1.Eight Species of Pollen Morphology of Clethraceae and Violaceae,with Reference to Relationships among Six Families of Dillenidae and Staphyleaceae;山柳科和堇菜科八个种的花粉形态——兼谈第伦桃亚纲六个科及省沽油科的系统关系
2.Studies on Pollen Morphology of Stachyuraceae and Staphyleaceae;旌节花科与省沽油科花粉形态的研究
3.The species and geographic distribution of the medical plant of Euphorbiaceae,Rhamnaceae,Sabiaceae and Staphyleaceae in Guizhou is comfirmed basing on open-air investigation,date collection and specimens identification.通过野外调查、资料收集及标本鉴定,基本查明了贵州大戟科、鼠李科、清风藤科、省沽油科药用植物的种类与地理分布。
2)Staphylea bumalda省沽油
1.Analysis and Functional Evaluation of Staphylea bumalda Seed Oil;省沽油种子油脂分析与功能特性评价
2.Rooting Characteristics of Green-wood Cuttings of Staphylea bumalda;省沽油嫩枝扦插生根特性

1.Study on the Biological Characteristics and Utilization Techniques of Staphylea Bumalda DC.;省沽油生物学特性及其利用技术基础研究
2.Study on Seed Dormancy Breaking and Seedling Raising Techniques of Staphylea bumalda省沽油种子解除休眠及其育苗技术研究
3.Study on Variation and Plus Tree Selection of Staphylea Bumalda DC and Elaeagnus Mollis Diels木本油料树种省沽油、翅果油变异及优树选择研究
4.Tianjin Tanggu Muyang Oil & Fat Factory天津市塘沽牧洋油脂厂
5.Study on Economic Impact Evaluation of Cropland Conversion into Forest Program in Gu Yuan;河北省沽源县退耕还林工程经济影响评价研究
6.Investigation on Implementation of the Project of Conversion of Farmland to Forest in Guyuan County of Hebei Province;河北省沽源县退耕还林工程实施情况调查
7.Empirical Analysis on Conversion of Cropland into Forestland Program and Rural Society Development--Taking Guyuan in Hebei Province as an example;退耕还林工程与农村社会发展的实证分析——以河北省沽源县为例
8.Discussion on the program of converting cropland to forestland and rural society development:Positive analysis on Guyuan County,Hebei Province;退耕还林工程与农村社会发展探讨——基于河北省沽源县的实证分析
9.Study of Policy Arrangement and Optimizing Regulation on Ecological Constrution in Bashang Plateau;河北省坝上地区生态建设政策安排与优化调控研究——以沽源县为例
10.Analysis on the Ore-control Factors and Peripheral Prospecting for the Zhangmajing U-Mo Deposit in Guyuan County,Hebei Province河北省沽源县张麻井铀钼矿控矿因素分析及外围找矿前景探讨
11.Simulation and analysis of land use patterns based on RS and GIS:a case study for Fengyuandian town,Guyuan county,Hebei province;基于RS和GIS的土地利用格局模拟与分析——以河北省沽源县丰元店乡为例
12.Integrated Beneficial Analyses Method and Indicator System for Desertification Control--A Case Study of Guyuan County in Hebei Province;土地沙漠化防治综合效益评价——以京津风沙源治理工程河北省沽源县为例
13.Use plenty of oil. Don't skimp!多用些油. 别省着!
14.You have pressure! I have pressure! Why do you provoke me?⒛阌醒沽Γ∥矣醒沽Γ∧阕鲞闾粜莆野。
15.needle valve of economizer(汽化器内)省油针阀
16.Gasoline, of course, must be saved in consumption.汽油还是省着用吧。
17.It's better to designate Tanggu as the loading port.在塘沽装货比较合适
18.He used to angle for prestige.他过去一贯沽名钓誉。

Staphylea bumalda省沽油
1.Analysis and Functional Evaluation of Staphylea bumalda Seed Oil;省沽油种子油脂分析与功能特性评价
2.Rooting Characteristics of Green-wood Cuttings of Staphylea bumalda;省沽油嫩枝扦插生根特性
3)Staphylea bumalda DC省沽油
1.Staphylea bumalda DC, belonging to Staphyleaceae, Staphylea L.省沽油(Staphylea bumalda DC。
2.Staphylea bumalda DC and Elaeagnus mollis Diels are two native oil tree to china.省沽油(Staphylea bumalda DC)和翅果油(Elaeagnus mollis Diels)是原产我国的珍稀优良木本油料树种。
1.,Staphylea bumalda DC.归并了金腰属1种和省沽油属1变种;;报道2个新异名。
5)Staphylea bumalda DC. var. pubescens毛省沽油
6)staphylea bumalda seed省沽油籽油
