1)Ephedra[英][i'fedr?][美][?'f?dr?, '?f?dr?]麻黄属
1.A new variety of Ephedra——E. equisetina var. monoica Y. Yang;麻黄属一新变种——两性木贼麻黄
2.Fossil Records of Ephedra and Its Early Diversity;麻黄属的化石记录及早期多样性
3.Ontogeny and metamorphic development of female reproductive organs in Ephedra sinica Stapf were surveyed.该种雌球花个体发生式样与麻黄属其他具双胚珠球果的类群基本一致。

1.Chinese ephedra yielding ephedrine.中国麻黄属植物,产生麻黄素。
2.Systematics and Evolution of Ephedra L.(Ephedraceae) from China;中国麻黄属植物的分类—兼论麻黄属的演化
3.Any of various Asian shrubs of the genus Ephedra, especially E. sinica, from which the drug ephedrine is obtained.麻黄任一属于麻黄属的多种亚洲灌木,尤指麻黄,从中可以提取麻黄素
4.any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina.澳大利亚的木麻黄属的几种乔木之一。
5.Staining and slide-preparing technique of mitotic chromosomes and application in karyotype determination of Ephedra麻黄属植物染色体制片技术及核型分析研究
6.plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum.一植物科花小单性果实肉质;在一些分类中包括麻黄属植物和千岁兰属以及买麻藤属。
7.any of several heavy hard reddish chiefly tropical woods of the families Casuarinaceae and Proteaceae; some used for cabinetwork.木麻黄属和山龙眼科的热带树木重而硬的木料,用于细木工。
8.white odorless powdered or crystalline alkaloid from plants of the genus Ephedra (especially Ephedra sinica) or made synthetically; used to treat allergies and asthma.一种白色无味粉状或晶状生物碱,从麻黄属植物中提取或人工合成,用于治疗过敏和哮喘。
9.Either of two Asian plants(Corchorus capsularis or C.olitorius)yielding a fiber used for sacking and cordage.黄麻属植物两种亚洲植物(黄麻属黄麻或长蒴黄麻)中的任何一种,可生产出做麻布袋和绳索的纤维
10.a dicot family of the order Urticales including: genera Ulmus; Celtis; Planera; Trema.苜蓿目中的双子叶植物科包括;榆树属;朴属;水榆属;山黄麻属。
11.Genetic Diversity Research on Wild Species and Cultivating-varieties of Corchorus黄麻属野生种与栽培种遗传资源多样性研究
12.any of various plants of the genus Corchorus having large leaves and cymose clusters of yellow flowers; a source of jute.黄麻属的任何一种植物之一,叶大,黄色花组成聚伞花序;可制成黄麻纤维。
13.International Jute Organization国际黄麻组织(黄麻组织)
14.Conference on Jute and Jute Products黄麻和黄麻产品会议
15.hemp floor covering低级大麻或黄麻地毯布
16.International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products,19821982年国际黄麻和黄麻制品协定
17.Association of European Jute Industries欧洲黄麻工业协会(黄麻协会)
18.United Nations Conference on Jute and Jute Products联合国黄麻和黄麻产品会议

Trema genus山黄麻属
1.Genetic diversity in three species of Casuarina from Xiamen and relationships between them;厦门三种木麻黄属(Casuarina)植物的种内遗传变异和种间亲缘关系分析
1.The aphid genus,Ephedraphis Hille Ris Lambers,which was important economic valuable,is firstly recorded in China.报道中国蚜科Aphididae 1新纪录属———麻黄蚜属EphedraphisHilleRisLambers,195 9和 1新纪录种———麻黄蚜EphedraphisgobicaSzelegiewicz ,196 3。

(一)Ephedra sinica 麻黄科麻黄属植物。又名草麻黄。(二)Heaba Ephedrae 中药。分子式:CAS号:性质:草麻黄、中麻黄(E.intermedia Schrenk et C.A.Mey.)或木贼麻黄(E.equisetina Bge.)的干燥草质茎。辛、微苦,温。主要含生物碱和少量挥发油,如左旋麻黄碱、伪麻黄碱、甲基麻黄碱、甲基伪麻黄碱、去甲基麻黄碱、去甲基伪麻黄碱、麻黄次碱、麻黄噁唑酮、2,3,5,6-四甲基吡嗪、麻黄多糖、黄酮、有机酸及鞣质等。具有发汗散寒,宣肺平喘,利水消肿,祛痰,解热,抗菌,抗病毒,兴奋中枢神经,升高血压等作用。用于风寒感冒,咳喘,浮肿等症。