1.The Process of Flower Differentiation on Dichogamy of Walnut;核桃雌雄异熟性的花芽分化进程
2.By observation of the flowering feature of Juglans mandshurica, the dichogamy of it was revealed.对核桃楸开花特性进行了观察 ,结果表明 :核桃楸多数植株为雌雄异熟 ,有的植株上雌花先开 (雌先型 ) ,有的植株上雄花先开 (雄先型 )。
3.A combination of dichogamy and herkogamy in hermaphroditic plants is an effective mechanism to encourage outcrossing and avoid selfing.雌雄异熟和异型花在一些被子植物中的共同存在被认为是一种有效避免两性花植物自交并促进异交的机制。

1.Research and Prospect of Dichogamy -two-line Breeding in Cotton棉花雌雄异熟“两系法”育种研究与展望
2.Having stamens and pistils that mature simultaneously.雌雄同熟的雄蕊和雌蕊同时成熟的
3.haploid dioecy单倍雌雄异株[体]
4.small to medium evergreen dioecious trees of oceanic climates: puka.海洋气候半熟的长绿的雌雄异体的树林一小部分;普克珠贝。
5.The maturity rate of parent fishes was 83 8% in female and 92 1% in male.雌雄亲鱼的成熟率为83 8%和 92 1%。
6.The mating system can be changed in a quick and simple manner, from monoecy to dioecy.用较快而简洁的方法使交配系统从雌雄同株变成雌雄异株。
7.Having only one type of sexual organ;not a hermaphrodite.雌雄异体的只有一种类型性器官的;不是雌雄同体的
8.Characterized by species in which the male and female reproductive organs occur on different individuals; sexually distinct.雌雄异株的雌花和雄花生在不同的个体上;性区别的
9.Having either stamens or pistils but not both.雌雄异花的有雄蕊雌蕊两者之一的,但不是两者兼有
10.Examples include dioecious species where only one sex is present.例如在雌雄异株种类中仅仅存在单性。
11.small genus of dioecious tropical aquatic plants.雌雄异体热带水生植物的一个小属。
12.Comparative Studies on the Differences of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics between Male and Female Asparagus;芦笋雌雄株间生理化特性的差异研究
13.Research Progress on Sex Chromosome Evolution in Dioecious Plants雌雄异株植物性染色体演化研究进展
14.They consist either male and female, or of female and her maphroditic (gynodioecious) individuals.他们或者由雄株和雌株组成,或者由雌株和两性个体(雌金异株)组成。
15.Males will also grow at a faster rate( generally) and display their adult colors sooner.雄鱼生长的较雌鱼快,成熟后发出色彩也比雌鱼早。
16.Sexual Dimorphism and Female Reproduction of Pachytriton labiatus in the North of Guangdong;粤北南岭无斑肥螈的雌雄异形及雌性繁殖的研究
17.Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.动物学教授接吻是雌雄异体的唾液细菌交换。
18.Preliminary Study of the Causes and Pattern of Behavioural Differences Between Male and Female Carpenter Bees(Xylocopa sinensis) during Nectar Robbing in Glechoma longituba(Lamiaceae)雌雄木蜂对活血丹盗蜜的行为差异及原因

1.Based on research of dichogamy-two-line hybrid breeding in cotton for several years, this paper summed up the principle and method of dichogamy-two-line breeding in cotton.在育种研究的基础上系统归纳了棉花雌雄异熟两系法育种的原理与方法,总结了一整套雌雄异熟两系法杂交棉育种技术,它具有生产程序简便、成本低、易选育强优势组合等特点,能较好地解决棉花杂种优势利用长期存在的若干问题。

异熟因【异熟因】 (术语)六因之一,谓善恶之二业也。善业感乐果,恶业感苦果,而苦乐之二果非善非恶而为无记法,是曰异熟。其异熟之因名异熟因。俱舍论六曰:“唯诸不善,及善有漏,是异熟因。异熟法故,何缘无记不招异熟?由力劣故,如朽败种。(中略)为异熟之因,名异熟因。”