1.Formation and Development of Archegonium in the Fern Ceratopteris thalictroides(L.)Brongn水蕨颈卵器的形成与发育
2.In present paper, the morphology and development of the archegonium and antheridium of the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L.asiaticaFernald)的颈卵器和精子器的形态和发育进行了细致的研究。
3.The development of archegonium of Pteridium aquilinum (L.以蕨为实验材料 ,利用电子显微镜研究颈卵器的发育过程 ,报道了颈卵器发育过程中各种细胞的超微结构变化 。

1.The swollen lower portion of an archegonium containing the egg.颈卵器颈卵器的隆起的下部,内含卵细胞
2.(of mosses) having the archegonia at the top of the stem.(苔藓)主干顶端有颈卵器
3.Venter The swollen base of an archegonium that contains the egg cell (oosphere).颈卵器)腹部:颈卵器内含有卵细胞(卵球)而向外膨大的基部。
4.For example, the archegonium (female organ) of the moss Funaria secretes sucrose.例如藓类颈卵器(雌性器官)分泌蔗糖。
5.(of mosses) having the archegonia on short lateral branches.(苔藓)在短侧枝上有颈卵器
6.The archegonium is generally reduced in nature.颈卵器在性质上一般是简退的。
7.The minute, rudimentary plant contained within a seed or an archegonium.胚芽小的,初级的植物包含有一个种子或颈卵器
8.Early archegonial development is already evident two weeks after pollination.颈卵器的早期发育在授粉后两周内就业已明显。
9.It is a multicultural flask-shaped structure made up of a narrow neck and a swollen base (venter) that contains the female gamete.颈卵器状似长颈烧瓶,由一条细长的颈部和膨大的腹部(内含雌性配子)组成。
10.Many forest tree species have multiple archegonia which, after fertilization produce a number of proembryos.许多林木树种都有颈卵器,受精以后便产生许多原胚。
11.A similar section through the female plant reveals several bottle-shape archegonia, the female reproductory organs.通过雌株末梢的纵切面所现出的几个瓶状的颈卵器,这就是雌性生殖器官。
12.The female reproductive organs are composed of ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix uteri, vagina and external genitalia.女性生殖器官是由卵巢,输卵管、子宫、子宫颈、阴道和外生殖器组成。
13.Auto ovary transplantation for maintain the ovary function of young patients with cervical carcinoma卵巢移植——维护年轻宫颈癌放疗患者的卵巢功能
14.Clinical analyse of ovary transposition in young patients with cervical cancer年轻宫颈癌患者卵巢移位术临床分析
15.To lay eggs, especially by means of an ovipositor.产卵生蛋,尤指通过产卵器
16.Clinical Analysis of Changes of Ovarian Function on Ovarian Transposition in the Young Patients with Early Cervical Carcinoma for 29 Cases;年轻早期宫颈癌患者卵巢移位术后卵巢功能变化
17.Clinical study on ovarian function in patients with cervical carcinoma receiving ovarian transposition宫颈癌根治术中卵巢移位后卵巢功能的临床研究
18.Study of ovarian function of laparoscopic lateral ovarian transposition in cervical cancer patients腹腔镜宫颈鳞癌手术并卵巢侧面移位术后卵巢内分泌功能的研究

archegonial jacket颈卵器套
1.Advances in the Study on MADS-box Genes of Archegoniatae;颈卵器植物MADS-box基因的研究进展
4)archegonium complex复合颈卵器
5)archegonial initial颈卵器原始细胞
