脂
7.Had she heard the news, she would have smiled in her grave.她倘得知, 当含笑九泉。
8."Smiling slightly, Baoyu quickly helped him up"宝玉忙含笑携他起来
9.The students were all waiting expectantly with grins on their faces.学生都含笑期待着。
10.Containing metal. Used of a mineral deposit or an ore含金属的含金属的。用来指矿床或矿石
11.It is a strange smile. It lacks the subtle nuances of an ordinary smile.那笑容奇怪。它缺少一般笑容所含的细腻韵味。
12.At last she was able to look up with tearful eyes and a smile.最后她终于含着泪眼,微笑着抬起头来。
13."Oh ...I see ..." Li Yu-ting muttered, forcing a smile.“哦——哦——”李玉亭勉强笑着,含糊地应了两声;
14.Col.Lei smiled slightly and answered vaguely:雷参谋微微一笑,只给了个含糊的回答:
15.They give each other a smile with a future In It .他俩儿彼此给对方以含情的一笑。
16.an ambiguous smile, glance, gesture, etc用意含糊的微笑、 一瞥、 手势等.
17.Your f ace is pale and blue, a tearful smile.君面容苍白,神情凄切,含泪而笑。
18.It's a bittersweet song.那是一支让人含泪也让人笑的歌。

Magnolia subgenus Michelia含笑亚属
3)Michelia tree species含笑属树种
1.The germplasm resource,cultural connotation and ornamental characteristics of Michelia tree species were expatiated systematically.系统地阐述含笑属树种的种质资源、文化意蕴以及观赏特征,并对含笑属树种在园林绿化中的多种用途进行探讨。
4)Michelia Linn Plant含笑属植物
1.The Reproduction Technology & the Application Research Progress for Michelia Linn Plant in China;中国含笑属植物繁殖技术及其应用的研究进展
6)Aromatic plant of Michelia含笑属芳香植物

含笑含笑介绍 含笑 (Michelia figo)科属: 木兰科 别名: 香蕉花、含笑花形态特征: 常绿灌木或小乔木。分枝紧密,组成圆形树冠。小枝和叶柄上均密被褐色茸毛。叶椭圆形或倒卵状椭圆形,革质,全缘,嫩绿色。花单生于叶腋间,小而直立,乳黄色或乳白色,花瓣6枚,瓣缘常带紫晕,肉质,香味浓郁,有香蕉香味。4月~6月开花。9月果熟。分布与习性:其性耐阴,可植于楼北、树下、疏林旁繁殖与栽培:以扦插繁殖为主,也可嫁接、播种和压条繁殖。6月间花谢后扦插。嫁接可用黄兰作砧木于3月上、中旬腹接或枝接。播种繁殖于11月将种子沙藏,至翌春种子裂口后盆播。高枝压条于5月上旬进行。3月中旬至4月中旬带土移栽。盆栽需每年翻换土一次。应用:含笑是中国重要而名贵的园林花卉,常植于江南的公园及私人庭院内。由于其抗氯气,也是工矿区绿化的良好树种。其性耐阴,可植于楼北、树下、疏林旁,或盆栽室内观赏。花蕾可供药用,花含芳香油,可入药。图片: