1.Activity of Zanthoxylum Species and their Compounds Against Oral Pathogens;花椒属植物对口腔致病菌的抗菌活性(英文)
2.Studies on Genetic Relationship of Zanthoxylum L. in Sichuan Province & Chongqing Municipality, China;四川省及重庆市花椒属(Zanthoxylum L.)亲缘关系研究
3.Leaf architecture of Zanthoxylum(Rutaceae)from China and its taxonomic significance中国花椒属(广义)叶结构研究

1.Studies on Genetic Relationship of Zanthoxylum L. in Sichuan Province & Chongqing Municipality, China;四川省及重庆市花椒属(Zanthoxylum L.)亲缘关系研究
2.Fagara Zanthoxyloides Plant Resource and Its Exploitation in Chongqing Area;重庆地区花椒属植物资源及其开发利用
3.Low Temperature Tolerance of Different Zanthoxylum Strains in Seed Germination Stage花椒属不同品系种子萌发期耐低温能力
4.Attenuation reflectance Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry(ATR FTIRs) combined with clustering analysis was used to identify genus Zanthoxlum .本实验采用衰减全反射傅立叶变换红外光谱法结合聚类分析方法定性鉴别花椒属生药材。
5.A dried berry of the pepper vine Piper nigrum.胡椒粒干的胡椒子胡椒属
6.A plant, Mentha piperita, having small purple or white flowers and downy leaves that yield a pungent oil.椒薄荷一种薄荷属植物,有紫或白色小花,带绒毛的叶子可制成辣油
7.A garden pepper(Capsicum annuum)having a mild, ripe, red fruit.灯笼椒,甜椒一种园地椒(辣椒辣椒属),具有味淡、成熟的红色果实
8."capsicum:any of various tropical american pepper plants of the genus Capsicum, especially any of the numerous cultivated forms of the species C. annuum and C. frutescens."辣椒:辣椒属的任一种热带美洲辣椒属植物,尤指一年生辣椒属和灌木状辣椒属中一种栽培形式。
9.colorless pungent crystalline compound derived from capsicum; source of the hotness of hot peppers of the genus Capsicum such as chili and cayenne and jalapeno.无色刺激的晶状化合物,源自辣椒,是辣椒属辣椒(如红辣椒、牛角椒、墨西哥胡椒)的辣味源。
10.any of various pungent capsicum fruits.所有辛辣的辣椒属果实。
11.Hanyuan Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim Flavor Compositions Study and Zanthoxylum Oil Processing Technology Improved Design;汉源花椒风味物质研究及花椒油生产工艺优化
12.Evaluation of Specific Quality of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim and Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. et Zucc红花椒和青花椒主要品质特征指标值的评价
13.Clinical Features of Pericarpium Zanthoxyli Allergy Analysis and of Its Allergy Component花椒严重过敏反应及花椒致敏组分分析
14.Any of several plants of the genus Piper, as cubeb, betel, and kava.胡椒属植物任何一种胡椒属植物,如荜澄茄、槟榔子和卡瓦胡椒
15.The fruit of any of these plants, especially the dried pungent types used as a condiment and in medicine.辣椒辣椒属植物的果实,尤指辛辣的干辣椒,用作调味品,也可作药用
16.ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genus Capsicum.辣椒属辛辣的红辣椒的磨碎的荚果和种子。
17.Effect of the Zanthorylum Bungeanum Oil on Peroxide Value of the Peanut Oil添加花椒油对花生油过氧化值的影响
18.Population Dynamics of Aphis Gossypii on Prickly Ash and Effect of Prickly Ash Coumarin on Biochemical Characteristics of Aphis Gossypii;棉蚜在花椒上的种群动态及花椒香豆素对棉蚜生化特性的影响

Zanthoxylum L花椒属
1.Recent progress in bioactive constituents from plants of Zanthoxylum L.;花椒属植物中生物活性成分研究近况
2.Plant Resources of Zanthoxylum L.in Enshi,Hubei Province and Their Directive Development and Utilization;恩施花椒属植物资源及定向开发利用
3)Chinese prickly ash花椒
1.Contrast between heated air drying of Chinese prickly ash under constant temperature and that under graded and controlled temperature;花椒恒温与控温热风干燥的对比试验研究
2.Insect community structure and its dynamics in Chinese prickly ash plantations at different altitudes in Yunnan Province;云南不同海拔花椒园昆虫群落结构及动态
3.Studies on the water requirement and irrigation effect of Chinese prickly ash in Weibei arid area;渭北旱塬花椒灌溉效应研究
4)Zanthoxylum bungeanum花椒
1.Assessment on environment quality of hazard-free Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Fengxian;陕西凤县无公害花椒园环境质量评价
2.Analysis of the Main Nutritional Labeling in the Tender Bud of Zanthoxylum bungeanum;花椒嫩芽主要营养成分的分析
3.Antifungal Activities of Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Myristica fragrans in Vitro;花椒、肉豆蔻防霉作用实验研究
1.Analysis of terpene constituents in Zanthoxylum;花椒中萜烯类化合物的GC/MS分析
2.Preparation of Cation Flocculant Based on Zanthoxylum Remnant and Butyl Acrylate;花椒残渣与丙烯酸丁酯合成制备阳离子絮凝剂
3.Applications of Zanthoxylum and Study on its Components;花椒的成分研究及其应用
6)Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim花椒
1.Study on Volatile Constituents of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim from Dabieshan Area by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry;两种方法提取太行山地区花椒中挥发性化学成分的气相色谱-质谱分析
2.Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Volatile oil from Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim in Hancheng by GC-MS;韩城大红袍花椒挥发油化学成分的GC-MS分析
3.Study on the Extraction, Separation and Antimicrobial Effect of Volatile Oil from Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim;花椒挥发油的提取、分离和抗菌实验
