
1.epidermal carcinoma上皮癌[包括表皮、外表皮层
2.Reconstruction of Tissue Engineered Skin with Epidermal, Dermal and Adipose Tissue Layers;含有表皮层、真皮层和皮下脂肪层结构组织工程皮肤的构建
3.Outside of stele the cortical meristem developed into cortex, epidermis and the root cap subsequently.中柱外面的皮层分生组织,将来发展成为皮层、表皮层和根冠。
4.The anther is made up of an outer epidermis, a middle fibrous layer, and an inner nutritive layer, the tapetum.花药壁由外表皮层,中间纤维层,内部营养层和绒毡层构成。
5.the renal cortex, ie the outer layer of the kidney肾皮层(肾的表层).
6.To strip off the skin or outer covering of.剥皮剥去皮或表部表层
7.An integument or outer layer of various invertebrates.表皮皮层非脊椎动物最外层的皮层
8.relating to or located below the epidermis.有关表皮下层,或位于表皮下层。
9.Astral Plane Surface Skin: The surface skin of an astral plane.星体层表皮:一个星体层的表面皮肤。
10.The mantle of gray matter forming the cerebral cortex.大脑皮层形成大脑皮层智力的外表
11.To remove the bark, husk, or outer layer from;peel.剥皮剥去…的树皮,外壳或外层表皮
12.Of or relating to the layer just beneath the epidermis.属于或有关表皮下层的
13.A layer of cells lying immediately below the epidermis.皮下组织紧挨表皮的一层细胞
14.The outer, protective, nonvascular layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis.表皮脊椎动物真皮之外的一层无血管的保护性皮层
15.cutis plate生皮层, 皮节, 皮炎
16.Althouth very thin , the epidermis serves to protect the underlying dermis.表皮虽然非常薄,却可用来保护下层的真皮。
17.The integument consists of the following layers: (i) the cuticle, (ii) the epidermis and(iii) the basement membrane.体壁由下列各层构成:(i)表皮,(ii)真皮,(iii)底膜。
18.Within the epidermis develops a ring of parenchyma cells, the cortex.在表皮细胞内有一个质壁细胞环,即皮层。

3)epidermal stratification表皮分层
1.The tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is suggested may relate to epidermal keratinocyte stratification, but roles of tPA in regulating epidermal stratification remain unknown.<正> 表皮分层对于表皮屏障功能的形成及创伤的修复有着重要的意义。
4)Epidermal skin表层皮片
5)Skin Deep深层表皮
1.Skin Deep": The New Interpretation of Technology-Driven Form as Aesthetics on Space and Decor;深层表皮——技术驱动下的形式美学对空间与装饰的新诠释

多层表皮 multiseriate epidermis由2层以上的细胞层构成的表皮。其最外层的一层与普通的表皮相同。系原来1层的原表皮细胞,在发生过程中,发生并层分裂而成为多层,由于部位不同,有时细胞层数也有不同。主要见于叶部,紫鸭跖草属、黄麻樱属有2—3层。砂胡椒属的一种,有达十数层者。