1.The Inhibitory Effects of Auxin and Cytokinin on Dark- and ABA-induced Stomatal Closure in Broad Bean;生长素、细胞分裂素对黑和ABA诱导蚕豆气孔关闭的抑制效应
2.Effects of light or dark on capsaicin content of picked hot pepper fruit光条件对储藏期辣椒果实中辣椒素含量的影响
3.Some studies found that plant hormone ethylene could promote stomatal closure,other results indicated that ethylene prevented ABA-and dark-induced stomotal closure,so the effect of ethylene on stomatal movement was still unclear.研究发现植物激素乙烯有促进气孔关闭的作用,也有结果显示ABA和诱导气孔关闭可被乙烯抑制,可见乙烯对气孔运动的效应还是一个尚未清楚的问题。

1.make dark, dim, or gloomy.使变得黑淡或黑
2.I have scoffed them in my heart.我心里嗤笑他们。
3.Somber or dark in hue.颜色灰的,昏
4.A period of darkness and gloom.一段黑的时间
5.For a moment, he is thinking.他合计了一下。
6.He laughed in his sleeve at the words.听了这话,他好笑.
7.light and shade contrast明反衬,明对照
8.Crookes dark space克鲁克斯区; 阴极区; 第二阴极
9.dark green; dark glasses; dark colors like wine red or navy blue.绿色;色的眼镜;像酒红或者深蓝等颜色。
10."In wind it came and to the dark it will go, and with the dark will its name be covered."因为虚虚而来,而去,名字被黑遮蔽。
11.Scare tactics,@ he thought,“惊吓战术,”他想,
12.He was murdered in 1968.他在1968年被杀。
13.the languor of the sky沉闷 [阴] 的天空
14.egg-shell gloss蛋壳色光泽 -
15.The act of prompting or giving a cue.提醒,示提醒或给予示的行为
16.But they privily examined his bunk.但是他们常常检查他的床铺。
17.He was secretly tired of his girlfriend.他地对他的女朋友厌倦了。
18.And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.他们就坐船,的往旷野地方去。

3)closed conduit暗管,暗渠
4)dark room暗室,暗房
5)dark chamber暗室,暗箱
6)secretly follow sb.暗暗跟踪

暗暗 暗   ①愚昧;昏昧。《灵枢·九针十二原》:“知机之道者,不可挂以发,不知机道,叩之不发,知其往来,要与之期,粗之暗乎,如哉!工独有之。”   ②无光,昏暗。《嵇康集·养生论》:“害之使暗,而无光明。”