1.A new variety of Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae)from Sichuan Province;四川女贞属(Ligustrum)一新变种
2.The constituents of 15 species of Ligustrum have been studied.在约 5 0种女贞属植物中已进行化学成分研究的有 15种。

1.Any of several shrubs of the genus Ligustrum, especially L.vulgare or L.ovalifolium, having opposite leaves and clusters of white flowers and widely used for hedges.女贞女贞属一种灌木,尤指欧洲女贞或女贞,叶对生,有簇生的白花,多用作绿篱
2.To take away the virginity of(a woman.使(女人)失去童贞
3.Chastity, especially in a girl or woman.贞操贞操,尤指女孩或女子
4.HPLC determination of nuezhenide in Fructus Ligustri LucidiHPLC法测定女贞子药材中女贞苷的含量
5.A woman's chastity or reputation for chastity.贞洁,淑德一个女人的贞洁或贞洁的美誉
6.It is not always for virtue's sake that women are virtuous.女人并非老是为贞节之故而贞节的。
7.Jack: The Virgin Cliffs. Nice name for a Virtuous mission.贞女崖?这名字跟“贞节行动”倒很配。
8."Virgin?" he asked the girl next to him.“童贞女?”他问旁边的姑娘。
9.the(Blessed)Virgin the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ童贞女马利亚(耶稣之母)
10.a holy woman innocent and chaste.清白、贞洁、神圣的女人。
11.lose [surrender] one's virginity失去处女身份 [童贞]
12.An unmarried woman who has taken religious vows of chastity.贞女发过宗教誓言保持贞洁的未婚女子
13.Women are not virtuous but they have given us the idea of virtue .女人并不贞节,但她们把贞节的观念给了我们。
14.The quality or condition of being a virgin.童贞,处女性作为处女的品质或状态
15.An imputation against a woman's chastity is defamatory.诋毁妇女贞操是破坏妇女名誉的行为。
16.These girls are told by the nuns to be chaste.修女们教这些女孩子要贞洁。
17.Analysis of Women s Chastity View in Yuan Dynasty Through Biographies of Chaste Female in the History of Yuan Dynasty;从《元史·列女传》析元代妇女的贞节观
18.the virgin birth,ie the doctrine that Jesus was miraculously conceived by the Virgin Mary童贞女之子(谓耶稣由童贞女马利亚从圣灵感孕而生的信条).

A New System of Ligustrum (Oleaceae)女贞属的新系统
3)Ligustrum lucidum女贞
1.CO_2 Absorbing and O_2 Releasing of Liriodendron chinese and Ligustrum lucidum;鹅掌楸和女贞同化CO_2和释O_2能力的比较
2.Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics among Pterocarya stenoptera,Platanus acerifolia and Ligustrum lucidum;枫杨、悬铃木和女贞光合特性的比较
3.Effects of Fertilization on Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Ligustrum lucidum Under Different Water Conditions;不同水分条件下施肥对女贞光合及蒸腾作用的影响
4)glossy privet女贞
1.To study the effects of metal ion on stability of natural red pigment extracted from the fruits of glossy privet, the influence of metal ion on the pigment was mensurated by spectrophotometer.研究常见金属离子对女贞果红色素稳定性的影响。
2.The essay studied the extraction of red pigment from the fruits of glossy privet and its physicochemical properties.对女贞果红色素的提取及性质进行了研究。
5)Ligustrum lucidum Ait女贞
1.A study on occurrence and harmfulness of Aceria sp.on Ligustrum lucidum Ait.in Guiyang;女贞瘤瘿螨在贵阳地区发生与为害研究
2.Purification and thermostability of peroxidase from fruit of Ligustrum lucidum Ait;女贞果实过氧化物酶的纯化及热稳定性研究
6)vestal virgin贞女
