1.Textual Research on the Archaic Chinese Name of Solanaceae(Ⅱ);茄科植物古汉名考证(二)
2.Isolation of endophytic bacteria in species of solanaceae and screening of antagonistic bacteria;茄科植物内生细菌的分离及拮抗菌的筛选
3.The patterns and influences of insertions,deletionsand nucleotide substitutions in Solanaceae chloroplast genome;茄科植物叶绿体基因组插入、缺失和核苷酸替代的发生方式及影响

1."It's related to the nightshade family, which includes quite a number of plants, among them potato, sweet pepper and egg-plant. "属于茄科。茄科植物有许多种,如番茄、甜椒、茄子。
2.They occur mainly in the poppy family, the buttercup family, and the nightshade family of plants.这些含生物碱植物基本属于罂粟科,毛茛科和茄科植物
3."Any fruit of the numerous cultivated varieties of Lycopersicon esculentum, a plant of the nightshade family. "一种茄科植物,学名Lycopersicon esculentum;多种栽培变种的果实。
4.The Control Methods and Advances of Bacterial Wilt of Nightshade Family;茄科植物细菌性青枯病的防治方法与进展
5.The Process of the Research on Plant Rapid Alkalization Factor in Solanaceae快速碱化因子类基因在茄科植物中的研究进展
6.Antifungi Activity and Antifungi Substance of Nightshade Plants Endophytic Bacteria;茄科植物内生细菌对几种病原真菌的作用及抗性物质分析
7.Much of the work on glandular hairs was done with the Solanaceae.许多关于有腺体柔毛的研究都是用茄科植物进行的。
8.The differentiation ofε floral bud in tomato is centripetal, from theouter to the inner, being calyx, corolla, stamen, and pistil, respectively.番茄花芽分化,由外向内依次发育成花萼、冠、蕊和雌蕊,这与其他茄科植物相似.
9.Inheritable Variation of Genomic DNA Methylation Patterns Caused by Reciprocal Grafting between Plants of Solanaceae and Its Possible Causes嫁接引起茄科植物可遗传的DNA甲基化模式变异及其可能机制的研究
10.enchanter's nightshade.柳叶菜科的茄属植物。
11.any of several fruits of plants of the family Solanaceae; especially of the genera Solanum; Capsicum; Lycopersicon.各种茄科系植物的果实;特别指茄属;辣椒属。
12.Preliminary Study on the Location of the Parasitoids, Microplitis Mediator to the Solanum Host Plant;中红侧沟茧蜂对茄科寄主植物行为选择的初步研究
13.A Textual Research on Some Liliaceae in Chi Wu Ming Shi T'U K'Ao and the Domestication and Dispersal of the Eggplant in China;《植物名实图考》中一些百合科植物考证兼论茄子在中国的栽培起源和传播
14.Botanic Chemical--Lycopene and Human Health;植物化学物——番茄红素与人体健康
15.The phytoremediation of the sediments contaminated with PCBs by mangrove species Kandelia candel红树植物秋茄对PCBs污染沉积物的修复
16.A plant of the pea family.豆科植物豆科植物中的任何一种植物
17.The science or study of plants.植物学研究植物的科学
18.lycopene [colour]蕃茄色素(天然植物染料,食用色素)

solanaceous plant茄子科植物
3)solanum plants茄类植物
4)Solanacae crops茄科作物
1.Research advance on biological control of Solanacae crops bacterial wilt;茄科作物青枯病生物防治研究进展
1.Research on Identification of Nightshade Crops and Weeds Based on Machine Vision;基于机器视觉的茄科类作物与杂草的识别研究
6)Solanaceae alkaloids茄科生物碱
