1.Study on Morphology of the Pollen 3 Spiecies from Geranium in Liaoning Province;辽宁省三种老鹳草属植物的花粉鉴别研究
2.Study on Morphology of the Pollen of 4 Species from Geranium in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省4种老鹳草属植物的花粉形态研究
3.RAPD Analysis for Genetic Diversity of Geranium;老鹳草属植物遗传多样性的RAPD分析

1.any of numerous geraniums of the genus Geranium.老鹳草属多种植物中的一种。
2.Any of various plants of the genus Geranium, having palmately divided leaves and pink or purplish flowers.老鹳草属植物一种老鹳草属植物,有掌状分叶和粉红色或带紫色的花
3.any of several southern African geraniums having fragrant 3- to 5-lobed leaves and pink flowers.南部非洲老鹳草属植物,三到五裂的叶片,花粉色。
4.Geranium pratense f. albiflora,a new form of Geraniaceae from Ningxia of China草地老鹳草一新变型——白花草地老鹳草
5.Studies on the Interactions between Geranium Carolinianum L. and Its Pathogenic Fungus Plasmopara Geranii-caroliniani Schr(?)ter;野老鹳草与病原菌野老鹳草霜霉菌相互作用的研究
6.geranium of western North America having branched clusters of white or pale pink flowers.北美西部老鹳草,白色或粉红色花串。
7.The extraction of Total DNA from Geranium carolinianum L.野老鹳草DNA的提取方法及RAPD分析
8.western geranium with small pink flowers; a common weed on lawns and in vacant lots.西部老鹳草,开粉色小花;草坪和空地上的普通草。
9.geranium of western North America having pinkish-purple flowers in open clusters.北美西部老鹳草,分开的串上,有粉紫色花。
10.Study on Technology of Erodium Stephanianum Active Material Preparation Based on CAM Model(1);基于CAM模型老鹳草活性物质制备工艺研究Ⅰ
11.Studies on Extracting Technology of TFG and Biological Activity of Geranium Wilfordii Maxim.老鹳草总黄酮提取工艺及其生物活性研究
12.common wild geranium of eastern North America with deeply parted leaves and rose-purple flowers.北美东部普通野生老鹳草,叶子有深裂,花玫瑰紫色。
13.Assaying of Active Components from Geranium Carolinianum L. and Toxicity Test of Its Alcohol Extract;野老鹳草有效成分含量测定及其乙醇提取物的毒性试验研究
14.Study of Subchronic Oral toxity of Alcohol Extract of Geranium Carolinianum L.野老鹳草乙醇提取物对Wistar大白鼠的亚慢性毒性试验研究
15.Protective effects of the aqueous extract of Geranium wilfordii Maxim for acute liver injury induced by CCl4 in mice老鹳草水提取物对四氯化碳所致小鼠急性肝损伤的保护作用
16.Therapeutical effect of Geranium sibirium extract on low rectal carcinoma老鹳草提取物治疗低位直肠癌的临床观察及机理探讨
17.Effects of Geranium sibirum Extracts on Liver Metastases in Nude Mice with Colonic Cancer老鹳草提取物对人结肠癌细胞株裸鼠肝转移的影响
18.tall perennial cranesbill with paired violet-blue axillary flowers; native to northern parts of Old World and naturalized in North America.多年生高老鹳草,对生蓝紫色腋羽花;原产羽旧大陆北部,已经引入美国。

Plants of Geranium L老鹳草属植物
3)Geranium sibiricum L老鹳草
1.Optimum extraction process of total tannin of Geranium sibiricum L;正交实验法优选老鹳草总鞣质的最佳提取工艺
2.Preparation of the Geranium sibiricum L granules;老鹳草颗粒剂的制备探讨
4)Geranium wilfordii Maxim老鹳草
1.Extraction and Antibiotic Effect of Tannins from Geranium wilfordii Maxim;老鹳草鞣质的提取及其抑菌效果研究
2.Effect of Geranium wilfordii Maxim on Gastric Ulcer Induced by Ethanol in Mice;老鹳草对小鼠无水乙醇型胃溃疡的影响
3.Optimization of the Extraction Technology of Rutin and Quercetin from Geranium wilfordii maxim by Uniform Design;均匀设计法优选老鹳草中芦丁和槲皮素提取工艺
1.Effects of Geraniin on Experimental Osteoporosis and Survival Rate of Osteoclasts;老鹳草素对实验性骨质疏松症及破骨细胞生成的影响
6)Geranium wilfordii老鹳草
1.Objective To study the optimum extraction process of total flavonoids in Geranium wilfordii Maxim Methods The extraction of total flavonoids was choosen as the assessment index.目的用正交试验法优选老鹳草中总黄酮的提取工艺。

大红鹳  鹳形目红鹳科红鹳属的1种。又名火烈鸟,焰鹳(见彩图)。分布于地中海沿岸,东达印度西北部,南抵非洲,亦见于西印度群岛。    体形大小似鹳;嘴短而厚,上嘴中部突向下曲,下嘴较大成槽状;颈长而曲;脚极长而裸出,向前的3趾间有蹼,后趾短小不着地;翅大小适中;尾短;体羽白而带玫瑰色,飞羽黑,覆羽深红,诸色相衬,非常艳丽。    栖息于温热带盐湖水滨,涉行浅滩,以小虾、蛤蛎、昆虫、藻类等为食。觅食时头往下浸,嘴倒转,将食物吮入口中,把多余的水和不能吃的渣滓排出,然后徐徐吞下。性怯懦,喜群栖,常万余只结群。红鹳以泥筑成高墩作巢,巢基在水里,高约0.5米。孵卵时亲鸟伏在巢上,长颈后弯藏在背部羽毛中。每窝产卵1~2枚。卵壳厚,色蓝绿。孵化期约1个月。雏鸟初靠亲鸟饲育,逐渐自行生活。羽毛可作装饰品,肉嫩可食。又因羽色鲜丽,被人饲为观赏鸟。