1.Nutrient contents in Kingdonia uniflora ramet and their relations to heterogeneous environment on Taibai Mountains;太白山独叶草无性系分株营养元素含量对异质环境的响应
2.miconioides was analyzed at genet and ramet levels, respectively, in Dapan Mountain of Zhejiang Province.以浙江大盘山七子花为对象,从基株和无性系分株2个层次上进行种群结构研究。

1.They may kill newly established ramets.新成长起来的无性系分株可能会被致死。
2.Study on Fuzzy Classification of Plus Trees Selection and Clonal Test in Walnut核桃优株选择及无性系测定的Fuzzy分级研究
3.The Study on Cd Effect of Growth and Some Physiological Characteristics of Populus Clones;镉胁迫对杨树无性系植株生长发育及部分生理特性影响的研究
4.The study of quantitative characters on reproductive biomass in the clone of Puccinelilia tenuiflora at anthsis stage in the Songnen plains of China松嫩平原星星草无性系生殖分蘖株数量性状的定量研究
5.Analysis on Quantitative Characteristic of Tillers on Poa sphondylodes Clones in the Songnen Plain松嫩平原硬质早熟禾果后营养期无性系分蘖株的数量特征分析
6.Quantitative Analysis of Tillers on Puccinellia Tenuiflora Clone on the Songnen Plain of China松嫩平原星星草果后营养期无性系分蘖株的数量特征
7.A Primary Experiment of Bud Sport Selection of Variant Clone of Fortunella obvata Plant四季桔花叶变异无性系植株选育初报
8.Studies on variation within tree of wood density in arbor willow clones乔木柳无性系木材基本密度株内变异的研究
9.Establishment of Regeneration Clones and Rapid Propagation of Ocimum Bbassilicum;驱蚊香草优良变异植株无性系建立的研究
10.Studies on Allocation Pattern of Nutritive Element in the Clonal Genets of Cyclobalanopsis Glauca;青冈无性系基株营养元素的空间格局研究
11.Tissue cultivation and establishment of asexual line of Zinnia linearis细叶百日草变异植株的组织培养及无性系建立
12.Non-Dormancy Alfalfa Character Analysis for Selection Excellent individuals in Breeding非秋眠紫花苜蓿株系优选的性状分析
13.Quantitative Trait Loci for Adult-Plant Resistance Against Yellow Rust in a Wheat-Derived Recombinant Inbred Line Population小麦重组自交系成株抗条锈性QTL分析
14.Clonal propagation of plants by runners is based on meristematic activity of the differentiated cells of the plants.植物通过长匐茎的无性繁殖基于植株分化细胞的分生活性
15.The Technical Research of Female Individual Asexual Propagation and the Establishment of Propagation System of Castor (Ricinus Communis) in Two Forms;蓖麻雌性单株两种无性繁殖技术研究及繁殖体系构建
16.Characteristics Study and SRAP Analysis of Newhall Navel Orange Mutants纽荷尔脐橙变异株系主要性状及SRAP分析研究
17.Analysis on Combining Ability of the Plant-type Characters of Improved Lancaster Inbred LinesLancaster群体改良自交系株型性状的配合力分析
18.Flowering and Fruiting Analyses of Selected Chestnut Individuals几个板栗株系的开花结果习性比较分析

1.Nutrient contents in Kingdonia uniflora ramet and their relations to heterogeneous environment on Taibai Mountains;太白山独叶草无性系分株营养元素含量对异质环境的响应
2.miconioides was analyzed at genet and ramet levels, respectively, in Dapan Mountain of Zhejiang Province.以浙江大盘山七子花为对象,从基株和无性系分株2个层次上进行种群结构研究。
3)male clone雄株无性系
1.RAPD molecular markers were used to analyse 10 male clones of Gingko from 11 provinces in this study.利用RAPD分子标记技术对来自10个省份的银杏雄株10个无性系的研究表明,12对引物共扩增出了96条带,多态性条带41条,占总带数的42%,扩增片段长度为300~2 000 bp,10个银杏雄株无性系间表现出较丰富的多态性;利用12对引物的41个分子标记完全可以对10个不同银杏雄株无性系进行识别,谱带清晰,因此利用RAPD技术进行银杏雄株无性系识别是可行的。
4)the number of individuals per clone无性系株数
5)single plant C单株无性系
6)aseptic system无菌株系
1.A study on establishment of aseptic system by shoot tip culture and proliferation in Musa spp.cv.Caijiao(ABB group);柴蕉茎尖培养无菌株系建立与芽苗增殖

茶树无性系品种茶树无性系品种clonal variety of tea plant  茶树无性系品种(elonal variety of teaplant)采用无性繁殖方法育成的茶树品种,称为茶树无沮三系品种或无性繁殖系品种。这种茶树选种方法在中国约于17一18世纪就已开始应用。无性系品种是从同一个茶树母体中取其一部分营养体(茎、叶、根等)进行扦插、压条繁殖新个体,不通过两性细胞结合后染色体的重新组合过程,故能保持繁殖个体的性状特性相对一致性和稳定性。通常无性系品种茶树的生长整齐,发芽一致,采茶省工,也可提高茶叶品质。其缺点是存在遗传基因的狭窄性.必须多品种搭配种植或以种子繁殖的方式加以克服。 茶树无性系品种按照使用的性质又分为单无性系、双无性系和多元无性系。单无性系是以一个独立的无性系为单位,进行无性繁殖方式繁殖茶苗在生产上应用,但有个别单无性系也可用产生的种子供生产上应用。若以两个不同特点的无性系,按照一定比例同时种植在一个茶园中产生的杂交种子叫做双无性系。多元无性系是指三个或三个以上不同特点的茶树无性系种植在同一采种园中产生的杂交种子。无性系的种子繁殖后代,品种纯度有所降低,故在生产中应对苗木择优使用。(陈炳环)