1.Management and Strategy of Invasive Sea Weed Spartina on Mud Flat;滩涂有害外来生物米草入侵及其管理对策
2.Two types of plants, Spartina angelica and Spartina alterniflora, were introduced successively into the Jiangsu coast, in order to protect the coastline from erosion and to increase the accumulation rate.江苏海岸湿地总面积超过5000km,但围垦活动的加剧使盐沼湿地面积迅速减少;为了达到海岸防护、保滩促淤的目的,先后引种了大米草和互花米草
3.In Yellow River Delta,the biological and ecological characteristics of an invasive alien species spartina were investigated.对黄河三角洲外来入侵物种米草的生物学、生态学特性进行了观测和研究。

1.Comparative Study on the Tolerance Physiological Characteristic of Spartina Anglica and Bruguiear Gymnorrhiza;大米草与木榄耐盐生理特性比较研究
2.Variation of the Spartina alterniflora Loisel along Coastal Wenzhou as Aided by TM Images;1993-2003年间温州沿海互花米草变迁
3.Ecological Study of Spartina Alterniflora in Mangroves Habitats红树林生境中互花米草的生态学研究
5.Distribution of Spartina plantations along the China's coast米草属植物在中国海岸带的分布现状
6.The dirt and grass sod is several meters thick.泥土和草皮有几米厚。
7.Farmers traditionally used long-term rotations of hay, pasture, and corn.农民以往长期实行干草、牧草和玉米轮作。
8.Grass and clover seed should be sown at a depth of 12-20mm.禾木科草和三叶草播种深度应为12-20毫米。
9.Efficacy trial of Cyanaxine 50% WP for Control of Weeds in Corn Field50%氰草津可湿性粉剂防除夏玉米田杂草试验
10.Studies on Transfer of Glyphosate Resistant Gene into Maize Inbred;抗除草剂草甘膦基因导入玉米自交系的研究
11.Study the cornstalk to improve alkali-saline soil in songnen grassland;松嫩草原重度盐碱化草地玉米秸秆改良研究
12.The Active Effect Study of Herbicide Primisulfuron-Methyl;玉米田用除草剂氟嘧磺隆的除草活性研究
13.Application of the Coordination between Elemental Selenium Nanoparticles and Oxalic Acid, Calcium Oxalate纳米硒与草酸、草酸钙相互作用的研究及其应用
14.sagolike starch obtained from cuckoopint root.从延龄草的根部提取的西米状淀粉。
15.(Japanese) rice (with raw fish) wrapped in seaweed.(日本)米饭(和生鱼)卷在海草里面。
16.There was a little hay left and a little corn.只剩下一点儿干草和玉米了。
17.In between the rows of corn there was a scarecrow.在玉米行中间有一稻草人。
18.Weed Control in Maize with 40% Acetochlor + Prometryn EC40%乙·扑乳油防除玉米田杂草试验

spartina alterniflora互花米草
1.Vegetative Dispersal Ability of Spartina alterniflora in Eastern End of Chongming Island;崇明东滩互花米草的无性扩散能力
2.Effects of the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora on insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands in the Yangtze River Estuary;互花米草入侵九段沙河口湿地对当地昆虫多样性的影响
3.Pilot Study on Anaerobic Digestion of Spartina alterniflora to Produce Biogas;互花米草厌氧发酵产沼气初步试验研究
3)Spartina anglica大米草
1.Effect of Spartina anglica on Ecological Environment in Costal Belt Land in China;大米草对我国海涂生态环境的影响
2.Experimental research on the purification of spartina anglica to household wastewater;大米草净化生活污水的研究
3.Effect of carbendazim treatments on morphological plasticity of clonal plant Spartina anglica;多菌灵处理对克隆植物大米草(Spartina anglica)表型可塑性的影响
1.Biological Invasion Countermeasure of Spartina spp. in the Yellow River Delta Coast;黄河三角洲地区大米草入侵与防治对策
2.Organic Mercury Tolerance, Absorption and Transformation in Spartina Plants;大米草对有机汞的耐性、吸收及转化
1.Studies on the influence of Micaojing on the plankton in coastal waters.;米草净对海区浮游生物影响的研究
6)Spartina alterniflora Loisel互花米草
1.Studies on component of Spartina alterniflora Loisel Ⅱ. the research of volatile component with GC-MS;互花米草成分研究Ⅱ.GC-MS法研究挥发性成分
2.New Water Conservancy Projects with Spartina anglica C.E.Hubbard and Spartina alterniflora Loisel;用大米草和互花米草创新水利工程
3.Utilization potential of Spartina alterniflora Loisel as a bio-energy source;互花米草生物质能利用潜力

刺瓜米草【通用名称】刺瓜米草【其他名称】刺瓜米草 (《贵州草药》) 【异名】刺梭罗。 【来源】为百合科植物刺瓜米草的根。 【植物形态】刺瓜米草 灌木,茎枝均具针刺。叶互生,硬革质,有柄,叶片长椭圆形,长1.2~2.8厘米,宽2~6毫米,先端钝,基部圆形,全缘,基出脉3条,网脉明显。伞形花序腋生。浆果。 生于阴山岩缝。分布云南、贵州等地。 【采集】全年可采。 【性味】苦辛,凉。 【功用主治】清热,利尿,驱风。治风湿性关节炎,小便赤。 【选方】①治风湿关节炎:刺瓜米草一两。煨水服。 ②治发烧小便赤:刺瓜米草二钱,阎王刺根一钱半。煨水服。