1.The application ol amplication or reduction of inequality is summarized in teaching,and its common methods are pursued.本文总结了不等式的放大(缩小)在教学中的应用,并对不等式进行放大、缩小的常用方法作了一些探讨。

1.The scale of reduction of a microform.缩微印刷品的缩小比例。
2.The act of contracting or the state of being contracted.收缩收缩的行为或被缩小(短)的状态
3.Dwindle away/down(逐渐)减少,缩小
4.In micrographics, microfiche with images reduced by a very high reduction factor缩微照相技术中以高倍缩小因子缩小的图象制成的缩微胶片
5.All the masses presented with size reduction with an average of 37% in follow-up CT after 6 months, and the most remarkable size reduction was 60%.6个月后均有缩小,缩小最显著者为60%左右,21个病灶平均缩小37%。
6.A substance that causes constriction of the pupil of the eye.缩瞳药能导致瞳孔缩小的药物
7.If the sleeve is taken in, the armhole must be correspondingly reduced by adding paper to the underarm as shown by the shaded portion in the diagram.若要缩小袖子,袖窿也必须做相应的缩
8.proposed to downzone residential areas near the shore.提议缩小海滨居住区
9.Dwindle to(逐渐)减少到,缩小
10.scaled geometry按比例缩小的几何尺寸
11.reducing electron beam projection system缩小式电子束投影系统
12.The pupils of the patient's eyes contracted.病人眼睛的瞳孔缩小
13.retractable ore barrel可缩小取出的岩心筒
14.scaled integrated circuit按比例缩小的集成电路
15.die pantograph machine钢模缩小机(印花雕刻用)
16.The gap between the two parties has narrowed considerably.双方的隔阂已明显缩小.
17.The company has been downsizing.公司一直在缩小规模。
18."Jack is a chicken guy, who dare not make a solid move at anything."杰克是个胆小鬼,干什么事都缩手缩脚。

1.The paper adopts the statistical method of limited amount analysis,and analyzes the amplification and the narrowing of the meaning of words by the theory of prototype categorization.从原型范畴理论审视词义的扩大与缩小,词义的扩大与缩小,单个词例的纵向发展以及整体现象的横向扩充,都是一个范畴化的过程,进而形成语义范畴;模糊性是它的客观属性。
2.Previous studies of narrowing and broadening of wordmeaning are only limited to definition, classification and characteristic discussionbased on the paradigmatic description.词义的缩小和扩大是词义变化的主要部分,是词汇学习的基础。
3.Broadening and narrowing of word meaning have long been a research subject of traditional semantics.词义的扩大和缩小一直以来都是传统语义学的研究对象,词汇语用学产生以后,词义扩大和缩小的研究纳入到了语用研究的范畴。
1.There are Series factors that will promote regional residents to reduce the income disparity,after entered 21 Century.进入21世纪之后,国家区域发展战略和政策的调整,工业化、城市化的发展,收入分配制度的改革和完善,社会保障制度的改革和完善,教育的发展,户籍管理制度的改革和统一劳动力市场的发展等一系列因素都将促进地区间居民收入差距的缩小
2.It is an internal requirement to reduce these differences in order to build a harmonious society.缩小城乡居民收入差距是和谐社会构建的内在要求。
3.This paper describes the present situation of the urban_rural discrepancies in China, analyzes the significance of reducing the differences, and proposes some approaches to reduce them. 本文简要介绍了目前我国城乡差别现状,进而分析缩小城乡差别在现阶段的重要意义,最后对如何缩小城乡差别提出了建议。
1.To narrow the gap and drive the building of socialist harmonious society,it is imperative to seize the chance of development and enhancing reform,make sure that measures of reform should be coordinated and perfected,and take into consideration of the in.为缩小贫富差距,推动社会主义和谐社会的构建,需抓住机遇,加快发展;推进改革,保证改革措施的配套与完善;兼顾各阶层的利益,防止两极分化,促进社会的公平公正。
6)well space shortening缩小井距
