1.Observations on leaf ontogeny of Sinofranchetia (Lardizabalaceae);串果藤属(Sinofranchetia)叶的个体发育研究
2.Morphology, Structure, Development and Systematics of Sinofranchetia (Lardizabalaceae);串果藤属(木通科)植物的形态、结构、发育及系统位置研究
3.Sargentodoxa,Decaisnea and Sinofranchetia show many primary characters in anatomy, structure,and other aspects,the three genera occupy the primary systematic position in Lardizabalaceae,and they are monotypic genus endemic to China.猫屎瓜属(Decaisnea)、串果藤属(Sinofranchetia)和大血藤属三属均为我国特有或准特有的单种属,因具有原始的广义形态学特征,均被置于木通科的基部。

1.Morphology, Structure, Development and Systematics of Sinofranchetia (Lardizabalaceae);串果藤属(木通科)植物的形态、结构、发育及系统位置研究
2.any of numerous woody vines of genus Vitis bearing clusters of edible berries.任何葡萄属结可食果实串的木本藤蔓植物。
3.small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit.亚洲的一个木质藤本小属,果实多籽。
4.Of, relating to, or having the nature of vines.藤生植物藤的、关于藤的或有藤属性的
5.string attribute串属性;串型属性;字符串属性;信息串属性
6.were the vines drooping under their loads of grapes.只有坠着串串葡萄的葡萄藤;
7.a family of vines belonging to order Rhamnales.属于鼠李属的葡萄藤科。
8.African woody vines: calabar beans.产于非洲的一个木质藤本植物属;其果实为加拉巴尔豆。
9.An African vine(Citrullus lanatus)cultivated for its large, edible fruit.西瓜一种非洲藤本植物(西瓜西瓜属),因其大而可食之果实而栽培
10.a melon vine of the genus Cucumis; cultivated from earliest times for its cylindrical green fruit.黄瓜属的一种藤蔓植物;由于其柱形的绿色果实而被种植。
11.plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum.一植物科花小单性果实肉质;在一些分类中包括麻黄属植物和千岁兰属以及买麻藤属。
12.small wild or half-domesticated Eurasian plum bearing small ovoid fruit in clusters.欧亚小型半野生半栽培的李属植物,串状卵形小果实。
13.Any of various climbing palms of the genera Calamus, Daemonorops, or Plectomia of tropical Asia, having long, tough, slender stems.藤,省藤属于省藤属或白藤属的热带亚洲的爬山虎类植物中的任意一种,茎细长而硬朗
14.A tendril-bearing Old World vine(Citrullus colocynthis) bearing yellowish, green-mottled fruits the size of small lemons.药西瓜一种卷须状旧大陆藤本植物(药西瓜西瓜属),结有黄色有绿色斑点小柠檬大小的果实
15.any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone.热带美洲尖果属的任何一种木本植物,其根在当地用来毒鱼、商业上用来制作鱼藤酮。
16.Any of various Eurasian tendril-bearing vines of the genus Bryonia, having red or black berries and tuberous roots formerly used as medicine.泻根生长在欧亚大陆,生有卷须的泻根属的藤类植物,结红色或黑色果实,其块根原用作药物
17.Any of various shrubs or vines of the genus Lonicera, having opposite leaves, fragrant, usually paired tubular flowers, and small berries.忍冬一种忍冬属的灌木或藤本植物,有对生叶,芳香的常成对的管状花和小浆果
18.Phyla Lour.(Verbenaceae)--A Newly Recorded Genus from Qinling Mountains秦岭马鞭草科一新记录属——过江藤属

Sino-franchetia chinensis串果藤
3)Bagella Rubra L藤菜鲜果
1.Effects of Tea Polyphenols on Stabilization of the Pigment from Bagella Rubra L.;茶多酚对藤菜鲜果色素的稳定化作用研究
4)Myriopteron extensum (Wight) K Schum翅果藤
1.Study on Nutrition and Pigment of E.laeta;酸藤果的营养和色素的研究
6)byttneria aspera刺果藤
