1.The Ecological Adaptation of Several Medicinal Materials to the Karst Environment in Guangxi Nongla;广西弄拉几种适生药材叶片对岩溶环境的生态适应
2.Characteristics comparison of the leaf anatomy of Cyclobalanopsis glauca and its adaption to the environment of typical karst peak cluster areas in Nongla;弄拉典型峰丛岩溶区青冈栎叶片形态特征及对环境的适应
3.High resolution measurements of stage,pH,conductivity,temperature and rainfall of Landiantang Epikarst spring at Nongla,Mashan in Guangxi Province,China were monitored by using data logger recording with fifteen minutes resolution.利用多参数自动记录仪对马山弄拉兰电堂泉的降水量、水位、水温、pH值、电导率和Ca2+含量进行了自动监测。

1.Hydro-chemical variation explanation to Landiantang spring in Nongla of Guangxi广西弄拉兰电堂岩溶泉水化学动态变化
2.The table is dripping with soup all over.沥沥拉拉弄了一桌子汤。
3.Cara straightened his tie.卡拉把他的领带弄直。
4.She twitch the corner of the rug to straighten it.她拉了拉小地毯的一角,把它弄正。
5.She tyitch the corner of the rug to straighten it她拉了拉小地毯的一角, 把它弄正
6.She twitched the corner of the rug to straighten it.她拉了拉小地毯的一角, 把它弄正.
7.Meteorological conditions at Lanong Glacier in Nyainqentanglha Range念青唐古拉山拉弄冰川气象要素变化特征
8.The Boy was teasing the cat by pulling its tail男孩拉着猫的尾巴逗弄它。
9.soil oneself by emptying solid waste from the bowels accidentally突然拉出屎来把自己弄脏.
10.To The farmer had to drag the unwilling cow into the field.农夫把牛连拖带拉硬弄到农
11.Her constant chatter tired everyone.她不住地东拉西扯,弄得人人都厌烦了。
12." I ruined my uniform," Razeena was crying."我把制服弄坏了,"拉泽娜哭着。
13.Socratic irony苏格拉底式的佯装无知愚弄对方
14.After much tugging,the rope untangled itself and straightened out.拉了好久才把缆绳解开弄直。
15.The naughty boy is always making fun of girls in Vera's class.那顽皮的男孩总是喜欢戏弄维拉班上的女生。
16.Lara: Yes, he really enjoys teasing her with that piece of string.拉腊:不错,他很喜欢拿那根细绳逗弄小猫。
17.Ill health seems to have cleared Sarah out.看来,体弱多病已经把萨拉弄得不名一文。
18.Pamela fingered the pearl choker around her thin throat.帕米拉摆弄一下紧围在她细脖子上的珍珠项链。

Lanong Glacier拉弄冰川
1.Lanong Glacier Retreat in Nyainqêntanglha Range ofTibetan Plateau during 1970—2003;近期气候变暖念青唐古拉山拉弄冰川处于退缩状态
2.The diurnal and seasonal variations of air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction from September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007 were analyzed, using the observation data from an automatic weather station (AWS) at Lanong Glacier of Nyainqentanglha Range.利用念青唐古拉山拉弄冰川垭口架设的自动气象站观测资料,初步分析了2006年9月1日至2007年8月31日的气温、气压、相对湿度和风等气象要素的日和季节变化特征。
3)Nongla Village of Mashan County马山弄拉
4)Lalong formation拉弄组
5)Kuala Rompin瓜拉弄宾
6)Nongla in Guangxi广西弄拉

吐弄舌吐弄舌 吐弄舌   病状名。吐舌,指舌体伸长弛缓,出口外而不收。弄舌,指舌体微出口外,立即收回口内,或舌舐唇上下及口角左右。多见于小儿,属心脾热盛重症。