1.Two Trunk-damaged Diseases of Eucalyptus and the Control Methods;桉树树干两种病害及其防治
2.Distribution of Urocerus gigas taiganus emergence holes on larch trunks;泰加大树蜂羽化孔在落叶松树干上的分布
3.The oviposition amount of Dictyoploca japonica on Juglans mandshurica trunk is positively related with the age of stands,breast diameter and the degree of bark crack and negatively related with the height of trees.银杏大蚕蛾 Dictyoploca japonica Moore在胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica树干上的产卵量与林龄、胸径及树皮开裂程度成正比 ,而与树高成反比 ;山的北坡、西坡、山下腹较东坡、南坡、山的中上腹产卵量高 ,树干的北面和西面的产卵量高于南面和东面。

1.The trunk of a palm or tree fern.棕榈树或树蕨的树干
2.a gnarled oak, branch, trunk多节瘤的橡树、 树枝、 树干.
3.A tree branch, especially a large or main branch.树干树枝,尤指粗大的树枝或树干
4.They covered the tree trunks and branches with ice.树干和树枝被冰覆盖着。
5.an assurgent stem or leaf.向上生长的树干或树叶。
6.The trunk of this tree is four meters thick.这棵树的树干有四米粗。
7.a tree with an unbranched trunk.树干上没有分支的树。
8.The stems twined around the tree trunk.(草)茎缠绕着树干
9.a disease affecting the trunks of pear and apple trees.影响梨树或苹果树树干的一种
10.trees with columned trunks; columnar forms; a columnlike tree trunk.有圆柱形树干的树;圆柱形;圆柱形的树干
11.He is hewing away at the trunk of the tree他不停地照著树干砍去
12.No more trunk for you to climb on.“也没有树干让你攀爬了。”
13.temperate and cold savannah温带和寒带稀树干草原
14.a partially submerged log or trunk.部分浸没的木头或树干.
15.to get liquid from (the trunk of a tree) by making a hole in it在(树干)上凿孔取液汁
16.You can train the branch but not the trunk.细枝易弯,树干难曲。
17.blackberry( wild shrub with thorny stems)黑莓(野生灌木,树干有刺).
18.Metal sleeves fastened around their stems.金属套简包着树干

1.A study on the changing values of form index andgeometrical solids of tree stem;形状指数的变动及树干几何体变化规律的研究
2.An organo phosphorous pesticide-monocrophos that has long persistent effect period and broad-spectrum insecticidal activity was injected into Italian poplar stem through the bored hole in basal part.在意杨树干基部钻眼 ,注射持效期长、杀虫谱广的有机磷农药久效磷 ,经其木质部的导管、管胞输送到叶片 ,通过胃毒作用杀死意杨叶面害虫 ,效果好、持续时间长。
3.Based on the study on distribution law of moisture content of stem(barking)for Eucalyptus grandisxurophylla,this paper presented that the moisture content of stem(barking)for Eucalyptus grandisxurophylla could be gained by investigating the moisture content of stem at relative tree height 3/10,which would reduce work in investigating biomass of stem (barking)for Eucalyptus grandisxurophylla.研究巨尾桉树干 (去皮 )含水率的分布规律后 ,认为巨尾桉树干 (去皮 )的含水率可以采用调查 3/1 0 H处的含水率获得 ,大大减小巨尾桉树干 (去皮 )生物量调查工作量 。
1.Fire resistance of Pinus armandii bole were tested with fuel bed designed by the authors during the prohibitive period of forest fire.在森林防火戒严期,用自行设计的装置对云南主要造林树种华山松(Pinus armandii)进行了不同温度、时间作用下的树干耐火性试验,用红四氮唑对高温作用后的树干韧皮部进行了染色,经勾绘、扫描后用Photoshop软件将死亡的韧皮部处理成易于计算机识别的纯色,用Visual Basic6。
4)The trunk of a tree.树干树的主干
5)Stem flow树干径流
1.Nitrate nitrogen content of stem flow of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Tiantong is determined by phenol disulfonic acid method in August 2007.通过测定天童常绿阔叶林2007年8月份降雨和树干径流中硝态氮含量,分析8月份全部降水过程树干径流中硝态氮的变化规律及其与其它生态因子之间的相互关系。
2.The water quality of canopy throughfall is better than that of stem flow.为探讨桉树人工林冠层对降雨水质的影响过程与特征,采用林内雨收集系统收集水样,研究了6种不同林分人工林对冠层穿透水和树干径流水浊度、色度、pH值、化学需氧量(COD)等的影响。
1.Characteristics of Precipitation Redistribution and Stemflow in Quercus acutissima Mixed Forest in Miyun, Beijing;北京密云麻栎人工混交林降水再分配及树干茎流特征
2.Characteristcs of Precipitation and Plantation and the Stemflow of Constracted Forest in Qianyanzhou Experimental Station;千烟洲试验区大气降雨特征及人工林树干茎流特征
3.Characteristics of precipitation and forest stemflow of Dongling Mountainous area;东灵山地区大气降水特征及森林树干茎流

树干1.亦作"树干"。 2.树的主体部分;树身。