1.Study on Protection Plant of Rare Imminent Danger in Datong大通县珍稀濒危保护植物研究
2.Introduced the situation of Legislation and some Chinese laws and rules of protecting the resources of rare and endangered wild plants.分析我国珍稀濒危野生植物资源的有关法律法规,阐述法律保护珍稀濒危野生植物资源的立法状况,重点剖析2002年刑法修正案(四)出台的背景及其所规定的"违反国家规定""国家重点保护的其他植物"相关法律规定,根据司法实践,提出统一国家重点保护植物的刑法概念,统一刑法规定的罪刑相当原则。
3.There are 6 families 11 belongs 12 species belong to the rare category in Jiamusi. 从1996~2004年,在佳木斯地区进行蝶类资源的系统调查研究,共采集到蝴蝶标本3000余件,隶属于7科91属192个品种,其中属于佳木斯地区珍稀种类的有6科11属12种。

1.rare and endangered species Breeding center珍稀濒危物种繁育基地
2.Several rare animals have been sighted.许多珍稀动物都已绝迹。
3.We should improve the environment to save rare wild animals.我们要改善环境,拯救珍稀动物。
4.What a pity that this kind of rare animal has become extinct.这种珍稀生物已无噍类了, 真是可惜啊。
5.The famous collection of rare antiques is coming out next month.著名的珍稀古玩收藏品将于下月展出。
6.rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia.欧亚大陆丘陵地区珍稀的鸻。
7.Conservation Biology of Rare and Endemic Fishes of the Yangtze River;长江珍稀及特有鱼类保护生物学研究
8.Information System of the Rare and Endangered Plants in Sichuan Province;四川省珍稀濒危植物信息系统的建立
9.Ethologic research on Oriental White Stork Ciconia ciconia boyciana and Black Stork Ciconia nigra in captivity;笼养珍稀鹳类(Ciconiidae)的行为生态学研究
10.Cherishing resources and saving energy to establish the corporation s splendid future;珍稀资源,节约能源,创建企业美好未来
11.Endangering Mechanism and Strategy for Conservation of Endangered Plant;珍稀濒危植物的濒危机制与保护对策
12.Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Lianzhou City of Guangdong Province;广东连州地区珍稀濒危植物及其保护
13.Studies on the Endangered-Rare Plants in Ankang City;安康市国家珍稀濒危保护植物研究(I)
14.The Legal Study of Chinese Endangered Wildlife Protection我国珍稀濒危野生生物保护法律研究
15.conservation of rare plants珍贵稀有植物的保护
16.a priceless collection of ivories象牙的稀世珍品收藏.
17.Offer high prices for rare treasures.重价收购稀世珍宝。
18.a secret recipe handed down from generation to generation is a rare treasure.祖传秘方,稀世珍宝。

rare plants珍稀植物
1.The nutrition condition of endangered mechanism and conservation strategy of rare plants;珍稀植物濒危机制及保育策略中的营养条件
2.A study on verdical distribution and protection of rare plants in Baishuijiang National Reserve,Gansu;甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区珍稀植物的垂直分布及其保护
3.Introduction of rare plants in Wenshan prefecture;文山州境内自然保护区国家级珍稀植物初报
3)Rare and endangered plants珍稀植物
1.The resources of rare and endangered plants in Huangshan scenic spot;黄山风景区的珍稀植物资源
2.Guangxi is possessed of 124 species of rare and endangered plants (REPs) of China, and is one of the provinces that rich in REPs in China.除了对珍稀植物资源进行观赏价值的论述和评价外,还针对珍稀植物观赏特性的应用现状和前景,提出了在园林绿化建设中引种推广珍稀植物上存在的问题及相应的对策。
4)Rare and precious Wei piece珍稀渭片
5)rare plant珍稀植物
1.Mass fraction and bioavailability of macronutrients of 21 ex-situ conservation rare plants in Wuhan Botanical Garden;武汉植物园21种迁地保护珍稀植物大量营养元素质量分数和吸收系数
2.The distribution,the economic and scientific significance of 103 rare plants in West Hubei are discussed and some suggestions for profecting rare plants are also offered.对湖北西部103种珍稀植物的分布、经济和科学研究价值进行了论述,并对如何保护这些珍稀植物提出了一些建议。
3.According to the investigation of species, quantity and distribution of the rare plants and ancient trees in Luofushan, this paper explored the significance in protection of rare plants and ancient trees.调查研究了罗浮山珍稀保护植物和古树名木的种类、数量和分布状况,探讨 了植物保护的重要意义,提出了加强珍稀植物和古树名木的保护及管理措 施。
6)Rare and endangered珍稀濒危
1.Based on field survey, distribution and conservation of 82 rare and endangered vertebrate wildlife of Hubei Yerengu Nature Reserve were found out, occupying 28.据调查,发现湖北野人谷自然保护区分布有珍稀濒危野生脊椎动物82种,占保护区脊椎动物285种数的28。
2.Statistics based on Rare and Endangered Plants in China and the List of the Important Wild Plants for Conservation in China(first batch)and the Important Wild Chinese Medicinal Materials for Conservation in China show that,In Xishuangbanna there are 39 species rare and endangered wild medicinal plants.综合《中国珍稀濒危植物》、《国家重点保护野生植物名录》(第一批 )和《国家重点保护野生中药材》 ,西双版纳有珍稀濒危野生药用植物 3 9种 ,报道了其分布、生境、药用价值、迁地保护 ,并提出了保护对策。
3.A survey of the natural habitats and conservation status of several rare and endangered Abies species discovered in the last two decades from East,South and Southwest of China was made.概述了 70年代以来中国的几种珍稀濒危冷杉植物的发现及它们残存在特殊小生境中的意义。
