1.The possibility,comprehensive techniques,biological protective system and the guarantee measures in the construction process of Taizhongyin railway in Southern Maowusu sandland are discussed.对太中银铁路沙区绿色生物防护体系建设的可行性、综合防护技术、“四带一体”的防护体系和实施保障措施进行了探讨。
2.It is necessary and important to develop deserticulture in the sandland of Northwest Hebei Province.本文阐述了冀西北沙区发展沙产业的重要性,通过分析其沙产业发展的具体情况,指出其重点领域应为种植业、养殖业、精深加工业和生态旅游业,并提出了尽快制订沙产业发展中长期专项规划,活化政策机制,发展龙头企业,搞好技术与信息服务,搞好科技创新和模式推广,依法规范后续产业开发行为等沙产业发展的必要保障措施。
3.Taking the sandland of Northwest Hebei provence as example,this paper firstly raises that it is necessary and important to develop deserticulture in the sandland of northwest Hebei province.以冀西北沙区为例,阐述了冀西北沙区开发沙产业的重要性,描述了其沙产业发展的现状,分析了沙产业开发中存在的主要问题,诸如农户参与饲草、中草药种植的程度低,饲草料、药材企业经营规模小,饲草料、药材种植业基地建设规模小,沙企业的资金和技术短缺等。

1.Surpassing Limitation of Combating Desertification and Rebounding Industry development in dryland;走出治沙“误区” 振兴沙区产业
2.Research on Gully Erosion and Seabuckthorn Dam Sediment Intercepting Effect in Coarse-Sediment Producing Area of Yellow River Basin;黄河粗沙区沟道侵蚀与沙棘坝拦沙效应研究
3.Field Measurements of Sand-barrier Benefits and Ecological Functions in Sandy Lands of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau高寒沙区沙障固沙效益与生态功能观测研究
4.Study on Strategy of Sandy Land Industry Development in Maowusu Sandy Land;毛乌素榆林沙区沙产业发展战略研究
5.Desertification Control Techniques and Practice in Sandy Area of Yulin榆林沙区沙漠化防治技术研究与实践
6.Research of Static Correction Method in Complex Quicksand AreaYA地区复杂流沙区静校正方法研究
7.courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World.东半球沙漠或半沙漠地区的走鸻。
8.The dust storms came from deserts in China and Mongolia.沙尘暴来自于中国和蒙古的沙漠地区。
9.Sand disaster of railway's roadbed and preventive measure in desert area沙漠地区铁路路基沙害及其防治措施
10.Desert lands are arid.沙漠地区是草木不生的。
11.Administrative Council of Gaza Strip加沙地区行政委员会
12.Kinshasa Sub-regional office金沙萨分区域办事处
13.the Arctic, desert, tropical, etc regions北极、 沙漠、 热带等地区
14.Sha Tau Kok Marine Fish Culture Association沙头角区养鱼业协会
15.The climate is very dry in the desert area.沙漠地区气候很干燥。
16.Mainland North East Region [Water Supplies Department]新界北及沙田区〔水务署〕
17.The area used to be struck by raging sandstorms.这个地区过去风沙猖獗。
18.Analysis on Life Cycle of Desert Tourist Destination at Yinken Xiangsha Bay;沙漠型旅游区——银肯响沙湾景区生命周期分析

Desert area沙区
1.The water resources situation and potential of exploitation in Wulanbrhe desert area were analysed warer-saving measures of Huang irrigation area and well irrigation area in the desert area were souhgt,and the very cinsiderable problem during harnessing and exploiting to control salt in soil was put forward.分析乌兰布和沙区的水资源现状和开发潜力,探讨沙区黄灌区和井灌区的节水措施,提出防止土壤盐渍化是沙区治理开发过程中应十分注意的问题。
2.The desert area occupied one third of Chinese land.我国沙漠化地区面积约占国土面积的1/3,一方面,那里生态环境恶劣,经济发展相对落后;另一方面,经过长期严酷的自然选择,广大的沙区蕴藏着丰富的可开发利用价值高的生物质资源。
3.Their physiological indexes of Photosynthetic, water and rational irrigation were tested, Pv curves of their rootstocks in common use are protracted and their water parameters, drought resistant characteristics and adaptability to arid environment in desert area were analyzed.选择沙区栽培的金冠苹果、毛里斯苹果、新红星苹果、苹果梨、锦丰梨、民勤小枣等主要的经济树种及其常用砧木为研究对象 ,进行了各树种光合、水分生理指标和合理灌水生理指标的测试分析及各树种和其常用砧木PV曲线的绘制。
3)sandy region沙区
1.About 24 sample plots were selected for monitoring and analyzing soil moisture in the sandy region in north of Ordos Plateau for different topographies or vegetation types during growing season in 2004.在鄂尔多斯高原北部沙区选择地形或植被类型各异的24块样地进行生长季土壤水分监测与分析。
2.This paper analyzed the relationship between developing resources in sandy region and protecting its ecological system from the view of regional economical development, discussed new models of high technology with the aims of exploiting resources in sandy regions, promoting the development of regional economy and the control of desertification, and probed a sound circle of industrialization way.从区域经济发展的角度出发 ,分析了市场经济条件下 ,沙区资源开发与沙区生态系统保护的关系 ,论述开发沙区资源 ,促进区域经济发展 ,推动沙区防治沙漠化为目标的高新技术发展模式 ,探索一条经济促开发 ,开发促治理的良性循环的产业化道路。
4)sandy areas沙区
1.It will be advantageous to sustainable development of economy and ecology by developing forestry biomass energy in sandy areas which will make use of the wasteland to construct woody oil forest and fuel forests in big area, so as to change the inferior state of wasteland into superior resources.发展沙区林业生物质能源,利用不能生产林果、木材的荒地,大面积营造木本油料林、薪炭林,变荒沙劣势为资源优势,解决社会、环境、经济三者之间的矛盾,有利于沙区生态与经济的可持续发展。
5)area with abundant and coarse sediment多沙粗沙区
1.The formation of the area with abundant and coarse sediment in the Loess Plateau is affected not only by the factors with natural belt traits and non-belt traits but also historical human activities and socio-economic development.黄土高原多沙粗沙区的形成,既受自然地带性和非地带性因素的影响,又受历史时期人类活动和社会经济发展的作用。
2.The high intensive sediment yield in the area with abundant and coarse sediment of the Loess Plateau results from the joint action of natural and human factors,and there are multi-dimensional threshold in the process of sediment yield.黄土高原多沙粗沙区高强度产沙是自然因素和人文因素综合作用的结果。
6)rich and coarse sediment area多沙粗沙区
1.Composing analysis of coarse sediment particle diameter in the key branches of rich and coarse sediment areas in the middle stream of Yellow River;黄河中游多沙粗沙区重点支流粗泥沙粒径组成分析
2.Analyses on the variation of vegetation coverage and water/sediment reduction in the rich and coarse sediment area of the Yellow River basin;黄河流域多沙粗沙区植被覆盖变化与减水减沙效益分析
