1.Annual growth rule of 9 species in genus Viburnum;9种国外荚蒾属观赏树种的年生长规律研究
2.Resource of Viburnum in Nanjing and Its Cultivation;南京地区荚蒾属植物资源与栽培利用研究
3.Researches on Palynology of Some Important Ornamental Plants of Viburnum L.;荚蒾属几种主要观赏植物的孢粉学研究

1.The Introduction and Evaluation of the Plants of Viburnum L. in Shanghai;上海地区荚蒾属植物引种及适应性研究
2.Studies of Collection and Utilization of Some Viburnum L. Germplasm Resources;荚蒾属部分植物种质资源汇集及利用研究
3.Study on resources,ornamental values and utilization of Viburnum plants in Henan河南荚蒾属植物资源、观赏价值及开发利用研究
4.Studies on the Active Contituents of Viburnum Propinquum and Viburnum Erosum球核荚蒾和宜昌荚蒾的活性成分研究
5.Study on Inroducition and Application in Landscaping of 6 Species of Viburnum6种荚蒾的繁育特性与园林应用研究
6.Effect of Shading on Diurnal Variation of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Vihurnum opulus L.遮荫对欧洲荚蒾光合特性日变化的影响
7.The Content Determination of Flavone and Studies on the Effective Components from the Fruit of Viburnum Sargentii Koehne;鸡树条荚蒾果实中总黄酮的含量测定及有效部位研究
8.Primary exploration on technology in breaking double dormancy characteristic of Viburnum Sargenti seeds by Gibberellin赤霉素破除鸡树条荚蒾种子双休眠特性技术初探
9.North American rock cress having very long curved pods.北美的一种筷子芥属植物,荚果长,弯曲。
10.genus of tropical trees or climbers having usually broadly winged pods.通常长有宽的膜质翅的荚果的热带乔木属。
11.ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genus Capsicum.辣椒属辛辣的红辣椒的磨碎的荚果和种子。
12.deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees: arrow-wood; wayfaring tree.一个落叶或常绿灌木或小乔木属;箭木;绵毛荚迷。
13.small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods.长有黄花和气泡豆荚的亚欧灌木的小的属。
14.small genus of western North American herbs similar to Lesquerella: bladderpods.北美西部一个草本小属,类似于雷斯克勒属;膀胱荚。
15.South African evergreen partly woody vine grown for its clusters of rosy purple flowers followed by edible pods like snap beans; also grown as green manure; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos.南非常绿半木本植物,有类似食荚菜豆的可食豆荚;也作绿肥作物种植;有时被归为藊豆属。
16.a plant of the genus Tephrosia having pinnate leaves and white or purplish flowers and flat hairy pods.灰叶属的一种植物,有羽状叶、白色或淡紫色花和多毛的扁荚果。
17.genus of South African trees having pinnate leaves and rose-purple flowers followed by leathery pods.长有羽状叶子和玫瑰紫的花并结出坚韧的豆荚的南非的乔木的属。
18.any of numerous plants of the genus Asclepias having milky juice and pods that split open releasing seeds with downy tufts.任何马利筋属的植物,有乳白色的汁液和结有绒毛的种子的荚。

Viburnum L荚蒾属
1.Investigation on Ornamental Germplasm Resource of Genus Viburnum L. in Gansu;甘肃荚蒾属(Viburnum L.)观赏植物资源的调查研究
2.Studies of Collection and Utilization of Some Viburnum L. Germplasm Resources;荚蒾属部分植物种质资源汇集及利用研究
1.Six Viburnum species were selected as experimental materials to test their tolerance to heat stress.本文以上海近年来引进的6种观赏价值较高的荚蒾品种为试材,观察了田间高温下各品种的形态变化,探讨在室内可控环境下高温胁迫对其叶片游离脯氨酸含量和叶绿素总含量2种生理指标的影响。
4)Viburnum mongolicum蒙古荚蒾
1.Morphological and Anatomical Characters of Leaf in Viburnum mongolicum and Its Ecological Significance in Landscape and Environment Protection;蒙古荚蒾叶片解剖结构及其在城市景观和环境保护中的生态学意义
5)Viburnum fordiae Hance南方荚蒾
1.Objective: To study the Viburnum fordiae Hance about the morphological characteristics, the powder characteristics, and the UV absorption characteristics.目的研究南方荚蒾(Viburnum fordiae Hance)的显微特征及提取液的紫外吸收光谱特征。
6)Viburnum opulus L欧洲荚蒾
1.The Propagation of Viburnum opulus L.and Its Application in Urban Greening;欧洲荚蒾的繁殖技术及其在城市绿化中的应用
2.Study on the Ornamental Characters of Viburnum opulus L. and Its Physiological and Ecological Indexes;欧洲荚蒾观赏性评价及其生理生态学指标的分析

欧洲荚蒾欧洲荚蒾介绍 欧洲荚蒾 (Viburnum opulus L.)科属: 忍冬科 别名: 欧洲琼花、雪球形态特征: 落叶灌木,高达44m。树皮薄,枝浅灰色,有纵棱,光滑。叶近圆形,长5-12cm,宽3-8cm,3裂,有时5裂,缘有不规则粗齿,背面有毛,叶柄有窄槽,近端处散生2-3盘状大腺体。伞房状聚伞花序,于枝顶成球形,径5-7.5cm,有大刑白色不孕边花,花药黄色。果近球形,浆果状,径约8mm,红色而半透明状。分布与习性:原产欧洲,非洲北部及亚洲北部。中国青岛、北京等地有栽培。喜光、耐寒,喜湿润肥沃的土壤。繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:适宜庭园、绿地孤植、丛植。图片: