1.This paper discusses the water projects in Chinese stamps and their stories.介绍出现在邮票里的中国水利建设和设施以及其简介和故事。
2.Olympic stamp, the transmitter of Olympic spirit and culture, has been an important part of Olympic after its development for more than 100 years.奥运邮票是奥林匹克精神和文化的承载者和传播者,经过一百多年的发展已成为奥运会的重要组成部分。

1.A stamp so marked.盖过邮戳的邮票这类标记的邮票
2.[America] indicia | indicium [sing.]邮戳[代替邮票用之
3.stick stamps into an album把邮票贴在集邮册里.
4.He attached a stamp (to the letter).他 (给信) 贴上邮票
5.commemorative stamps, medals, etc纪念邮票、 奖章等.
6.I need a book of regular stamp and two of airmail.我要一封普通邮票和两封航空邮票
7.expensive stamp贵重的邮票,面值大的邮票
8.He has an obsession with postage stamps.他为邮票着迷((他满脑子都是邮票))。
9.Give me four eight and two four, please.请给我四张8分邮票和两张4分邮票
10.The collection and study of postage stamps, postmarks, and related materials; stamp collecting.集邮对邮票、邮戳和有关的材料的收集和研究;邮票收集
11.Prestige Stamp Booklet( contains2 stamp sheetlets. Stamp sheetlets are not available for separate selling.珍贵邮票小册子(附两张邮票小型张,邮票小型张不设独立发售。
12.International Federation of Stamp Dealers' Associations国际邮票商协会联合会
13.the German government reprinted the postage stamp again and again.德国政府一再重印邮票
14.I'm sorting out these stamps.我在把这些邮票分类。
15.Just stick on a stamp and post it.贴上邮票发掉就行了。
16.Stick a stamp on the letter.给这封信贴上邮票
17.Please put the stamp on it for me.请帮我把邮票贴上吧。
18.Give me a 20-cent postage stamp, please.请给我一张二角的邮票

1.An illustration Darwin and his sentiment reasons with insect on stamps邮票图说达尔文和他的昆虫情缘
2.More than 200 exquisite colored memorial stamps have been collected in the web- site.在建构主义理念的指导下,采用多媒体网络技术开发了邮票上的化学史网站。
3)Size of Stamp邮票票幅
4)To get some stamps; the postoffice买邮票;邮局
1.Design of integrated platform for collaborative production of telecommunication industry based on e-stamps;电子邮票与邮政协同式生产集成平台设计
2.Surging Cryptography and Its Application to E-stamp System;新型密码算法及其在电子邮票系统中的应用
3.Design and Implementation of E-stamp Making System;电子邮票生成系统的设计与实现
6)stamp hole邮票孔
1.The stamp hole on PWB is very common,but the PTH stamp hole is unusual.印制板的邮票孔是很普通的加工方法,但金属化邮票孔就不常见了。
