1.A New Variety of Polygonum from Jiangxi and Its Morphological Characters of Leaf Epidermis;江西蓼属一新变种及其表皮形态特征
2.Polygonum chinense var.procumbens Z.E.Zhao et J.R.Zhao(Polygonaceae),A New Variety from Hainan;蓼属一新变种——铺地火炭母

1.Any of certain related plants of the genus Polygonum.拳参一种与蓼属植物同属的植物
2.Molecular Analysis and Fruit Anatomy in Polygonum L. and Related Genera;蓼属及相关属的分子系统学和果实解剖学研究
3.Any of numerous plants of the widely distributed genus Polygonum, characterized by stems with knotlike joints and conspicuous sheathlike stipules.蓼属植物一种分布广泛的蓼属植物,特征是茎干上带有球状突节和明显的套状托叶
4.a family of plants of order Polygonales chiefly of the north temperate zone; includes the buckwheats.蓼属中草本植物科主要在北温带;包括荞麦。
5.any plant of the genus Eriogonum with small clustered flowers.绒毛蓼属的任何一种植物,具有丛生的小花。
6.Ultrastructural studies of a new pollen type exine of Polygonum蓼属—未知花粉类型外壁超微结构的研究
7.Survey of chemical constituents and bioactivity of Polygonum L. plants蓼属植物的化学成分与药理学活性研究进展
8.Activities of Killing Insects and Action Modes of a Species of Polygonum Plant;一种蓼属植物杀虫活性及其作用方式的研究
9.Advances in the Studies on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivity of Polygonum L.;蓼属植物化学成分和生物活性研究进展
10.Studies on Antibacterial Action of Watery Solution of P.runcinatum Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don.Var;蓼属植物赤胫散醇提物水溶液的抑菌作用
11.Phylogeny of Koenigia Inferred from Plastid trnL-F Sequences基于trnL-F序列推测冰岛蓼属的系统发育
12.The researches on chemical constitunents and pharmacological activities of polygonum plants began at 1980s.等。 蓼属植物化学成分及药理活性研究始于80年代初。
13.The Characteristics of Al-induced Organic Acid Anions Secretion in Polygonums and Rice Bean;铝胁迫下蓼属植物和饭豆根系有机酸分泌特性研究
14.Application of Hierarchical Cluster with GC-MS in the Classification of Polygonum气相色谱-系统聚类分析方法在蓼属植物分类中的应用
15.North American herbs of the buckwheat family.蓼科荞麦属的北美草本。
16.Study on Accumulative Characteristics of Heavy Melts in Soil-Ludwigia Prostrate Roxb System;土壤-丁香蓼系统重金属Cu、Zn积累特征的研究
17.A Study on the Relationships among Some Genera in Polygonaceae, Evidence from Chloroplast DNA Sequences of atpB-rbcL Gene and Anatomical Features of Stems;基于atpB-rbcL基因序列及茎的解剖结构特征对蓼科部分属间关系的研究
18.Reproductive Performance in Two Populations of Polygonum viviparum (Polygonaceae) under Different Habitats不同生境下珠芽蓼(蓼科)的繁殖策略比较

3)Fujian Polygonum L福建蓼属
1.Recent Advance on the Chemistry and Bioactivity of Genus Polygonum;蓼属植物的化学成分与生物活性研究进展
2.Activities of Killing Insects and Action Modes of a Species of Polygonum Plant;一种蓼属植物杀虫活性及其作用方式的研究
3.The genus Polygonum(Polygonaceae)contains rich medicinal plants.本文综述了近年来国内外对蓼属植物的黄酮类化合物及其生物活性的研究概况。
1.A revision of the taxonomic status of two genera, Sportaphis Zhang and Polygonaphis Zhang (Homoptera: Aphididae, Macrosiphinae);蚜科长管蚜亚科戏蚜属和蓼蚜属的分类地位订正(同翅目:蚜科,长管蚜亚科 )(英文)

丁香蓼属属中文名:丁香蓼属属拼音名:dingxiangliaoshu属拉丁名:ludwigia中国植物志:53(2):28描 述:ludwigia l. 丁香蓼属,柳叶菜科,约30种,广布于全球,其中丁香蓼l. prostrata roxb. 和 l. perennis l. 等3种,我国南北均产之。湿生草本;叶互生或对生;花单生于叶腋或簇生,或为顶生的穗状花序或头状花序;萼片4-6;花瓣小,4-6片或缺;雄蕊与萼片同数;子房下位,4-5室,有胚珠多颗;果为一长形的蒴果。所有物种:草龙丁香蓼丁香蓼属黄花水丁香黄花水龙假柳叶菜卵叶丁香蓼毛草龙水龙台湾水龙西香蓼细花丁香蓼