叶鞘,leaf sheath
1)leaf sheath叶鞘
1.A process-based simulation model of leaf sheath and internode elongation dynamics in rice;水稻叶鞘和节间生长过程的动态模拟
2.A salt-tolerant wheat cultivar (DK961) and asalt-sensitive one (LM15) were exposed to 200 mmol/LNaCl for 3 d to study selectivity in transport of K+ andNa+ of the leaf sheath.)品种DK961和盐敏感小麦品种LM153d后,DK961叶鞘中Na+含量和叶片中K+含量均显著高于LM15,这造成DK961叶片中Na+/K+比显著低于LM15。

1.A sheathlike structure, such as the leaf of a grass that surrounds a stem.叶鞘鞘状结构,例如一种围绕茎的草叶
2.A spiral deformation occured in the lower part of the young leaf enclosed in the sheath.在叶鞘裹住的幼叶下部呈现螺旋状。
3.tall grass with smooth bluish leaf sheaths grown for hay in the United States.高草,叶鞘光滑带蓝色,在美国用作干草。
4."Graceful, sword-shaped leaves, similar to those of the corn plant, fold in a sheath around the stem."优雅的剑形叶类似玉蜀黍叶,卷曲成叶鞘裹在茎上。
5.A sheath formed at the node of a stem by the fusion of two stipules, as in the rhubarb plant.托叶鞘两片托叶接合于枝干的结上而形成的一种鞘,如在大黄属植物中
6.Leaf sheaths and stems of 0ryza alta were used as experimental materials.本实验以高秆野生稻的幼嫩叶鞘和茎为材料。
7.The innermost layer of the cortex that forms a sheath around the vascular tissue of roots and some stems.内皮层皮层的最内层,在根、茎的导管组织周围形成一道叶鞘(茎衣)
8.Some cultural practices are required to keep these leaf sheaths active during ripening stage.一些栽培技术要求在成熟期尽量保持叶鞘的活性。
9.The Gravitropism of Rice Leaf Sheath Bases and Space Fight Experiment of Rice and Arabidopsis;水稻叶鞘基部的负向重性反应及拟南芥和水稻的空间搭载实验
10.Proteomic Analysis of Rice Sheath Infected by Magnaporthe Grisea in Vitro;水稻离体叶鞘受稻瘟病菌侵染后的蛋白质组分析
11.Leaf Sheath Substance Metabolism and Relative Research of Large-panicle Type Rice in Grain Filling Stage;大穗型水稻籽粒灌浆期叶鞘物质代谢及其相关性研究
12.Study on Leptispa Longipennis (Gestro);长鞘卷叶甲Leptispa longipennis(Gestro)的研究
13.Study on the Biocontrol Technique of Coleophora Dah(?)rica;兴安落叶松鞘蛾生物控制技术的研究
14.Responses of Coleophora obducta to Larch Volatile Compositions兴安落叶松鞘蛾对寄主挥发物的反应
16.Spraying smoke of using 0.9% AV bacteriophage against Coleophora dahurica0.9%阿维菌素地面喷烟防治兴安落叶松鞘蛾试验
17.Effects of intrathecal escin and clonidine in the treatment of neuropathic pain in rats鞘内七叶皂苷钠和可乐定治疗神经病理性疼痛
18.Application technology of sex attractant for control of Coleophora laricella兴安落叶松鞘蛾性引诱剂应用技术研究

1.Photosynthetic Function of the Flag Leaf Sheath for Super Hybrid Rice Liangyoupeijiu;超级杂交稻“两优培九”剑叶叶鞘的光合功能
2.By using a super high-yielding hybrid rice combination Liangyoupeijiu,its male parent 9311,female parent Pei ai 64S and a three-line hybrid rice combination Shanyou 63 as experimental materials,the techniques of an artificial reaction system for photosynthetic membrane,and 32Pi isotopic labeling and so on,were used to study the photochemical activities of the flag leaf sheathes for Liangyoupeijiu.以超级杂交稻两优培九及其父本9311、母本培矮64S和三系杂交稻组合汕优63为研究材料,采用光合膜人工反应体系和32Pi同位素标记等技术,初步研究了超级杂交稻两优培九剑叶叶鞘的光化学活性。
1.The numbers of vascular bundle and air chamber for leave-sheath of transgenic rice with BADH cDNA were more than those of Zhong .转 BADH基因水稻品系叶鞘的维管束数、气腔数目比中 8、开系 7、白珍珠多 ,其外表皮角质层比中 8、开系 7、白珍珠相对较厚 ,其维管束面积与中 8、开系 7、白珍珠相差不大 。
2.The microstructure of leave-sheath of rice were studied with electronic scanning micro scope.用扫描电镜对水稻叶鞘表面作了观察,叶鞘表面是由多列纵向排列的片状结构单元构成,每片状结构单元包含长形细胞带、硅化-木栓细胞带、气孔带和瘤状乳突带等4种不同结构区带,并对种和亚种间的异同进行了比较研究。
4)Sheath and leaf鞘叶
5)leaf sheath length叶鞘长度
1.The result showed that the first leaf sheath length increased significantly than control,but seedling height .以98个家系组成的Nipponbare/Kasalath//Nipponbare回交重组自交系及其亲本为遗传材料,利用不同方式GA3处理幼苗以及复合区间作图法,研究了苗高和叶鞘长度对外源GA3处理的敏感性及控制GA3反应指数的数量性状位点(QTL)。
6)Jiaobai leaf茭白鞘叶
