
1.A new Entoloma species (Entolomataceae,Agaricales) from Hainan Island海南岛粉褶蕈属(粉褶蕈科,伞菌目)一新种(英文)
2.includes chiefly saprophytic fungi typically with shelflike bodies; sometimes placed in class Hymenomycetes or included in Agaricales.主要包含腐生菌,通常其体形像搁架;有时被归于子层菌纲或伞菌目中。
3.a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales.属于伞菌科的真菌一科。
4.An inedible or poisonous fungus with an umbrella-shaped fruiting body.伞菌一种不可食用或有毒的菌,子实体为伞形
5.the largest genus in th Agaricales; rusty-spored agarics having prominent cortinae (cobwebby partial veils).在伞菌属里的最大的模式属;长有明显的丝膜,带有锈孢子的伞菌。
6.The stalk of mushroom or toadstool, which bears the cap or pileus.菌柄:蘑菇或伞菌结构的一部分,其上着生菌盖。
7.This may be true for many agarics.对许多伞菌来说情况可能就是这样。
8.Research on the Development of Pholiota;鳞伞属(Pholiota)真菌个体发育研究
9.Choice of Pholiota Adipose and Ferment Production s Enrichment and Purification;黄伞菌种选育及发酵产物富集与纯化
10.Studies on Taxonomy of the Genus Pholiota from China;中国鳞伞属[Pholiota(Fr.)Kummer]真菌分类学研究
11.Fermented Vinegar Beverage of Mycelia of Pholiota adipose黄伞菌丝体发酵型醋饮料的制备工艺
12.Effect assessment of antibacterial components in Zingiber officinale Roscoe,Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Pnoliota adiposa (Fr.) Quel生姜、花椒及黄伞提取物抑菌效果评价
13.Any of various mushrooms in the genus Amanita, many of which are extremely poisonous.天狗菌属,毒伞肽菌属一种天狗菌属,毒伞肽菌属属蘑菇,很多都有剧毒
14.Research on heavy spiral bevel gear technological transformation post project appraises of Zhuzhou Gear Co., Ltd.;株齿重型螺伞齿技改项目后评价研究
15.The umbrellalike fruiting structure forming the top of a stalked, fleshy fungus, such as a mushroom; the cap.菌盖伞头子实结构,构成有柄肉质真菌的顶部,如蘑菇;菌盖
16.A basidium-bearing structure found in such basidiomycetous fungi as mushrooms and puffballs.担子菌的真菌部分在担子菌中的真菌,如伞菌和马勃菌中发现的一种担子生的结构
17.Study on Chemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activity of the Fermentation Broth Produced by Clitocybe Infundibuliformis;漏斗形杯伞发酵物化学成分及抑菌活性研究
18.Taxonomic Studies on Agarics under the Woods of Tusga Chinensis Var.Tchekiangensis and Pinus Massoniana from Wuyishan Nature Reserve, China;武夷山南方铁杉林和马尾松林的伞菌分类研究

1.Studies on Agarics Flora of Huoditang in Qinling Mountains;秦岭火地塘伞菌区系研究
2.Taxonomic Studies on Agarics under the Woods of Tusga Chinensis Var.Tchekiangensis and Pinus Massoniana from Wuyishan Nature Reserve, China;武夷山南方铁杉林和马尾松林的伞菌分类研究
3.The agarics of Huoditang Forest Farm in Qinling Mountains had been investigated since 2000,and 192 species of 55 genera in 17 families were obtained.对秦岭火地塘伞菌进行了调查,鉴定出192种,隶属于55属、17科。
4)volva of mushroom伞菌菌托
5)Spinellus fusiger伞菌霉
1.Observation on Morphology of Spinellus fusiger;伞菌霉(Spinellus fusiger)形态学观察(英文)
6)Pholiota adiposa mycelia黄伞菌丝
1.The amino acids of Pholiota adiposa mycelia in different cultivated time and PH were detected.分析结果表明,黄伞菌丝的必需氨基酸含量较高,占其氨基酸总量的40。
