1.Effects of Nitrogen on Flowering of Fruit Trees;氮素在果树成花过程中的作用
2.Preliminary study on relationship between polyamine contents in acrogenic bud and flowering of Longan (Dimocarpus longan);龙眼顶芽多胺含量变化与成花关系初探
3.Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Flowering and Changes of Contents of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamines During Flowering of Dianthus chinensis L.;植物生长调节剂对石竹试管成花及内源激素与多胺的影响

1.The florist bunched the flowers up.花匠把花捆成花束。
2.One flower makes no garland.一朵鲜花做不成花环。
3.She twined the flowers into a wreath.她把花编结成花环。
4.weave a garland out of primroses用报春花编成花环.
5.Mary twisted flowers into wreath.玛丽将花编成花圈。
6.She twined the flowers into a garland.她把这些花编成花环。
7.twist(flowers,twigs,etc)together to make a garland,wreath,etc用(花、枝条等)编成花环、花圈等.
8.The florist bunched the flowers and sold them at two dollars each bunch.这花匠将花缚成花束,每束售价二元。
9.Study on the Mechanism during Flowering and Flowering Reversion of Chrysanthemum in Photoperiod Induction光周期诱导菊花成花成花逆转机理研究
10.A plant hormone that promotes flowering.成花素一种促使花开放的植物激素
11.A blossom develops from a bud.花由花蕾发育而成。
12.Made of tweed.花呢制的用花呢制成的
13.She twisted flowers into a wreath她把花编成一个花环。
14.I became Mr. Playboy," he said.我成了花花公子先生。”
15.resembling or made of or suggestive of flowers.像花一样,由花制成或使人联想起花。
16.As long as flowers and grass please, the herdsmen can wear floral clothes, eat flowers, live amidst flowers and travel on a flowery land. After all, flowers and grass have no objection. In this sense, herdsmen are gods of flowers.反正只要牧人高兴,花草又没有异议,牧人完全可以衣花食花住花行花,成为花翁花姑花仙花神。
17.A garland of flowers, especially one worn around the neck花环,花冠用鲜花制成的花环,尤指戴在脖子上的花环
18.Resembling or consisting of a catkin.柔荑花序的象柔荑花序的或由柔荑花序组成的

flower formation成花
1.Effects of cutting out the last immature top in winter on flower formation and fruit setting of Litchi chinenesis Sonn cv.Feizixiao;冬季剪截未老熟末次梢对妃子笑荔枝成花坐果的影响
2.The aim was to study the relationship between polyamine metabolism and flower formation.以无根石竹试管苗为试材 ,通过外源多胺及多胺生物合成抑制剂调控石竹试管成花 ,研究其内源多胺代谢与成花的关系 。
3.Flower formation, which is affected by multiple inner and outer factors, is a vital process in grapevine development.成花过程是葡萄生长发育过程中的重要转折时期,葡萄的成花过程受众多内外因素的调控。
1.Research on the Advanced Flower of Apple Seedlings Treated by Growth Regulators;生长调节剂促进苹果实生树提早成花的研究
2.This studies was carried out to investigate the changes ofseveral metabolism of chrysanthemum during flowering and flowering reversion with cut flower cv.‘shenma’]为试验材料,在不同的光周期下,研究了菊花成花成花逆转过程中生理生化代谢的变化。
4)lace molding花边成型
5)Formation of female flowers雌花形成
6)flower color formation花色形成
1.In horticulture, the successful creation of a new flower color shall be based on the elucidation of various parameters regulating flower color formation.对于园艺学来说,要培育出自然界中原本没有的新颖花色,很有必要弄清控制花色形成的各种因素。

花落莲成【花落莲成】  花落莲成,亦有二喻:一喻废权立实。谓华落喻废权,莲成喻立实。盖譬如来废弃三乘之权,而建立一乘之实。故经云:正直舍方便,但说无上道。是也。二喻废迹立本,谓华落喻废迹,莲成喻立本。盖譬如来废今日近成之迹,而立久远成佛之本。故经云:诸佛如来,法皆如是,为度众生,皆实不虚。是也。