1.Observation of trichome types and development in three species nightshade;3种龙葵表皮毛类型及发育过程观察研究
2.Fruit trichome of the peach(Prunus persia cv.以扫描电镜技术观察了桃(94-1-40)和2种猕猴桃(中华36和美味84)果实膨大期的表皮毛,并利用Im a-ging-PAM测定了其去表皮毛前后果实表皮荧光动力学参数。
3.The author had a detailed observation of trichomes on the surface of various organs of rare and precious plant-"wingfruit" elaeagnus under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and stereomicroscope.利用体视显微镜、扫描电镜和光学显微镜,对珍稀濒危植物翅果油树 ElaeagnusmollisDiels 的茎、叶、果、休眠芽等多种器官表面覆盖的表皮毛,进行了详细观察。

1.Cloning and Functional Analysis of Promoter Specially Expressed in Trichome in Arabidopsis;拟南芥表皮毛特异表达启动子的克隆及功能分析
2.Epithelial regeneration takes place principally from the epithelial lining of the sweat glands and hair follicles.表皮再生主要依靠汗腺和毛囊的表皮被复。
3.A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather绒毛织物或皮革上的柔软或绒毛状的表面
4.the tissue forming the outer covering of a fur-bearing animal.构成皮毛动物外表的组织。
5.A hairlike or bristlelike outgrowth, as from the epidermis of a plant.毛状体毛发状的或刺毛状的幼芽,如从植物的表皮层发出来的
6.Trimming or lining made of fur.毛皮镶边或毛皮衬里
7.Culture of Fetal Murine Epidermal Stem Cells in Vitro and Their Contributions to the Regeneration of Epidermis and Follicles;胎鼠表皮干细胞的体外分离培养及其在表皮和毛囊再生中的作用
8.Changes of Langerhans Cells (LC) and Dendritic Epidermal T Cells (DETC) During Murine Hair Follicle Cycle;小鼠毛囊周期中表皮朗格汉斯细胞及树突状表皮T细胞的变化
9.To form or raise a soft or fuzzy surface on(fabric or leather).使起毛使在(织物或皮革上)形成或隆起柔软或绒毛状的表面
10.The latest commercial information indicates that the market of raw furs is bound to advance .最新商业信息表明毛皮市场肯定会上涨。
11.Observation of Leaf Epidermis and Its Hair of Begonia from Yunnan云南秋海棠属叶表皮及毛被的扫描电镜观察
12.The Effect of Glioma Cell to Microvascular Endothelial Cell FasL Expression;胶质瘤细胞对毛细血管内皮细胞FasL表达的影响
13.Characterization of basic morphology and cortical cell structure of yak tail hair fiber牦牛尾毛纤维基本形态及皮质细胞结构的表征
14.Expression charactersitics of TGF-β isoforms and their receptor in pig skin and hair folliclesTGF-β各亚型与其受体在猪皮肤及毛囊中的表达
15.Biological difference between keratinocytes derived from follicles and epidermis毛囊与体表来源上皮细胞的生物学差异
16.The Morphology and Process Changes of Peltate Glandular hairs in Alnus mandshurica Leaf Epidermis东北桤木叶表皮盾状腺毛的形态及其变化过程
17.An Experimental study of human hair follicle stem cells-chitosan-gelatin membrane for repairing the skin defect of nude mouse毛囊干细胞表皮膜片修复裸鼠皮肤缺损的实验研究
18.The black pelt of a prematurely born karakul sheep, having a flat surface with wavy markings.黑湖羔羊毛皮一种早产的黑湖羊羔的黑毛皮,表面平坦,有鬈曲的斑点

1.Recently,many genes have been identified to control the initiation and morphogenesis of the trichomes using Arabidops as a model.植物表皮毛是一种特化的单细胞表皮结构。
2.,the leaf epidermis have been examined by scanning electron microscopes(SEM) and the optical microscopy(LM) to study the characteristics of stomata,trichomes and dermal cell,et al.利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察我国西南岩溶区典型次生灌草丛建群种-黄荆成熟叶的上、下表皮形态,观察指标包括气孔器、表皮毛、表皮细胞等。
3.confusa,which are in the genus of Flos Lonicerae were examined by scanning electron microscopes (SEM) to study the characteristics of stomata,trichomes and dermal cell,et al.利用扫描电镜观察2种忍冬属植物的叶表皮形态特征,观察指标包括气孔器、表皮毛、表皮细胞等。
3)epidermal hair表皮毛
1.The results showed that there was very obvious differences in quantity of syoma and epidermal hair and chlorophyll content between varieties.对4个甜瓜品种进行叶表皮显微观察、叶绿素含量和光合速率测定,结果显示,甜瓜不同品种间叶表皮气孔、表皮毛数量、叶绿素含量有很大差别。
2.The leaf epidermises of seventeen species belonging Seriphidium were observed with scanning electron microscope and the leaf surface of these species were founded to have great amounts of banded waxy substances on the outer surface of which there distributed salt grains and great numbers of epidermal hair,thereby presenting distinct exeric structural characteristics.结果表明,该属植物叶表面有大量带状蜡质和表皮毛覆盖,在蜡质成分的外面分泌有盐分颗粒,表现出明显的旱生结构特征。
3.Observed in the present work were epidermal cells,stomatal apparatues,epidermal hairs,culticular membrane and wax ornamention of upper and lower epidermis.通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,观察了喜树成熟叶的表皮细胞、气孔器、表皮毛形态,以及上、下表皮细胞外壁上的角质膜和蜡质纹饰。
4)leaf epidermal hair叶表皮毛
1.In this paper,the leaf epidermal hairs of 28 species and varletes of the genus Potentilla in China were observed under microscope and stero microscope.在光学显微镜和实体解剖镜下对28种和变种国产委陵菜属植物的叶表皮毛进行了研究,结果如下:1。
5)A representation of fur.代表毛皮
6)epidermal trichome density表皮毛密度
1.Variation of leaf epidermal trichome density of three meconopsis species with altitude change in Qinghai;青海不同海拔高度下3种绿绒蒿表皮毛密度的变化

毛披树 ,毛冬青药物名称:毛冬青英文名:别名: 毛披树 ,毛冬青适应症: 本品有扩张血管、增加冠脉血流量并使血压下降的作用。用于冠心病、血栓闭塞性脉管炎、脑血栓形成。 规格: 毛冬青注射液:每支2ml,含黄酮甙40mg(相当于毛冬青根240g)。用于冠心病、心绞痛、血栓闭塞性脉管炎 类别:防治心绞痛药