1.Effect of different nitrogen fertilizers on dynamic transformation of phosphorus fertilizer in paddy soil under flooding condition;淹水条件下不同氮肥对水稻土中磷肥转化的动态影响
2.Relation between Fe-oxides transformation and phosphorus adsorption in the oxic and anoxic layers of two paddy soils as affected by flooding;淹水对两种水稻土氧化层和还原层铁氧化物转化和磷吸附的影响(英文)
3.Effects of flooding on iron transformation and phosphorus adsorption desorption properties in different layers of the paddy soils;水稻土淹水过程中不同土层铁形态的变化及对磷吸附解吸特性的影响

1.Cataracts of rain flooded the streets.倾盆大雨弄得街道淹水
2.On upper floors, plugged drains may cause flooding.楼上堵塞的下水道也许会引起淹水
3.To cover with water, especially floodwaters.淹没用水淹盖,特指洪水泛滥
4.Coastal land submerged during high tide.受潮地,潮淹区涨潮时被水淹没的海岸
5.The flood inundated the whole district.洪水淹没了整个地区。
6.They came near being drowned.他们几乎被水淹死。
7.Flood water covers our fields.洪水淹没了我们的田地。
8.The waters can not quench it.水是不能淹没它的。
9.The land was submerged by the flood.那块地被洪水淹没。
10.Drowned in the deep of the river.淹死在河流的深水处
11.The lower gun-ports were now below water,下层炮眼已淹没在水里,
12.Tents and trailers submerged by the deluge.帐篷和拖车被洪水浸淹
13.submerged hydro-electric unit淹没式水力发电机组
14."Yes, the waters of pride would have gone over our soul."狂傲的水必淹没我们。
15.Many people drowned in the great flood发大水时很多人淹死了。
16.The tide swelled in over the sand潮水暴涨,淹没了沙滩
17.Flood water covered the fields by the river.洪水淹没了河边的田地.
18.The river has flooded a number of villages.洪水淹没了一些村庄。

1.Effects of waterlogging on root respiration intensity and respiratory enzyme activities of sweet cherry;淹水对甜樱桃根系呼吸强度和呼吸酶活性的影响
2.Effects of Waterlogging on the Activities of Protective Enzyme System and Photosythesis of Hanfu Apple;持续淹水处理对寒富苹果抗逆性酶及光合作用影响初探
3.Effects of waterlogging on the photosythesis of tobacco cultivars;淹水对烟草光合作用影响初探
1.Through simulated soil dynamic submergence in the hydro-fluctuation belt of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region,four different kinds of water treatment were applied to examine the mechanism of the nutrient changes in soils of Taxodium distichum seedlings.三峡库区消落带土壤淹水的周期性常年变化,势必影响到土壤营养元素含量、土壤肥力、土壤理化性质等土壤特性的变化(Ponnamperuma,1972;李其林等,2004;杨刚,2004),但土壤营养元素含量的影响是导致土壤其他特性发生相应变化的根本原因之一(金为民,2003;岳庆玲等,2007)。
2.The effects of submergence on the photosynthetic pigments,malondialdehyde (MDA)and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were investigated via different submergence time in five grasses, Vetiveria zizanioides,Paspalum notatum var.用氧电极和叶绿素荧光相结合测定的方法研究华南地区常用于水土保持的硬穗钝叶草、地毯草、宽叶和细叶百喜草、香根草等5种禾本科植物在不同淹水时间下的反应 5种植物生长于完全淹水的环境中,分别在第9、18、27、36、45、54d测定 淹水处理使地毯草总叶绿素含量随着淹水天数的延长而呈下降趋势,色素破坏明显;细叶百喜草和香根草则随着淹水反应时间的延长而上升,光合色素破坏不明显 淹水对植物的暗呼吸速率影响不同 原初光化学速率Fv/Fm在淹水影响下呈现不同程度的降低,与Fv/Fm下降相关的荧光参数Fm,Fv和Fo在3种植物中反应不同 叶绿素荧光测定的结果表明淹水反应中香根草、细叶百喜草的PSⅡ活性比地毯草具有较高的稳定性,qN增高,热耗散保护性作用增强 丙二醛(MDA)的相对含量,在18d淹水里钝叶草、宽叶百喜草和香根草呈现下降的趋势,后2者在淹水27d以后受刺激增
3.After 2 h under submergence, an inward collapse of tonoplast was immediately observed while other cell components remained unaltered.对淹水过程中玉米 (ZeamaysL 。
1.Effects of NO_3~- on antioxidant enzyme activity and reactive oxygen content in roots of sweet cherry under water-logging condition;淹水条件下硝态氮对甜樱桃根系抗氧化酶活性和活性氧含量的影响
2.Effects of water-logging on anaerobic respiration enzymes and fermentation products in roots of two kind of sweet cherry rootstocks;淹水对两种甜樱桃砧木根系无氧呼吸酶及发酵产物的影响
3.Effects of water-deficit and water-logging on some physiological characteristics of cotton seedlings;干旱和淹水对棉苗某些生理特性的影响
1.Research on the Leakage and Distribution in Soil of Nitrogen in the Condition of Waterlogged Rice Growth;淹水种植水稻条件下氮元素的渗漏及在土壤中的垂直分布
2.Spatiotemporal variations of nitrification in rhizosphere soil for two different rice cultivars at the seedling stage growing under waterlogged conditions;淹水条件下籼稻与粳稻苗期根际土壤硝化作用的时空变异
6)watered out水淹
1.Early water breakthrough and fast and complex watered out are the current situations of this block.锦626块目前存在的主要问题是整个区块水淹严重,且水淹具有见水较早、水淹速度快、见水量大、水淹情况复杂等特点。
2.This paper briefly discusses the definition, genesis end classification, proposes the concept of waterflooding oil water interface, indicates that the raising of this interface to the top of the reservoir makes the oil well watered out and stop production in the reservoir, and confirms the mechanism that microstructures influence oil well production.提出“注入水油水界面”的概念,指出在油层内部油井水淹停产是由于此“界面”上升至油层顶面所引起。

淹淹1.气息微弱,濒于死亡。 2.引申为将尽之意。 3.昏昏沉沉;委靡不振。 4.昏暗貌。 5.水流貌。 6.水果或植物因失去所含的水分而干瘪。